Broken Souls

Chapter 16: Grandma

Kay’s POV

I wake up with the sun pouring into my room, and I can tell it was very late in the morning if not afternoon. Aaron’s steady breathing and warmth would have been enough to lull me back to sleep if I didn’t have to pee so badly. I manage to very slowly untangle myself from his limbs, and slip to the bathroom.

I take a few minutes in the bathroom to wash my face and really realize that he is still there in my bed with me. I truly want him to be. I just can’t believe everything that’s happening. How do I keep from losing everything?

I make my way back to my bedroom, but get lost staring at the very sexy sleeping man. His auburn hair is a wonderful mess, and his face look so relaxed. His full lips look just as tempting. His bare chest and perfect body are begging for me to run my hands on his perfect skin.

I really can’t help but watch him while he is sleeping and chew my bottom lip a little. I finally slip back into the bed with him. Quicker than I could think, his arms wrapped around me.

“I was wondering if you would come back or not.” His voice is husky and so very sexy.

Aaron buries his face into my neck and hair, breathing deeply, and I start to giggle when he lightly brushed my neck with his nose.

“You smell delicious,” Aaron says in a low growl. I’m giggling more now getting lost in his cresses and small kisses. I think this is how I want to spend my last day at the lake house: completely wrapped up in his arms.

The knock at the door interrupts Aaron’s kisses on my neck and shoulder, and he growls at the door. I blush because Oriel and Michael are going to know he stayed all night in my room with me.

“Go away,” Aaron says glaring at the door.

“No! You two get out here in ten minutes, or I’m coming in there after you. I’m starving and Michael won’t let me cook anything. He can’t cook either. Come on! I may die of starvation.” Oriel sounds determined, and I can hear the pout in her voice.

I smile as Aaron hangs his head in defeat. We both know she’ll come in here and drag us out. I pull out of Aaron’s arms, and he pouts. “Fine,” Aaron growls at the door again.

“Yay! Thank you. I’m so hungry…Hurry up!” Oriel squeals a little excitedly. Aaron gets up and snakes his arms around me.

“I need to go get dressed, but first I want a kiss,” he says looking at me with hungry eyes. His lips lock on mine in a passionate kiss that leaves us both breathless. All too soon, he’s pulling away kissing me on the forehead.

“See you downstairs,” he says as he lets me go and leaves my room.

Alpha Aaron’s POV

I mind link Oriel quickly as I go back to my room and change.

“Oriel I need your help.”

I wait for only a second before she’s squealing in my mind: “So what can I help you with?” Oriel sounds positively giddy.

“I need you to clean up the Alpha apartments. Just strip them down. I think I broke everything up there anyway.”

Oriel was quiet for a long moment. “Umm Aaron, I kinda already did that when we fixed your office. You destroyed everything, so I just figured...” She trailed off. I could tell she was waiting to see how I would respond.

“Thank you, Oriel. I know it needed to be done. I do appreciate it, oh also have the fridge and pantry stocked.”

I cut the mind link when I got to my room and let out a long sigh. As happy as I am about Kay, the pain of losing Lily still gets me. I get dressed, and my mind is still wrapped up with sweet Kay. All I know is I never want to be away from her again. I don’t know how she did it, but I know I loved her long before I knew she was my second chance.

Kay’s POV

After Aaron left, I get dressed and brush my hair, putting it up in a ponytail. I can’t get over how happy I feel. It’s that scary, stupid happy. I finish getting ready, and it dawns on me: I didn’t have any more nightmares last night. Was it because he was with me?

I make it downstairs before Aaron. Michael and Oriel are cuddled on the couch watching a movie.

“Oh, thank God! Please make food,” Oriel says dramatically.

“What happened to all the snacks?” Aaron’s rough voice says from behind me.

“Ask your Beta here.” Oriel glares at Michael.

“What? I’m a big guy. I was hungry, and you helped.” Michael shrugs with a goofy grin.

“That’s okay, how about pasta?” I ask.

Oriel grins. “YES,”

I giggle at her and head to the kitchen. Just like yesterday Aaron follows me, but this time we both get to work. In no time, we have chicken parmesan, pasta, and salad ready. Oriel is practically drooling.

The rest of the day we spend watching more movies I’ve never seen and laughing. I truly never want today to end. It’s been so long since I was this happy and the feeling fills me with so much warmth. I sigh as I snuggle close to Aaron’s warmth. It isn’t long before my eyes start to feel heavy, and I feel Aaron scoop me up in his arms.

“Come on, my love, let’s go to bed,” Aaron says quietly in my ear, and I realize I had fallen asleep. I just lean into his chest and I’m too sleep to say much else. I hardly notice when we enter Aaron’s room, and he sets me down on the bed. I open my eyes, taking in my surroundings. His room is massive and decorated in dark grays and deep blues. He gives me a sheepish smile.

“Please stay with me,” he says, and he looks so needy I can’t say no. I don’t really want to go either. I nod my head, and he looks relieved.

He goes into the closet and comes out in his sweatpants and no shirt. He looks delicious, like that. He’s holding my bag, and I smirk at him: He planned on this since he left my room this morning. I take my bag and find my Pjs, and he shows me the bathroom. He even has my hairbrush and toothbrush on the counter by the sink. I glance over at him, and he’s grinning at me.

“I was kinda hoping you would say yes.”

I smile at him, slipping into the bathroom to get ready for bed. When I come out, Aaron is sitting up in the bed with his back against the headboard. He gives me a small smile, and I can’t help the nervous butterflies I get when I look at him.

“Are you coming to bed?” he asks me since I haven’t moved. I force myself to move and sit on the edge of the bed. I hear Aaron chuckle and growl a little as he comes across the bed to scoop me up.

He lays me back with me his arms wrapped around me and my cheek resting on his chest. I listen to the sound of his heart beating as he lightly caresses my arm and back. I can feel my eyes lids getting heavy as soft tingles trail down my arm following his touch.

“Thank you for staying with me, and thank you for giving me a chance.” He leans in and kisses my forehead. I can only manage a hum of pleasure. He chuckles softly, “Goodnight, Kay.”

I wake up in the morning completely wrapped up in Aaron’s large strong arms. He’s holding me so close to his ches,t there is no way I can move. I manage to look up a little to look at his face; he looks so peaceful and relaxed. I’m staring at him, and I realize: I didn’t have any nightmares. For the first time in four years, I slept all night. I can hardly believe it.

I work my hand up to his face and lightly caress his cheek and jaw. I’m met with a sleepy smile and a low growl. He hugs me tighter, and I’m giggling at him.

“Good morning,” I say to him still waiting for him to open his eyes.

“No, it can’t be morning yet.’ he replies in his husky sleepy voice.

“Yep, it’s morning, and I want coffee and breakfast.” I giggle at him and try to wiggle free. He just holds me and growls.

He finally opens his eyes and looks into mine. “Fine but only because you’re so damn cute and coffee sounds good.” He kisses me sweetly and lets me go. I shiver, feeling cold now that he’s not holding me, but I get up and grab my bag pulling out some clothes. I head to the bathroom to change.

By the time I come out of that bathroom, Aaron is ready to go. He holds his hand out, and I don’t hesitate to take his hand as we go down to the kitchen. Oriel and Michael must still be asleep because the house is quiet. I make coffee, and I can see Aaron getting eggs and bacon. The quiet morning is blissful, and I’m soaking up every moment of it. I want this always.

The sudden knock at the door makes me jump, and I look at Aaron confused about who it could be. His furrowed brows and clenched jaw tells me he wasn’t expecting anyone.

“Stay here Kay,” he says, heading to the door quickly. I hear him open the door, and I move to the doorway of the kitchen.

“Can I help you?” Aaron’s deep voice is in full Alpha tone.

“No, you can’t young man, but I can help you.”

My jaw drops. I know that voice! Before I can even think about it, I run from the kitchen to the front door. Aaron tries to step in front of me and the person at the door, but he isn’t fast enough. I’m already there with the old woman wrapped in my arms breathing in lavender.

“Grandma!” I breathe hardly believing she’s here. Grandma hugs me back stroking my hair,

“Hello darling girl.”

I finally let her go to look at the warm face and gray-blue eyes. She’s smiling at me, and I still can’t believe she’s here. How is she here? I look at Aaron, and he looks just as confused as I am.

“Come on, you two, let an old woman come in and sit down. Young man, I take my eggs over easy.” She winks at him and just walks right in the door, heading straight for the kitchen.

I follow her shrugging at Aaron. He looks even more confused.

“How did she…. Where did she…. What just happened? Did she give me a breakfast order?” Aaron is completely lost.

“That’s just Grandma. I don’t know how she’s here. So, we might as well ask her that?” I say shrugging again and following after the old woman.

She’s already sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee sipping it slowly. I know I’m gawking at her, and she just smiles.

“Kay, will you and Aaron please come here? We need to have a chat,” she says.

How did she know his name? Aaron and I exchange glances, but I join her at the counter and Aaron stands close to me. I can tell he doesn’t trust her.

“Why don’t you two make breakfast, and then we can sit for a moment? I think I better let you two know what’s going on,” Grandma says smiling at us both.

“Why don’t you start telling us now,” Aaron says nearly glaring at her.

“You can stop glaring at me, young man. If I wanted to hurt Kay, I would have done it long before now. I’m here to help, I promise you that.” Grandma is speaking just as calmly as always, and I have always trusted her.

“Grandma, why are you here? How did you find me? How did you even get here?” I’m asking her hoping she’ll just tell me, but she has never been one for straightforward answers.

“All right, well do this part first.” She sighs, and I’m more confused. What did that mean, this part first?

“Kay, like I told you before, I have always been here for you. I have been looking out for you your whole life. I’m a witch. I have a lot to tell you, my dear.”

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