Broken Souls

Chapter 11: Feelings

Kay’s POV

Three weeks. Alpha Aaron has managed to keep himself away from the pack house for three whole weeks. Beta Michael has been filling in, but he is overwhelmed and looks so tired. He is usually so bright and happy, but as the days go by, he’s looking worse and worse.

Oriel keeps trying to get Alpha Aaron to come back and do his job. Alpha Aaron says he is, and he’s taking care of things. I think Oriel might just kill Alpha Aaron when he does come back.

True to her word, though, Oriel has acted like I’m not supposed to be confined anywhere. I go to training with her in the morning, and I’ve gotten a lot better. I can feel Diana stronger in my mind, and as I get stronger, she does too. She says we can shift soon, and I can’t wait. Maybe we’ll just run and keep running ’til no one can ever find us.

I don’t really want to leave here. I love everyone I’ve gotten to know. I may not like Alpha Aaron for all of this, but I have made friends here. I help in the kitchen and bake every night. I have won over a lot of the warriors with cakes and pastries. I have gotten to know a lot of their families. Also, many of the children have been coming to the pack house while their parents are busy with pack duties. The children love Grandma’s oatmeal cookies, and I keep an ample supply of them handy. This pack is the closest thing to home I have had in a long time. The only thing keeping me from being completely happy is Alpha and his stubbornness.

Oriel comes rushing into the kitchen, “Come on, we need to go!” she says quickly. I’m in the kitchen helping prep for dinner.

“What?” I ask Oriel, a bit stunned.

“Big bad Alpha is back, and he’s not in the best mood. I may have already given him an ear full, and he’s kinda pissed now, so we should go. How about dinner in town?”

Alpha Aaron’s POV

I just got back to the pack house, and I feel like crap. I know I was away too long. Griffin won’t talk to me; he just howls all day and all night. I just want to sleep, and he won’t stop. Then the moment I get out of the car, Oriel is there to tell me what an ass I am, how bad I’m messing up, and how unfair I have been to the pack and Michael. Like she hasn’t been doing that every day the past three weeks. I snapped at her a bit more aggressively than I mean to, but she gets the point and leaves, throwing her hands up muttering about stupid Alphas.

I rub my hands on my face as I enter the pack house, and I can smell her everywhere. Jasmine swirls around, and I can feel everything in me want more of it. “Mine,” Griffin growls in my head. He actually stops howling. I look around, and I’m in shock. There are people in the common rooms playing games and pups running everywhere. The pack house is alive. How is this possible? It died when Lily died.

I head up to my office and find a very tired Beta, and I feel bad for what I put him through. He looks up at me.

“You got your head out of your ass yet?” Michael says, hiding none of his frustration.

“What’s with all the wolves downstairs?” I ask him, sitting on the sofa feeling completely drained.

Michael sighs. “Kay is the reason they are here. She’s infectious. She has a way of getting people to like her. It started with her baking and everyone loving that. Then the pups were just drawn to her. She makes them cookies, plays with them, and helps them when they are upset. She knows most of the wolves on regular patrols. She even knows their families and takes time to talk with them about things going on in their lives.” Michael just shrugs.

Yep, Oriel didn’t listen to me at all about keeping Kay out of the way. I shake my head and rub my face.

“Where is Oriel now?” I ask Michael trying to stay calm.

“She said she was taking Kay out shopping and dinner.”

I try to mind link Oriel, and I’m not surprised she has her block up. I’m even more frustrated than ever. Oriel knew I wanted her kept out of the way, and she purposely ignored me.

“I need to go for a run. Tell your mate I want to see her when she gets back. Also, Kay is to stay in her room ’til I figure out what to do.”

I’m starting to leave when Michael stops me. “All due respect, Alpha. Didn’t you spend the last three weeks figuring out what to do? I think you know what you should do: either reject her or get to know her.” I let out a low growl, and if he weren’t my best friend, I would have ripped him apart.

“Stay out of it, Michael,” is all I can growl out at him before leaving the office and the pack house.

Kay’s POV

Oriel and I spend hours in the mall, and she has me trying on so many things that I was so tired.

“Are we done yet?” I pout at her, “I’m ready for dinner.”

Oriel looks up at me from the clothes rack. “Oh, I guess it is getting late. Yeah, let’s get some pizza.” she’s smiling, but I know it’s not a genuine smile.

“What’s wrong?” I ask her, very concerned about her.

“Let go get some food, then we can talk,” she says, sighing a little. She is clearly upset.

We head out of the mall and walk a short way to a cute little pizza place we both love. We sit in a booth and order our food.

“Okay, what’s up? Why are you so down?” I cross my arms and wait for her to spill.

“Okay, Aaron is really pissed that I didn’t keep you more out of the way. I’m supposed to go talk with him as soon as we are back. You also have to stay in your room.” She sighs, “I just don’t know why he’s being like this; he was always so kind and caring, and now he’s so different.” She looks so sad, and my heart can’t take it.

I give her a warm smile and stand up from the table, “Come on. I’ve had enough of this. Let’s go talk to that Alpha then.” I can hardly believe what I’m saying, but I can’t stand that Oriel is in trouble for not keeping me locked up. I won’t let her get in trouble for me. I don’t even care that I’m still starving. Diana is cheering me on, saying it’s about time I stand up for myself.

We are back at the pack house, and Oriel tells me Aaron up in his office. I still can’t believe what I’m doing, but Diana encourages me to keep going. We march our way all the way to his office, and now Oriel seems just as mad as I am. Oriel knocks on the door stepping in front of me. Michael opens the door, and I take one last deep breath.

Aaron sits at his desk, looking through papers. He doesn’t look up as the door opens. But the moment we are in, he looks up, and glares at Oriel.

“What is she doing here?” He sounds murderous, and I almost lose my nerve. I remember how sad Oriel looked and everything he is doing to me.

All he is doing is keeping me around for no reason and trying to lock me away. I can’t, and I won’t be locked up. He won’t give me a chance, and I know Diana said we should try, but I don’t want to. I just feel so angry. The Boss wanted to hurt me, and it seems that’s all this Alpha intends to do as well.

Before Oriel can even say anything to him, I step out from behind her, and Beta Michael closes the door and moves to the sofa. I guess he’s waiting to see what’s going to happen. I’m glaring right back at Alpha Aaron and standing as tall as I possibly can.

“No! You don’t get to do that. I’m sick of this! You don’t want me, fine, but you won’t keep me locked up! I will not be a prisoner again! Oriel hasn’t done anything wrong. She has just been my friend, and you’re completely stupid to be mad at her for it! You just run away and refuse to try to know me! If you don’t want me and want to run away from here because of me, then fine! I can fix that!” with that, I bolt from the office and the pack house.

I make it to the woods, and it’s getting dark, but thanks to Diana, I can see just fine. Diana is in my head, half happy we told him off and half sad for leaving him. I would have rejected him, but Diana begged me not to. If he comes after me, I still might try. I’m done with this, and I can live through hell and pain.

Alpha Aaron POV

Oriel comes to my office, but she brings Kay with her, and I am mad. I clearly am not expecting this. That tiny girl yells at me. She is angry with me, and she isn’t wrong. I know everything has been unfair to her. Before I can even say anything, she runs. She fucking runs away again.

I’m sitting stunned for a moment when Michael clears his throat.

“I think you should catch her before you lose her.” he says, giving me a worried look. Before I know it, I’m up and out of the office following the smell of jasmine, and I let Griffin lead me to her. He’s howling in excitement instead of pain now. I know it will be easy to follow her, but I’m surprised how far ahead she is already. She is extremely fast.

Kay’s POV

I run until the woods open up in a clearing. I can smell the early spring flowers floating in the night. I’m still angry, but the long run through the woods helped burn off some of the rage.

I walk out into the clearing looking at the small flower covering the ground. It reminds me of the fairy tales mama would tell me. I miss her so much. She always knew how to make everything better. She was so kind and loving to everyone. She could make even the darkest day seem bright.

The moon is full and bright tonight, and Diana suddenly comes full force into my mind.

“Kay, I think we should try to shift.” She’s so excited that I can’t help feel excited as well. I’m a little scared, and I know it’s going to hurt. I’ve lived through pain before, so it can’t be too much worse, I guess.

I kick off my shoes and quickly strip, standing in the clearing bathed in moonlight. Diana tells me I relax and breathe and let her take my mind and body over. I’m happy to let her; it’s almost an escape and the freedom I long for.

It isn’t long before the pain shoots through my whole body, and my bones pop and shift. I can feel every bone in my body breaking. I fall to my hands and knees as tears leak from my eyes, but I just keep breathing. I open my eyes as I feel my skin crawling and itching as hair quickly grows, covering my skin. My jaw shifts. I feel it elongate, and it hurts so much I squeeze my eyes close.

Soon, however, the pain has stopped, and I feel myself standing on all fours. I open my eyes, and the world comes into crystal clear focus. It’s as bright as noon, and I can see everything. Sounds come rushing in next. I can hear the crickets moving in the grass. A pair of foxes run through the bushes, chasing one another. Smells are flooding in, and I can tell the foxes are a male and female, and that makes me smile. I can smell every sweet flower and pine tree.

Then, I catch the faint smell of cedar. I turn my head and see him standing in the trees. This time it’s Diana’s turn. She growls fiercely at him snapping her teeth. She turns, and just like lightning, she’s gone running faster than I could have ever imagined. I let her have complete control enjoying my first bit of absolute freedom in what feels like forever.

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