Broken Hearts : New-Adult Angsty College Romance (Silverbrook University Book 2)

Chapter Broken Hearts: Epilogue-1

It’s the beginning of summer, and today, under a clear blue sky, I’m getting ready for a day that feels more like a dream than a reality. My wedding day to Cole, set in the stunning gardens of the Westbrook estate.

In the bridal suite, the atmosphere buzzes with excitement. My bridesmaids, Poppy and Nessa, are a flurry of activity, their laughter and chatter a soothing balm to my jittery nerves. I catch my reflection in the mirror, draped in an exquisite wedding gown that emphasizes the generous curves that Cole can’t get enough of.

My fingers gently trace the lace bordering the plunging V neckline of my gown, a tease reserved for Cole’s eyes. This dress, a custom creation from Jade, embodies new beginnings. It’s crafted with care, incorporating lace from my mother’s wedding gown, now part of my own. The full tulle skirt drapes beautifully to the floor, ending in a dramatic chapel train, a perfect blend of past and present.

Adjusting the delicate veil, I notice Nessa’s reflection. Her recent heartbreak casts a shadow, but her resilience shines through her smile. “No sad eyes on your wedding day,” she chides.

Poppy joins in, her laughter filling the room. “Yeah, today’s about love and ridiculously over-the-top romance. Heartbreak can take a day off.”

I smile, grateful for their strength and support. “I want you both to be as happy as I am.”

Nessa winks, a spark of her usual fiery spirit shining through. “Give it time. For now, let’s focus on getting you hitched in style.”

At that moment, Jade walks in, her eyes lighting up at the sight of me. “Oh, Eva, you look absolutely breathtaking!” Her voice is filled with warmth and joy.

Her presence brings a comforting energy to the room, a gentle reminder of the family I’m about to officially join… again. We share a heartfelt embrace, and she whispers, “Cole is the luckiest man. You’ve brought so much joy to his life.”

Jade hands me a gift—a diamond necklace. “A Westbrook family heirloom—your something borrowed,” she says, her voice filled with emotion. “Every Westbrook bride has worn it. Now it’s your turn.”

My breath catches at its beauty, and Nessa can’t help but blurt out, “Holy shit!” breaking the tension with her candor.

Overwhelmed, tears well up in my eyes. Jade’s acceptance and the significance of this gesture deepen my sense of belonging in this family. “I’m honored,” I manage to say, touched by her generosity and love.

“Cole is so nervous at the altar, fidgeting like a schoolboy. The love in his eyes… It reminds me of his father. Westbrook men love deeply, and you’re his one and only, Eva.”

As Jade and the girls leave to take their places, my father steps in. His eyes brim with unspoken emotion, and I feel a lump forming in my throat. “I wish your mother could see you,” he chokes out. “She’d think it’s madness, but she’d be so proud. My fairy, you’re beautiful.”

“I love you, Dad. I know it’s all crazy, but I love Cole so much. I can’t breathe right without him.”

He sighs with resignation and humor. “Yes, I see that. And now, I have an asshole for a son-in-law. That’s karma for all the grief I gave him on the field.”

I laugh, holding on to his arm as we prepare to walk down the aisle.

As my father and I step out, the garden unfolds before us like a scene from a fairy tale. Inspired by A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the decor is enchanting, with soft pastels and twinkling fairy lights weaving through the greenery. The air is fragrant with the scent of blooming flowers, and gentle music floats on the breeze. It’s intimate, exactly how I wanted it—not too large, but filled with those who mean the world to us.

Among the guests, I spot Max sitting near the front. He’s become an integral part of my life, a pillar in my world of chaos and love. Then, as I look up, my gaze locks with Cole’s. His blue eyes, mirroring the clear summer sky, hold a depth of emotion that tugs at my heart. All the nerves, the background noise, and the world itself fade away, leaving us in this perfect moment.

As we reach the altar, my father places my hand in Cole’s, his voice thick with emotion as he murmurs, “Take care of my girl.”

Cole’s response is instant, filled with a passion that resonates in every word. “With my life,” he vows, and in his eyes, I see the truth of his words, the depth of his commitment.

The ceremony begins, and soon it’s time for our vows. I take a deep breath, my heart overflowing with love.

I hold his hands, feeling their warmth and strength. He takes a deep breath, a playful yet nervous glint in his eyes.

“Eva,” he begins, his voice laced with adoration and a hint of his characteristic cheekiness, “from the day I met you, my life has been an exhilarating and, let’s be honest, unpredictable adventure. We’ve taken the wildest ride and somehow lost ourselves in the process, but we were always meant to be, Angel. Life gave you back to me, and at that moment, I vowed to the universe that I would never let you go again. I vow to be your steadfast copilot through every high and low, every unexpected turn. Like a compass, I’ll always point toward you, my true north, even if I occasionally get us lost along the way.”

He pauses, his eyes sparkling with love and a bit of mischief. “I promise to keep our life exciting, to always keep you guessing, and to make sure that every day with me is… well, let’s just say, full of surprises. And while I might not always be the smoothest, I can guarantee that life with me will never be dull. I’ll be the one to always make you blush, just like now, with words and… other things.”

There’s a murmur of laughter among the guests, and I can feel my cheeks heating up at his playful innuendos. Cole’s grin widens, clearly pleased with himself.

“I vow to love you more with each passing day, to cherish every moment we share, and to always keep the spark alive—in every way possible,” he adds with a wink. “You are my heart, my soul, and my endless adventure. I promise to fill our life with love, laughter, and a touch of the extraordinary.”

His words, clumsy yet so endearingly him, fill me with an overwhelming sense of love and joy. As he finishes, I’m beaming, my heart full and utterly in love with this man who can turn even vows into an adventure.

As I take a deep breath, I look into his eyes, finding my anchor in their steady blue depths.

“Cole,” I begin, my voice trembling with the magnitude of my emotions, “you have been my unexpected storm, my unexpected shelter. In you, I’ve found the wild and the serene, the chaos and the peace. You’ve become the unwavering strength I can lean on, the constant in my ever-shifting world.”

I pause, gathering my thoughts, feeling every word resonate in the space between us. “Despite my love for words, finding the right ones to describe my love for you, Cole Westbrook, is like trying to capture the essence of a violin’s serenade with mere letters. It’s a love profound and ineffable, beyond the reach of language.”

My hands squeeze his, conveying what words cannot. “You’ve become the melody in my song of life, the rhythm that my heart beats to. You are the laughter in my joy, the comfort in my sorrow, and the courage in my fears. With you, every moment is a verse in our endless love story.”

A soft smile plays on my lips, my eyes never leaving his. “I vow to love you through every chapter, to be the harmony to your melody, the calm to your storm. I vow to cherish each moment, to grow and learn with you, and to be your steadfast companion on this incredible journey. And while words may fail to encapsulate all that you mean to me, my heart will always speak the truth of my love for you, today, tomorrow, and for all the days of our lives.”

The minister then pronounces us husband and wife, and Cole crushes his lips on mine, kissing me with a passion that does not belong anywhere other than our bedroom, but I’m too lost in him to truly care.

“Do you think they’ll notice if we disappear for like thirty minutes?” he whispers against my lips. “How can you expect me to keep my hands off you after these vows?”

I blush but feel the same need for his hands on me. “We’ll have to wait, my sweet husband; anticipation will make our night all the better.”

We turn around at the cheers and walk up the aisle to the house and the reception room.

“I swear once we’re in Italy, I will hide your clothes, and I’ll have you naked and at my mercy for the next week,” he mutters in my ear as we walk into the room.

“Oh no… that sounds dreadful,” I tease. But then my tone shifts to seriousness as I see Ethan following Poppy into the house. “I’m sorry Liam wasn’t there. I know he’s one of your best friends.”

Cole sobers up and squeezes my hand. “He was there, sitting at the back.”

“Oh!” I look around the room filling up with people as we make our way to the main table.

“You could have had him as a best man along with Ethan, you know. Nessa is stronger than that.”

“I know, but he didn’t want the attention to be on him, and well, having him in the wedding would have stolen the spotlight.”

The reception is a continuation of the day’s magic. As we share our first dance, he surprises me yet again. Our song begins, but then, as a familiar voice joins in, the singer himself appears on stage. “You got me the real deal?” I ask in awe.

“Of course, my love,” he replies, his eyes twinkling.

The evening is a blur of laughter, dancing, and love. As we sit back at the main table, Cole’s mention of Liam being present touches me deeply. His absence as a best man was a sacrifice, but having him there was enough.

Closing my eyes, I take a moment to reflect. This journey with Cole, filled with ups and downs, has led me to this beautiful day. I’m thankful for the strength I found to give our love a second chance. As I open my eyes, I look at him, my grinning husband, and know that every challenge has been worth it. Our future, once uncertain, now holds endless possibilities, and I can’t wait to see where this adventure takes us.

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