Broken Dreams Stories Read Online Free

Chapter Broken Dreams Stories 110

Chapter 110

Josh set me down at the kitchen island before making our coffee, Jake wandered in as he handed me my cup, followed by Patrick and Drew, Josh gave them all dirty looks as they teased him about what had happened, but I kept my mouth shut wisely. Mike was the last to arrive, walking over to Josh and slapping him on the back.

“Hey brother, sorry about my naked takedown earlier. I just reacted.”

Tm Glad to know you are willing to protect Emmy regardless of your state of dress.” Josh chuckled before coming back over and offering me his hand. Taking his hand, he led me to the balcony with our coffees while Patrick and Mike started pulling out breakfast stuff.

When we stepped outside, I smiled. The morning was beautiful and still cool enough to be outside. A light breeze brought the scent of roses and fresh- cut grass, Josh led me to an outdoor couch and sat down before pulling me into his lap. I leaned forward to set my coffee cup down before it accidentally spilled, then leaned back against him as he gathered me in another hug. We sat quietly, enjoying each other’s quiet company, before Josh spoke.

“There is a lot to do today. Would you be okay on your own for a few hours?”

Of course I will, don’t worry about me. What do you have to do?

Jake and I need to go to campus to sign some paperwork. We will probably be gone for several hours. Drew and Mike are scheduled to meet with their base commander, and Drew will meet with his dads to review some business stuff,” Josh explained.

“It’s no problem. I know we can’t spend all day every day together, even if we want to, but I will be fine. I can entertain myself for a few hours, I promise. Josh nodded at my reassurance. We had just finished our coffee when Drew stuck his out of the door and told us breakfast was ready. Josh set me on my feet with a slap on my ass that caused me to squeal.

Taking my hand Josh led me inside as I rubbed my ass with my free hand. I thanked Drew when he handed me a plate loaded with toast, scrambled eggs, and fruit and sat down to eat.

“Did Josh talk to you about our plans for today?” Mike asked when he was done eating

“Yep, don’t worry, I will be fine alone. I thought I would go check out the library and maybe shop while you are all busy.” I told them, standing to bring my plate into the kitchen. I turned and kissed them each, telling them to have a good day and that I would see them later. While Mike and Drew were at home, they would be in virtual meetings all day trying to figure out an extended emergency leave plan, so to keep them from worrying, I promised to keep my phone with me, and once everyone left, I went to my room to grab it and finish getting ready to leave.

My rideshare app alerted me that my driver was there just as I walked out the door, so I hurried down the driveway, greeting the older man as 1 slid into the back seat and told him where I was going. Twenty minutes later, I was at the library. Thanking him for the ride, I made my way up the broad steps and into the cool quiet of the library. I took my time exploring; it was twice the size of the one I used to spend most of my time in, and I enjoyed browsing through the massive selection of books. Finding several books I wanted to read, I added them to my growing pile, then looked around for a free place to sit. Spotting a comfy–looking chair, I took my stack of books and made myself comfortable. Promising myself I would only read the first chapter of each book to make sure it was something I would like, I got lost in my book

After I finished the first chapter, 1 looked up. The weird feeling of someone watching me made my skin crawl, but when I looked around, I didn’t see anyone paying particular attention to me, so I picked up the second book, setting the first one aside to check out. I continued working through my pile of books, picking out four of them to check out. I had continue to glance up and look around but never saw anyone close to me, so decided the weird feeling was just that and put it out of my mind.

I spent the rest of the afternoon in the corner of the library reading, and was surprised to see it was almost five o clock when my phone buzzed with a message from Drew saying that they were done with their meetings, and the twins were on their way to pick me up. I texted Drew telling him I would see them soon and brought my books up to the checkout counter. Thanking the librarian, 1 loaded my books into the reusable bag I was grateful for grabbing, and went outside to wait for the twins. I had found a bench under a tree and was reading again when Jake’s SUV pulled up next to me. and Josh jumped out.

“Hey there little girl, would you like a ride?” Josh said in a deep voice. I snorted at his attempt to be scarry and handed him my bag of books which made him groan when he took it from me.

“Oh don’t complain, I weigh more then that bag and you have no problem carrying me around all the time,” I rolled my eyes at Josh, then squeaked when he cocked his eyebrow and stalked toward me.

Babygirl, did you just roll your eyes at me?” he growled. I was already close to the back door of the SUV, so giving him my sweetest most innocent smile I shook my head no, and lunged for the door.

Chapter 110

I think Josh was in shock that I would run from him, and he stood still looking surprised which gave me just enough time to slide into the backseat and slam the door behind me.

Jake quick, lock my door, I don’t want to get in trouble.” I shouted through my giggles. lake just shook his head.

Sorry sweetheart, you know I can’t help you when you poke the bear.” Jake tells me, twisting in his seat so he can see into the back seat.

I can tell the exact moment that Josh’s shock wears off because he gives himself a shake before heading toward the door I had dove through just seconds before.

“Oh crap,” I yell as I slam my hand down on the lock button before less then gracefully climbing over the seat into the very back. Seeing a blanket. I wiggle under it and clap a hand over my mouth trying to quiet my heavy breathing and occasional giggle. I hear Josh knocking on the window, and then begin to list off the things he’s planning on doing to me when I get home.

Jake just shakes his head, and unlocks the door for his brother. When Josh opens the back door and sees the back seat is empty he turns to Jake. “Where did she go?” He asked and Jake just shruged.

“Hey I stay out of your little games, so don’t ask me.” Jake said, glancing in the rear view mirror

“Well since shes not here, I guess I will just go return this bag of books, Josh tells his brother.

“Noo,” I shreak poping up

p from the back. “I’m here, don’t return my books. I scramble over the back seat, Josh catching me seconds before 1 end up in a heap on the floor.

“Is it time for another talk baby girl?” Josh askes as he set me back in my seat and reaches across me for my seat belt.

“No sir, I will behave,” I pout, “Now can I please have my books,” I ask him as I reach for the book bag.

“Yes you can, when we get home. He grins at me as he closes the back door, but not before I notice him engaging the child lock. I grumble and pout the whole way home.

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