Bound by Moon & Blood (Book 1)

Chapter 004

"Let me guess, you are not allowed to unbind my hands." Brandon gulped as shook his head. "I'm sorry." Liv rolled her eyes and turned to walk to the forest. Brandon followed her quietly. She turned around behind a tree and waited for him to catch up. "You wanna lower my pants before I need new ones?" She said as he made no move to help her. He clenched his jaw as he moved closer and undid her zipper before he slid her pants down. She crouched with him and relieved her bladder. When she was done they both stood back up and he helped her to put her pants back on. After he was done with the button she threw her leg up and hit the mark between his legs. He screamed and fell to his knees. "We will never betray you. Those were the words you used to tell me." She kicked his face next. He screamed again as he fell further to the ground. "What the fuck went wrong huh!? What the fuck did King do to have the only people who I ever called family betray me!?" She yelled at him. Brandon slowly pushed himself up on his knees and wiped the blood from his nose away as he looked at her. "You have no idea what happened back home, Liv. We did what we did because you are in danger." She laughed loudly. "From what exactly? The only danger is King and thanks to you and those other two fucking assholes he found me!" Brandon immediately got up from the ground. "Liv, you have no idea what is happening. Lycaon..."

"Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me." Liv said as she turned and walked away for a few steps. "I'm serious, Liv. Lycaon..."

"Lycaon has been a threat to the pack for as long as King decided to make himself an actual king when the Lycanthrope race already had Lycaon as king. There have been attacks for as long as I can remember, so please don't tell me that just because of one fucking attack I'm in danger of him, because newsflash, I had nothing to do with your fucking pack anymore!" She yelled at him as she turned back. "Will you just shut the fuck up and listen to me!?" Brandon yelled at her as he took a few steps towards her. "Yes, there has been an attack, but not on King or on the pack, it was on the Moonbloods." Her rage died down a little as she looked at him. "What do you mean?" Brandon sighed, before he started talking. "About three months ago, something weird started happening to Ilene." She gulped as she heard the name of Dwight's daughter. "She started to get weaker by the day until she couldn't call on her power anymore or even get out of bed. Doc didn't know what was happening to her as there were no signs of poisoning or anything else. There was nothing we could do to help her. We thought it was just her until our other Moonbloods started to show the same signs. We thought it was some sort of new sickness that was only effecting them, until Ilene suddenly started to scream bloody murder at one night. By the time King and Dwight got to her she was dead." Liv looked at him with pure shock. "Over the next days one by one the others started to scream in the night as well until they all died as well. It wasn't long after until the the wolves they had sired followed them." Brandon added. A shocked breath left her and she had to retreat a step to collect herself, but her mind was only on one thing. "What about Dawn?" She had to know, she had to know if her half-sister was still alive. Brandon gulped. "She is still alive, but won't be for long as she is also getting weaker as we speak." A shaky breath left her as she took another step back. Dawn and Ilene were the only two other Moonbloods left in the pack before she ran. The way he was talking told her that King had indeed been gathering Moonbloods, but how many Moonbloods had King collected over the past eleven years to draw the lycan king's attention and kill the decedents of his own daughter? A tear rolled down her cheek as she thought of Ilene. She had used her to provoke Dwight. She had used his dead daughter against him. She had never felt sorry for the fucker, but she couldn't help but feel bad for the fact of what she had said to him. Ilene had been nineteen when Liv ran, she had always looked out for Liv, but always kept her at a distance. Why she didn't know and now she couldn't even ask her anymore. Another tear rolled down her cheek as she dropped her head and took a deep breath to calm herself. "We were afraid that, whatever is happening to your kind affected you as well. We told King how to find you only because we needed to know that you were okay and to keep you safe." Her eyes snapped back to his. "Don't you think that, once you found out I was alive, the only way to keep me safe was to keep me away from the pack?" He gave her an apologetic look. "King is still King. Once he found a way to get to you, he was determined to bring you back. Ever since he lost the Moonbloods, and the fact that his own daughter is about to follow the others of her race, he is even more determined to grow the pack and make Lycaon pay for what he did to his daughter. He needs you to do that." She clenched her jaw as she held his gaze. "I will never sire wolves for him." Brandon took a step towards her. "Lycaon needs to pay, Liv." He whispered and her eyes grew wide when she realized what he was saying. "You want me to sire wolves for King as well, don't you?" A muscle twitched in Brandon's jaw as he gave her an apologetic look. A tear rolled down her cheek as she couldn't believe what she was hearing. Brandon used to be her best friend, her only friend, and now he wants her to bleed herself to make more wolves to serve a monster. "Lycaon needs to pay." He said again as a tear rolled down his own cheek. "How can you even be sure that Lycaon was the one who was behind their deaths? Is there any proof?" He swallowed and wiped some more blood away from his nose. "There doesn't need to be proof. We all know it was him." She shook her head as she took more steps away from him. "That doesn't mean anything. Anyone could have been behind this."

"Who would want the Moonbloods to die!?" He yelled at her, which startled her and made her freeze in her steps. "The only one who wants our pack gone is Lycaon." She raised her eyebrows at him. "The only one? King has so many powerful enemies that anyone of them could have been behind this. Besides, going after Lycaon, even if he was behind it, will be suicide. Even if King assembles the largest pack in the fucking world, he will not succeed. Lycaon is a lycan, and he has fifty lycan sons which are the best fighters in the world. A mere Lycanthrope will be no match for him or any of them."

"No they won't." They both looked the voice and she saw a naked King, Dwight and the wolf leaning against a tree. With all the willpower she had, she kept holding King's eyes and avoided looking at the wolf's body which was on complete display. Still she did notice the ink on his chest. Damn he was good looking... "But a wolf sired from you will." More wolves arrived at their location. Her attention was pulled back to the conversation. "I'm not special. Why the fuck would you think that a wolf I made would be strong enough to take on a Lycan?" King gave her a crooked smile. "That for me to know and you to guess, little one."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" King did nothing but smirk at her, before he nodded at Brandon. "You haven't told her all of it, have you?" She looked at Brandon before she looked back at King. "What hasn't he told me?"

"Our Moonbloods weren't the only ones who were affected by whatever it was that killed them." King said as he met her eyes. She gave him a confused gaze before she understood what he meant. She took a step towards him. "How many?" Her voice was barely a whisper. The last time she heard anything about the Moonblood population was before she ran and back then there were six registered Moonbloods alive in the entire world. "We had nine Moonbloods in our pack." Dwight said with a hard voice, but she still heard the sorrow. "When everything happened, there were messages of other packs around the world saying that their Moonbloods had died or weakened as well." He added. Another tear rolled down her cheek as her eyes shifted back to King. "How many?" She asked a little louder. "There had been 16 registered Moonbloods alive." Her heartbeat sped up at his words. "After all the deaths the only ones alive were Lycaon's daughter, Psophis, Dawn, a Moonblood in Belgium, another one in Switzerland and you." She lost the strength in her legs as she fell to the ground and wrapped her head around the information she just got. Five. There were only five of them left... "Dawn is already getting weaker. The one in Switzerland has already lost her power and can't get out of bed. She will probably die in the next few days. Only you, the one in Belgium and Psophis hasn't shown any signs of weakening. Yet." More tears streamed down her cheeks and she closed her eyes as a sob left her mouth. This cannot be happening... There were sixteen of them, now there are five, and soon three of them, left... This cannot be happening! Her power came forward to protect her as her emotions took the upper hand. "Liv..." Brandon walked towards her and wanted to soothe her when he was stopped as his wrist was grabbed. "Touch her and no one will be able to safe you from what will happen to you." She recognized the wolf's voice, but she didn't pay attention to it. All she paid attention to was her building power inside of her, which was soon starting to take over her body. Her breathing started to speed up as she tried to calm herself down. "Livana?" She heard a familiar voice, but she couldn't react. Her entire body started to hurt and her veins in her body started to become a visible bright red. With a strength she had never had she broke the silver chains around her wrist and planted her hands in the soil in front of her. "What is happening to her?" Brandon asked. "She just found out that almost her entire race has been killed. The power in her blood is forcing her to be used on the ones who are responsible or any who are close enough to pay for what happened." The wolf answered. "But we aren't the ones responsible." Brandon said as he looked with a worried gaze at the wolf, who rolled his eyes and met his gaze. "That doesn't matter to her. The power is forcing her to be used. It's up to her if she is strong enough to keep control over it." It was, but it for sure didn't help when they were talking about it above her head. The wolf inside of her rose with her power and a whimper left her mouth as she felt her skin starting to rebel against her. "Livana, you need to shift. You need to run!" She recognized the voice of Andrew as he got close. Of course he was going to order her around, it wasn't like he wasn't responsible for the fact that she was in this state right now. Hell, he was responsible for everything! He was the one who sold her out to King, he was the one who was supposed to protect her and keep her safe. She had given that task to him, but what did he do? he pushed her away before he sold her out and gave her to the one who he needed to protect her from. The power build and encouraged her rage towards Andrew with every thought that entered her mind. He was the one who needed to pay for everything he had done to her. "Liv, please, shift. You need to let out the anger, the hurt." Before he knew what was happening she got up, moved towards him with lightspeed, grabbed his neck and pushed her power inside of him. He screamed out in pain as he grabbed her wrist and struggled in her grasp. "No! Livana!" Gerard yelled. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Dwight said with feint amusement and he was right. Her head snapped to Gerard who had tears in his eyes as Andrew kept screaming as her power took over the blood in his body. Gerard met her gaze and his entire body went rigid as she directed a piece of her power towards him as well. A scream left his mouth as well and soon she could feel the blood flowing through both of their veins like it was her own. If she were to will it their blood would turn to water inside of their veins and they would die instantly or she could simply will it to flow the other way around and make them suffer before they die and agonizing death. Her power flared inside of her at the thought of an agonizing death and she knew what she had to do. She raised her hand to Gerard and turned her wrist. Both screamed in agony as their blood changed direction. "Liv, pl-eas-e..." Her head snapped back to Andrew who looked at her. Slowly he raised one of his hands and laid it against her cheek.

"Don't cry, darling. I know it hurts now, but you will always have her close to you." Andrew said as he laid a hand against her cheek. "How?" She said through her sobs. He laid his other hand against her chest. "Because she will always live on inside of you."

Something snapped inside of her and the hold her power had over her was broken. Liv immediately pulled her hands back and took a few steps back as her breathing started to speed up again. Andrew and Gerard both fell to the ground as her hold on them was broken. She looked at them, before she felt something stream down the sides of her neck and her lips. Liv wiped her hand along her nose and saw fresh blood. She immediately knew that her ears were bleeding as well. Her body started to settle down and she felt herself becoming weaker. Andrew looked back up at her and saw the tears stream down her face. "Liva..." Before she could hear him say her name, it became dark in front of her eyes as she lost her consciousness.

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