Bossalicious Bad Boy: A Billionaire Office Romance

Bossalicious Bad Boy: Chapter 7

The elevator doors slide open and my heart leaps into my throat when I see Alex standing there. He’s leaning against the back wall, arms crossed over his chest, looking every bit the billionaire CEO he is.

‘Clara,’ he greets me with a slight nod, his deep voice resonating through the confined space. ‘Heading up?’

‘Y-yes, sir,’ I stammer, stepping inside and pressing the button for my floor. My fingers tremble as I press the button, and I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks. The air between us feels charged, like a storm waiting to break.

He smiles but says nothing.

I try to calm my pounding heart, the sound throbbing in my ears. I can’t deny that I’m attracted to him, but pursuing a romantic relationship with my boss seems like a disaster waiting to happen. As much as I want to be close to him, I don’t want to jeopardize my internship, my career, or my future.

‘Is everything okay?’ he asks, genuine concern in his eyes.

‘Um, yeah,’ I reply, swallowing hard. ‘Just a lot on my mind, I guess.’

‘Work-related, or something else?’ He arches an eyebrow, and I can tell he’s fishing for information, trying to understand the distance I’ve been putting between us lately.

‘Both?’ I admit, unable to keep the truth entirely hidden. It’s not just our positions at the company that give me pause; it’s the connection we’ve developed, the easy banter we once shared despite barely knowing each other, the way his touch sends shivers down my spine. But I can’t let myself forget that he’s my boss, and I’m just an intern trying to make a name for myself.

‘Clara,’ he says, his voice softening. ‘I know things can get complicated with workplace relationships, and I don’t want you to feel pressured in any way.’

‘Thank you, Alex,’ I whisper, grateful that he’s not pushing the issue further. But as I glance at him, my gaze locked on those piercing blue eyes, I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to explore this connection between us, to see where it might lead.

The elevator dings, signaling our arrival at my floor, and I step out into the bustling office space. As the doors slide shut behind me, I can’t shake the feeling that I’m leaving something important behind, something that could change my life if I dared to take the chance.

‘Wait,’ I hear Alex call out just before the doors seal us apart, but it’s too late. The elevator continues its ascent, leaving me standing in the hallway, my heart heavy with uncertainty and longing.

As I make my way to my desk, my heart pounds in my chest. I can’t help but overhear the whispers and snickers of my coworkers as I pass by. I know they’ve noticed how close Alexander and I have become, and I fear the rumors are already starting.

‘Clara,’ I hear Ruby call out from nearby. ‘Is everything okay?’

I take a deep breath and give her a weak smile. ‘Yeah, just the usual Monday blues.’ I try to brush it off as if it’s nothing. But deep down, my concerns continue to fester.

‘Come on,’ she urges, ‘you know you can talk to me about anything.’

‘It’s just… Have you ever… felt something for someone you really shouldn’t?’ I ask hesitantly. My mind is racing with thoughts of Alex, the lingering warmth of his touch, and the undeniable pull between us.

‘Ah, I see,’ she replies, her voice low. ‘Don’t tell me that it’s Alex.’

My cheeks flush red, and I nod. ‘Exactly. I don’t want to jeopardize my career or reputation by getting involved with him. I worked so hard to get here, and I can’t afford to lose this opportunity.’

‘Clara, you’re an amazing employee and a talented professional,’ Jess reassures me. ‘But I understand your concerns. It’s a tough situation to be in.’

‘What do I do? I’m drawn to him, but at the same time, I’m terrified of the consequences,’ I confess, my voice barely audible.

‘Listen,’ she says, leaning in closer, ‘I can’t tell you what to do. Only you can decide if it’s worth the risk. But remember, sometimes the most incredible things happen when we take chances.’

‘Thanks,’ I say, my heart still heavy but grateful for her support.

For the rest of the morning, I throw myself into my work, trying to forget about Alex and the turmoil he’s stirred in me. But no matter how hard I try, his magnetic presence looms over me, impossible to ignore.

I take a deep breath and try to bury my doubts and fears, focusing on the tasks at hand.

‘Clara, can you come into my office, please?’ Alexander’s voice startles me, his tall frame leaning against the doorway. My heart skips a beat, and I swallow hard before nodding.

‘Of course,’ I say, grabbing my notepad and pen. With each step toward his office, I’m hyper-aware of my body language, determined not to give any indication of my inner turmoil.

‘Have a seat,’ he says, gesturing to the chair opposite his desk. As I sit, he leans back in his chair, fingers intertwined, studying me. ‘I wanted to discuss some new projects coming up. I think you’d be a great fit for them.’

‘Alright,’ I say, forcing a tight-lipped smile. ‘What are these projects?’

He begins detailing the upcoming initiatives, and I scribble notes furiously. But as he talks, I can’t help but notice the intensity of his gaze, his eyes occasionally flickering to my lips. My mind races – is he thinking about our connection too? Am I imagining things?

‘Are you okay, Clara? You seem a bit distracted.’

My cheeks burn, and I curse myself for letting my thoughts wander.

‘I’m fine, just taking everything in,’ I lie, gripping my pen tighter. ‘What’s the timeline for these projects?’

‘Over the next few months,’ he replies, leaning in closer. ‘But I want you to know that I’m here to support you every step of the way.’

‘Thanks, I appreciate that,’ I say, my voice shaking slightly. The proximity between us is electrifying, and I fight the urge to reach out and touch him.

‘Clara, if there’s anything on your mind, you can always talk to me.’ His sincerity is disarming, making it even harder to keep my emotions in check.

‘Thank you, Alex. I’ll keep that in mind,’ I manage to say, focusing my eyes on the notepad in front of me. Our conversation continues, but unease settles over me – I can’t ignore the undeniable pull between us much longer.

As we wrap up our meeting, Alex stands and extends his hand. ‘Great work today, Clara. I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with.’

‘Thanks,’ I say, forcing a smile as I shake his hand. My skin tingles at his touch, and I quickly pull away, cursing my weakness.

I make my way back to my desk, glancing at the clock on the walls. Only a few more hours. Can I make it?

The fluorescent lights of the office flicker above me as I sit at my desk, attempting to focus on the paperwork in front of me. The hum of the air conditioning system fills the room, but it’s not enough to drown out the memories of my conversation with Alexander. My palms are damp with sweat, and I wipe them on my skirt, cursing my nervousness.

‘Hey, Clara!’ Alex calls from his office door, startling me out of my thoughts. ‘Can you come here for a minute?’

‘Sure,’ I say, trying to sound relaxed as I stand up and walk toward him. My heart races in my chest, pounding like an overeager drummer. I take a deep breath to steady myself before entering his office.

‘Take a seat,’ he says, gesturing to the chair across from his desk. His eyes search mine, seemingly aware of the tension that hangs in the air between us.

‘Is everything okay?’ I ask, gripping the armrests tightly, fingers digging into the padded fabric.

‘Of course,’ he replies, leaning back in his chair. ‘I just wanted to check in with you and see how you’re feeling about our last conversation.’

‘I appreciate it, Alex,’ I say, forcing a smile. ‘But nothing’s changed since then. I’m still committed to keeping things professional.’

He nods thoughtfully, running a hand through his dark hair. ‘I understand, Clara. But I want you to know that I meant what I said – if there’s anything on your mind, I’m here for you.’

‘Thank you,’ I reply, swallowing hard. My throat feels tight, as though an invisible hand is constricting it, making it difficult to breathe.

Alex leans forward, resting his elbows on his desk. ‘I hope you know that you can trust me. I’m committed to creating a supportive and respectful workplace environment.’

‘Alex…’ My voice wavers, and I realize that I can’t keep up this charade any longer. ‘I don’t doubt your intentions, but… there’s something about our dynamic that scares me. I can’t help but think about the power imbalances at play here.’

‘Clara,’ he begins, slowly pacing the room. ‘I want you to know that I’ve been thinking a lot about our conversation, and I understand your concerns.’ He stops in front of me, his eyes searching mine. ‘I’m not going to lie – I feel a strong connection with you, and it’s difficult for me to ignore my growing attraction.’

I swallow hard, trying to keep my composure. It’s unnerving to see Alexander, the CEO of the company I’m interning at, so vulnerable. My mind races through all the possible scenarios if we were to pursue something more.

‘However,’ he continues, ‘I don’t want you to feel that I would ever take advantage of my position or pressure you into anything. Your professional growth and success are important to me. I would never do anything to jeopardize that.’

‘Thank you, Alex,’ I breathe out, feeling a small wave of relief wash over me. His words bring some comfort, but I can’t help the nagging voice in my head that wonders if this is too good to be true.

‘I mean it,’ he says, sensing my lingering doubt. ‘If we were to explore this connection, I promise you that our relationship at work would remain strictly professional. No special treatment, no expectations. And if at any point you feel uncomfortable, we’ll address it immediately.’

‘Thank you for understanding,’ I say, my voice barely above a whisper. The sincerity in his eyes chips away at the wall I’ve built around my heart. For the first time, I let myself consider the possibility of us being more than just colleagues.

‘Clara,’ Alexander says softly, taking my hand in his. ‘I care about you, and I want us to figure this out together, at a pace that feels comfortable for both of us.’

‘Okay,’ I agree, my heart pounding in my chest. As we stand there, hands entwined, I feel the weight of our decision looming over us. But for now, I let myself believe that maybe, just maybe, we can navigate these uncharted waters together.

The office is almost empty as I return to my desk, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The image of Alexander’s hopeful eyes burns behind my eyelids, making it difficult to concentrate on the paperwork in front of me. My heart races with a mix of fear and excitement, like a roller coaster barreling down its tracks.

‘Hey,’ a voice says, pulling me out of my reverie. I glance up to see Alex leaning against the wall, his hands shoved into his suit pockets. It’s already dark outside, and I hadn’t even noticed. ‘Can I walk you out?’

‘Sure,’ I reply, trying to keep my voice steady. We’ve crossed a line, and now every interaction feels loaded with possibility and unspoken desire.

As we make our way through the dimly lit halls, the silence between us grows heavy. I can feel the magnetic pull between us, but I don’t dare reach out and touch him. What if someone sees? What if they start talking?

‘Listen,’ he begins once we’re alone, his voice soft and urgent. ‘I just wanted to check in with you. Are you…are you okay with our decision?’

My palms are damp, and I wipe them nervously on my dress. ‘I’m still scared,’ I admit, swallowing hard. ‘But I think we owe it to ourselves to explore this connection, even if it’s risky.’

‘Thank you for being honest,’ he replies, his eyes searching mine. ‘I want you to know that whatever happens, I’ll always respect and value your work here. You’re an incredible asset to this company, and I’ll never take that for granted.’

‘Thank you, Alexander,’ I say, feeling a lump form in my throat. His words mean more than he knows, and I find myself fighting back tears.

‘Hey, don’t cry,’ he says gently. ‘I promise we’ll figure this out together.’

As he reaches out to brush away a tear that has escaped down my cheek, our eyes lock and the world around us seems to fade away. The air between us crackles with electricity, and I can sense that we’re teetering on the edge of something monumental.

‘Alex,’ I say, my voice barely audible as his thumb grazes my lower lip.

‘Clara,’ he breathes, his face inching closer to mine.

The elevator pings as it opens, and we jump apart, hearts pounding in our chests. My cheeks heat as I turn and walk into it, Alexander following after me. The air is tense between us as we ride down and I can only wonder what I’ve gotten myself into.

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