Bonds of the Fallen

Chapter 34

When the dawn’s light spilled into the room, bathing everything in a golden glow, Bat found herself wrapped in the warmth of Ace’s arms. The weight of his embrace and the steady beat of his heart beneath her palm felt like coming home.

As she turned to face him, her lips brushing against his in a gentle kiss, she saw his eyes crinkle at the corners as a smile bloomed across his face.

“I wouldn’t want to wake up any other way,” he said, his arms tightening around her, drawing her closer.

She chuckled, her fingers playfully tracing patterns on the muscled expanse of his chest. “Oh, I can think of better ways,” she teased.

With a teasing growl, Ace rolled over, pinning her beneath him as he captured her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. “As tempting as that is, love, we have preparations. We need to leave for the Vampir realm tonight.”

Her brow furrowed. “Do we have to?” she asked, the weight of leaving settling in her chest like a stone. “I just...I want to stay here, with you, just a little while longer.”

Ace’s eyes softened, understanding her unspoken plea. “I wish we could. But we agreed to surrender this realm to the humans once you returned or once we gave up hope of finding you. I would stay here forever with you. But the time has come for us to go.”

Reluctantly, he rolled out of bed and began to dress, continuing to fill her in on the developments that had occurred during her absence.

“The Vampir have been released from their bonds to Odin and agreed to return to our realm. Here, in this realm, they can only come out at night. The’s harmful to them.”

Her eyes widened in alarm. “Harmful?”

He nodded. “Some burst into flames, others simply burn. It’s a small price to pay to ensure peace between our realms. In their realm, they’re unaffected.”

A pang of sympathy twinged in her chest. “That’s...that’s terrible,” she whispered, her mind whirling with the implications of what Ace had just revealed.

Ace pressed a tender kiss to Bat’s lips. She watched him move about the room, gathering the necessary supplies for their journey. Bat took it upon herself to pack their weapons and clothes, her hands folding and tucking each item carefully.

She glanced up and saw Ace, his jaw clenched tight with tension. Her hand reached out, settling atop his in a gesture meant to comfort. “We’ll be alright,” she murmured, her voice steady.

A sigh escaped Ace’s lips as he met her gaze, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. “I know. But I worry about you.”

With a smirk, Bat replied, “Well, don’t. I can handle myself.”

Ace chuckled, bending down to plant a gentle kiss on her forehead. “I know you can.”

Bat hefted her war hammer, its familiar weight comforting in her hands, while Ace slung his swords over his back, their hilts peeking out over his shoulders.

Together, they made their way to the main gate of the compound, their steps in sync. Bat inhaled deeply, remembering the details of the sanctuary she had come to call home. The bioluminescent lights cast a haunting blue glow on the walls; the compound that had once been her refuge was now preparing to welcome its new human occupants.

She felt Ace’s hand slip into hers as they reached the gate. She glanced at him and smiled, finding strength in their united front.

Lyell and Velika waited for them on the other side, their silhouettes illuminated by the moonlight. Between them stood three magnificent horses, their black coats shimmering in the night.

Lyell approached them with a playful gleam in his eye, “Seems you two have had quite the reunion,” he teased, his voice laced with amusement. “I must admit, I had my money on Ace. He always was my favorite.” A wink punctuated his words as he pulled Bat into a warm hug.

Velika, ever the prepared one, passed the reins to Bat before packing the saddle bags. “I’ve got a device here that’ll purify any water we find on our journey. Reaching the portal will take a few days, but we should be good.”

Lyell turned his gaze to Bat, a wistful smile on his lips. “Word has it there’s a magic portal that’ll transport us back to our realm. It’ll be good to feel the sun’s warmth on our faces again.” He paused, his eyes drifting upwards to where the moon hung high in the sky.

“We should make a move,” Ace cut in, urgency etched into his voice. “Nighttime is all we’ve got to cover as much ground as possible.”

With a swift motion, Ace mounted his horse and extended a hand towards Bat, aiding her as she swung onto the saddle. Bat settled in the warmth of his body pressing against her back.

Several hours and miles later, the rhythmic clip-clop of the horses’ hooves was interrupted by the gentle babble of a stream. The group took this opportunity to replenish their water supplies. Bat knelt by the water’s edge, cupping her hands to bring the cool liquid to her face, relishing its freshness.

She cast a questioning glance toward Velika, “Any news about Moja?”

Velika shook her head, unhappy, “No, nothing yet. But we’ve sent word.”

Ace urged his horse forward with a tongue click, the rest of the group following suit. The remainder of the night was spent on steady travel. The only stops made were for the benefit of their horses. As dawn broke, Velika took charge, erecting a UV-proof tent that would shelter Lyell and herself from the sun’s harsh rays. Meanwhile, Ace and Bat chose to remain outside, basking in the warmth of the daytime sun.

Odin’s proclamation of a gift for Val had seemed like a grand gesture. With the truth unveiled Bat felt a fool for not seeing through the ruse. “Odin told me he’d be gifting Val something special,” she murmured, shaking her head. “I should have known better.”

A soft sigh escaped her lips as Ace clarified, “It wasn’t Odin who brought the sun curse. That was the work of the Vanir gods, a token of goodwill to seal the truce. It was a condition of peace.”

Bat nodded, her mind flicking back to a conversation long past. “Moja spoke to me once about the Vanir gods. They stand separate from Odin and his Aesir,” she recalled, her voice trailing off as she laid back on the grassy earth, propping herself up on her elbows.

Just as she began to relax, Ace’s voice pierced the air, “Bat, there’s something I need to tell you—”

His words were cut short as the underbrush’s rustling announced another’s arrival. Ace and Bat sprang to their feet, their muscles tensing as they prepared for whatever emerged from the foliage. With a gruff chuckle, Moja’s hunched figure stepped into view. “Ease up, you two. It was you who called for me, after all.”

Bat rushed forward, enveloping Moja in a warm hug. “You got our message!”

Moja’s eyes twinkled with delight as she responded, “Indeed, I did. And there’s a place for an old Volva like me in the other realm. I suppose it’s high time I accept that long-standing invitation.”

The words brought a smile to Ace’s face. “We hoped you’d find us.”

Moja’s grin widened as she leaned her iron staff against a nearby tree. “I’ve been wandering far and wide, seeking answers. But now, this old crone requires some rest before our nighttime journey.”

As the evening sky painted itself in shades of orange and yellow, fading into purples and blues, the air grew chill, prompting Moja to wrap her cloak tightly around herself. “I call dibs on riding with this strapping young man,” she announced, gesturing towards Ace as she made herself comfortable behind him, her arms encircling his waist.

Lyell and Velika opted to ride together, leaving Bat to ride alongside them, the trio’s horses keeping perfect pace. The night air was filled with hoofbeats, their rhythmic thudding echoing through the forest and accompanied by the occasional rustle of leaves or the distant hoot of an owl. With Ace leading the way, the group navigated the dense forest in a single file, their movements efficiently synchronized. Bat’s gaze swept the surroundings, watchful for potential dangers lurking in the shadows. She confidently rode, trusting Ace’s guidance as he traversed the uneven terrain.

“How many portals exist in this realm?” Bat questioned, her hands adjusting the reins with ease.

Velika tossed her hair over her shoulder, her gaze steady. “Very few. The Vampir keep them shrouded in secrecy, much like the name of our realm itself. The task becomes even more difficult when you don’t know what you’re searching for.”

A flicker of understanding crossed Bat’s eyes as she focused on the distant threads weaving through the air. Their path was illuminated, converging in one specific area up ahead. “The portal must be nearby. Our paths seem to intertwine, leading us to one focal point.”

Moja gave a nod of approval, her eyes gleaming. “This one’s abilities are blossoming with each passing day.”

Velika’s lips quirked in agreement. “Useful, considering none of us have ventured through this portal before. Its location is less than convenient.”

Lyell’s laughter echoed around them as he and Velika sped up their horse’s pace, closing the distance between them and the front.

The world stopped as Bat pulled on her horse’s reins, her companions mimicking her action. Her arm extended, finger pointing towards a clearing where the threads were drawn towards a specific spot. In unison, they dismounted, their steps carefully approaching the clearing. The surrounding trees began to thin, their shadows dancing under the brilliant luminescence of the full moon.

As they ventured closer, Bat’s vision sharpened, and the world became focused. A colossal tree stood proudly in the center of the clearing, its trunk wider than any she’d encountered, its branches reaching for the heavens. A faint shimmer hung in the air surrounding the tree, reminiscent of a heat haze, the threads leading to this location pulsing with an intensity that urged them forward.

With a sweep of her arm, Bat pointed towards the sky. “Is it located up there?”

Her senses heightened, picking up on the concealed portal nestled high amongst the treetops, shielded from prying eyes. A buzz of energy swept through the area, setting her nerves alight with anticipation.

Velika rummaged through her saddlebag and pulled out a small, intricate device. She flicked it on, and it emitted a soft hum as she scanned the area for residual magic. “This portal was crafted centuries ago. The landscape has shifted in that time.”

Lyell huffed a laugh. “That’s quite the understatement.”

Ace removed the saddle and bridle from his horse, setting them gently on the ground. He faced the horse, cupping its face in his hands and bringing his forehead gently to the horse. His lips moved, whispering something inaudible before he stepped back, giving the horse a gentle pat. In response, the horse turned and disappeared into the forest.

Bat watched the scene unfold with awe and curiosity. She dismounted and approached Ace. “What did you say to the horse?” she questioned.

A gentle smile tugged at Ace’s lips. “I simply thanked him for his service. He’s been a steadfast companion on many of our journeys.”

Bat nodded, her gaze wandering to the dense forest surrounding them, an unsettling feeling settling in her stomach.

Velika’s voice cut through Bat’s thoughts. “This is it, the portal,” she said in relief.

Moja turned to Bat, her eyes gleaming with wisdom. “It is time for you to use your gifts to help us reach the portal.” She motioned towards the towering tree.

Bat’s eyebrows drew together in confusion. “But how am I supposed to get us up there?” She tilted her head back, craning her neck to peer at the treetops.

Moja’s voice was gentle as she explained. “Every living being has a destiny. The threads of fate for humans and animals glow brightly as they make choices and decisions every moment.” The sounds of nocturnal creatures rustling in the bushes and the whispering leaves filled the air as she continued. “Trees are different. They live and breathe, yet they are rooted in place, changing only over decades and centuries. Concentrate, and you might be able to see their threads.” She placed her hand on the trunk of a huge tree, its bark rough under her palm.

The massive tree reached towards the heavens, its boughs stretching almost close enough to brush against the portal that hovered above them. A gentle breeze swept through the forest, causing the portal to ripple and dance like a mirage.

Bat approached the tree with a determined stride, her palm resting against the gnarled bark. The tree’s energy thrummed against her hand, a pulse that connected her to the tree and, by extension, to the portal that gleamed above. Her fingers traced the path of the threads, feeling their strength and vitality as they reached upwards toward the glowing portal, which was surrounded by a nebulous halo of violet and azure.

Her voice rang out, firm and resolute. “I see it.” Bat’s eyes were wide as she watched the slow, rhythmic pulse of the portal’s lights. “We need to climb.”

With gentle assistance, Ace helped Moja ascend into the tree, the others following suit until they were high up amongst the branches. They stopped their ascent as the portal came into view, a barely perceptible shimmer nestled amidst the foliage, well hidden from prying eyes.

Turning to Moja, Bat sought guidance, but the older woman said, “The answer lies within you. Trust yourself.”

Closing her eyes, Bat inhaled deeply, the energy of the thread flowing into her, intermingling with the pulsating power of the portal. A living, breathing entity, the portal called out to her, its essence enveloping her in warmth. With laser-sharp focus, she reached out to the thread, her fingers brushing against it, feeling the resistance. She increased the pressure, her muscles straining as the thread stretched and quivered under her touch.

With one final, determined pull, the thread snapped, a surge of energy coursing through her, leaving her hands tingling from the impact. Her eyes flew open, and she stared in awe as the portal expanded before her, its brilliance obliterating everything else from her vision—a gateway to a different world, waiting for them to enter.

Moja’s voice cut through the silence. “There’s no time to waste.”

Ace crouched low, and with practiced ease, Moja firmly climbed onto his back, securing her arms around his neck. Ace cast a glance over his shoulder at her, his gaze steady. “Ready?” he asked.

Bat took in a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. She had never experienced anything like this before. Closing her eyes, she reached out with her senses, testing the stability of the portal. A tiny tremor vibrated through the threads as though the portal quivered in anticipation.

Standing at the portal’s edge, a wave of trepidation washed over Bat. The paths before her branched off in countless directions, each with unique possible outcomes and consequences. But she had made her choice, and she trusted her intuition.

“I’m ready,” she announced, her voice strong and steady. Her gaze met those of her companions, and she noted the slight apprehension in their eyes. The only one who appeared unfazed was Moja, a small smile playing on her lips as she watched the scene unfold.

“Then let’s go,” commanded Ace, and with that, he and Moja were the first to leap through the portal, disappearing in a flash of blinding light. Lyell and Velika were hot on their heels, vanishing just as quickly.

With a final deep breath, Bat closed her eyes, focusing on the network of threads around her. She could feel the portal’s energy vibrating beneath her feet, eager to whisk her away to an unknown world. Her heart pounding in her chest, she jumped.

She felt she was being pulled in countless directions, her essence unraveling and then reforming in a new pattern as she hurtled through the portal.

And then, just as quickly as it had begun, the disorientation ceased. Bat landed with a thud on a terrain of ice and snow, the biting wind whipping at her face. She blinked as she took in her surroundings, a vast expanse of ice and mist stretching out before her as far as the eye could see. She had arrived in a land of desolation and frost.

“Welcome to Niflheim,” Ace announced, wrapping his arms around himself to stave off the biting cold. Moja slowly rose, pulling her animal skin cloak tightly around her shoulders. Lyell and Velika shook the snow from their garments with exasperated sighs.

“You’ve changed since you last visited this frigid realm,” Velika quipped, extracting two thick coats from her bag and tossing them to Ace and Bat. “We’ll need to proceed on foot. Thankfully, the absence of sunlight in this realm is one less element against us. But we’ll need to set up camp.”

“Lucky us,” Lyell muttered, rolling his eyes.

After shrugging on his coat, Ace surveyed their surroundings. “This must be the outskirts. The city is still some distance away.” He then turned his attention to Bat, helping her to her feet and brushing the snow from her back. “You holding up okay?” he asked, his brow furrowing with concern.

Bat nodded, taking in the icy expanse that stretched out before them. “I’m fine. Let’s keep moving.”

Ace took the lead, forging a path through the thick snow with Moja close behind, casting spells to keep them warm and dry. The group made camp for the night, with Velika setting up a tent and building a fire.

Once their shelter was in place, Moja took refuge inside while the rest of the group gathered around the fire. Ace and Bat huddled together for warmth, their closeness comforting in the cold, desolate landscape.

Disappointed by the lack of sun, Lyell asked many questions about the surrounding landscape, pointing out the distant mountain peaks and the frozen river that snaked through the snow-covered terrain. Velika chimed in with answers, adding details about the realm, even noting the lack of local wildlife.

After a while, Moja emerged from the tent, donning a fur-lined coat. She settled beside the fire, joining the conversation and sharing tales from her journeys through the realms.

As the night wore on, the group grew quiet, each lost in their thoughts. Bat gazed up at the twinkling stars, marveling at the vastness of the universe. Ace’s arm encircled her shoulder, drawing her even closer.

“Why do the Vampir choose to reside in this realm?” Bat asked, her teeth chattering in the frigid air.

Velika began to explain. “This is one of the primordial realms, forged at the dawn of creation. Val brought us here, to this barren realm, to create a home for our kind. The initial years were grueling as we struggled to acclimate to the harsh conditions of this realm. But over time, we learned to harness the elements to our advantage, reshaping the landscape to suit our needs better.”

The wind picked up speed as the night progressed, whipping snowflakes into the air and piling them high around their shelter. Velika added more logs to the fire and handed out extra blankets to keep everyone warm.

Snuggled up against Ace, Bat shared her body warmth with him. The two of them sat in measured silence, the heat from their bodies mingling in the cold night air. Meanwhile, Moja was lost in her thoughts, her gaze fixed on the dancing flames of the fire.

The storm persisted for several hours, the howling wind and the crackling fire the only sounds that punctuated the night. As a new day finally broke, the wind died, and the snow ceased its relentless assault.

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