Bonds of the Alpha Billionaire (Maia and Alex)

Chapter 151

Chapter 151 -Maya's POV-

The plan was terrible, as we would soon discover. I'd never cared about witches before, but now, leaning against the car and trying to get rid of a blinding headache, I realized these women had a serious problem with creatures like me.

Everything went wrong as soon as we got out of the car. Natalia, Sarah, and I were suddenly hit with a powerful wave of magic. I saw Christisn reach for his gun but then remembered the twins were there. He lowered it and tried to talk to the five witches who had appeared from the shadows. His words didn't work, and my headache got worse.

I screamed, which made Ivy cry. That seemed to stop them. The witches looked at the kids. Maybe they felt sorry for them.

The woman in the middle stepped forward. Her hair was dark, and her eyes were so grey they looked like empty holes. "One of you comes here, and others follow before we know it," she said sharply. "There will be a big fight. The witches will stay on their side. You should take your kids and


Riley raised her hands. "We don't want trouble. The werewolf," she pointed at the twins, "he's their father. We just want to take him and leave."

The witches kept looking at us, especially the twins. Maybe they liked kids.

The woman's eyes narrowed. Sarah growled and muttered, "If those bitches use that magic on me again, I'm attacking."

I stood up straighter and put the twins behind me. "Please. We don't want trouble. We'll leave as soon as we have him. We understand this is your territory," I continued, trying to sound calm. "We're not here to cause trouble. We just want to find Alex and leave."

The woman stared at me, her eyes cold. "If he entered here, he's as good as dead."

My heart pounded. "That's not true. I know he is alive and he wouldn't hurt anyone."

"You don't know that," another witch said, her voice low. "He's a wild animal. You all are. All you do is cause chaos and bloodshed. You kill because you cannot control your beasts."

The woman in the middle looked at the other witches. They seemed to be discussing something. Finally, she turned back to me. "Because of the children, we'll give you one chance to leave. If you don't, we will have no choice."

I shook my head. "I'm not leaving without Alex."

The woman's face hardened. "Then you leave us no choice."

Suddenly, the witches began to chant. Their voices were low and powerful, and a strange energy filled the air. I heard Sarah growl behind me, and I knew we were in trouble. Before I could react, a powerful force hit me, and I was thrown backward, crashing into the car and everything went black.

I opened my eyes with the most painful headache I've ever felt and then my eyes instantly caught Alex. He was unconscious and I struggled to get to him but I realized I was bound to a chair with chains and I immediately called out to my wolf to break through when I heard a woman's voice, "Don't waste your energy. It's enchanted. You won't break through."

I scowled at the red-haired woman, not liking her mocking tone. "Where are my children? And my friends?"

"Oh, don't worry about the little ones. We wouldn't hurt them. Unlike you monsters, we actually have hearts and care if children get hurt or not. Now, she turned to Alex, "as I was telling your friend here, you lot are not welcome. All werewolves that enter our lands will die."

"Then what are you waiting for, huh?" I mocked her tone, "Go ahead and kill us."

She raised her hand again, using her annoying headache-inducing spell and I let out a piercing scream which seemed to satisfy her. Just when I thought she was going to tear my head in half, another voice spoke, "Stop it, Fiona!"

A woman entered, beautiful, older but still beautiful, with eyes that had a striking resemblance to Alex and Nate. She looked at Alex, her eyes softening, then stared at me before turning to Fiona, "I leave and you do this? I placed him under my protection, and you seem to have forgotten that I am the regent here. You all answer to me."

"No," Fiona shot back, "you seem to have forgotten that we elected you regent and we've been turning a blind eye while you did favors because you have a blind spot for them, but no more. You let one in, others followed. Have you forgotten what happened when their kind attacked us? Maybe you shouldn't be regent anymore."

"I don't have time for this," the regent snarled.

The tension in the room was thick. I could feel the power struggle between them. I focused on Alex, making sure he was okay. He was still unconscious but seemed to be breathing steadily.


10:57 AM D

Chapter 151

The regent took a deep breath, her eyes flashing with anger. With a wave of her hand, Fiona was knocked unconscious. She turned to us, her gaze softening slightly. "You are lucky," she said, her voice filled with a mixture of annoyance and resignation. "I will deal with Fiona later."

She snapped her fingers again, and this time, the chains binding me loosened. I carefully stood up, stretching my stiff muscles. Alex was still unconscious. The regent walked over to him and examined him briefly. "He's just unconscious," she sighed, her voice filled with relief."He'll wake up soon."

I nodded, relief washing over me. "Thank you for helping us."

She looked at me, her eyes holding a mixture of sympathy and caution, "I did it for him and I have placed only him under my protection. You and your friends are in danger here," she warned. "You need to leave."

I hesitated, not wanting to leave Alex alone. But I knew she was right. We were in enemy territory, and it was only a matter of time before the other witches came for us. She couldn't possibly stop them all. "We'll leave but we need to take him with us."

Alex's eyes flickered open, and as if drawn by an invisible cord, his gaze landed directly on me. His expression was filled with relief, "Silver?" His voice was a hoarse whisper. Without a moment's hesitation, I rushed to his side and enveloped him in a tight embrace. "You're okay," I murmured, my voice trembling slightly.

The regent's voice, sharp and commanding, cut through the air. "You can have your reunion later. Right now, you need to take those kids and leave. I'll send him back to you once we've finished with the spell. If everything goes according to plan, he should get his wolf back." Her tone was urgent, leaving no room for argument.

I glanced between the regent and Alex, confusion swirling in my mind. Alex nodded, his expression resolute. "I'll be fine," he assured me, his voice stronger now. "I'm so glad you came, but you need to take the twins and go. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this. I knew it would be dangerous. Christian shouldn't have brought you here. I have to do this. I need to get my wolf back to protect you. She won't hurt me."

I looked back at the regent, her gaze fixed on me, an intensity in her eyes that made me uneasy. "Are you sure she can trust her?"

He gave me a weary smile. "No, she wouldn't hurt her nephew."

My jaw dropped open in surprise. Nephew? A wave of questions surged through me, but before I could utter a single word, the regent's voice cut through my thoughts once again. "You two can discuss how I'm his mother's long-lost sister later. Right now, all of you need to leave. Your friends are waiting."

I stole one last glance at Alex. "I'm still pissed at you," I managed to say, my voice filled with a mixture of anger and worry. I leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to his lips before turning away. The rest of the group was already gathered outside, their faces etched with concern. I hurried over to the twins, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Where's Alex?" someone asked, their voice filled with anxiety.

"He'll join us later," I replied, trying to sound more confident than I felt.

I took Nate's hand, but when I reached for Ivy, she hesitated. "Ivy, let's go," I urged, growing impatient. But she stood rooted to the spot, her gaze fixed on something behind me. I turned around to find her staring directly at the regent, who was standing in the doorway.

A strange energy seemed to pass between them, an almost imperceptible connection that sent a shiver down my spine.

Finally, Ivy took my hand, and we began to run. As we fled the scene, a nagging thought crept into my mind.

There was no way in hell my daughter was a witch.




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