Bittersweet Memories (Off-Limits)

Bittersweet Memories: Part 2 – Chapter 52

I hide behind my screen as Silas walks past my desk and disappears into his office. “What’s wrong with you?” Josh asks. “Did you do something?”

I glance at him and shake my head. “No, it’s nothing. I’m behind on something the boss asked me to do, so I’m hoping he’ll forget.”

Josh rolls his eyes and looks away. “Idiot. Silas never forgets anything. You won’t get away with that for long. You’d better go fess up and ask for more time.”

I nod as I get back to work, wishing it were as simple as that. I can’t believe he kissed me, and I let him. I don’t know how to face him, or what this means for us. I’m more confused than ever. I’ve barely healed from what Ryan put me through, and Silas is the last person I should be getting with, but I also can’t stay away.

I haven’t stopped thinking about the way he felt against me, and the way he touched me, his hands rough and urgent. If I hadn’t run away, we definitely would’ve slept with each other again, and that would’ve just complicated matters so much more.

I’m startled out of my thoughts by the sound of heels clicking on our quiet floor, and I tense when Raven walks in, heading straight for Silas’s office. It annoys me that she can come here so freely when this is supposed to be a highly guarded floor.

She closes the door to Silas’s office, and I grit my teeth as I grab a random folder from my desk and follow her. I walk in to find her standing next to Silas’s office chair, leaning over him with her cleavage on display and a seductive smile on her face.

Silas looks up, his gaze following me intently. “Alanna?”

I place the folder on his desk with more force than intended and smile at him through gritted teeth. “I have some questions about the project I’m working on.”

Raven straightens and smiles at me. “It’s you again.”

I smile back at her sweetly and cross my arms. “Are you authorized to be here?”

Raven opens her mouth and then snaps it shut again before pushing an envelope toward Silas. “Make sure you attend the show’s afterparty,” she reminds him. “Mr. Therza will be there. I’ll be sure to introduce you.”

The door closes behind her, and I stare at Silas, my anger overflowing. He kissed me last night, and today his ex shows up at his office? I should’ve known the rumors about him are true. He’s a playboy, and I’m just one of his conquests. The only woman he’s always gone back to throughout the years has been Raven.

He reaches for the folder, but I place my hand down on it and yank it back. I have no idea what documents are even in there. I just grabbed the first thing I saw. “Are you going to this party tonight?” I ask, the words leaving my lips involuntarily.


Disappointment hits me right in the chest and my shoulders slump. Of course he’s going. “You can’t,” I tell him. “I noticed some suspicious behavior on one of the computers I’m monitoring, and I think we’ll see some action tonight. I think it’ll be a large-scale attack.”

“If it happens, notify me, and I’ll head straight to the office.”

“I also need help with some of the coding that has to be done for the Astra project.”

“Josh can help you.”

I stare at him, wondering if I was mistaken about him. Why did he kiss me if he’s still going out with his ex like this? Why did he lead me on? I take a step back and nod slowly, realization dawning. Maybe he really is just like Ryan, and I fell for it all over again.

“Alanna,” he says the moment I turn away. “If you’re free, I’d like you to join me tonight. Mr. Therza is a potential client I’ve had my eyes on for a while, and tonight’s introduction could be a game changer for Sinclair Security. I have to go.”

I turn back around to find him smiling at me knowingly, a teasing look on his face. “Oh,” I murmur. “I mean… I suppose I can make time, if it’s that important.”

He nods. “That would be great.”

I walk out of his office with a smile on my face and sit down at my desk, filled with cautious hope and butterflies that have no business fluttering the way they do. “I guess the boss gave you an extension?” Josh says, and I nod absentmindedly.

I try my hardest to focus on work, but for the rest of the day, all I can think about is attending this event with Silas, and the way he quietly put my worries to rest.

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