Chapter BIT 13

Chapter 13

Rebecca knew that whoever was behind that article was certainly Alicia’s lackey. Although Harvey was a billionaire, the media rarely reported on him because he hated the spotlight. On the other hand, Alicia used to be a supermodel until her career imploded due to her bad behavior.

“That snake woman must be seeking attention by dragging Harvey’s name into this. She thinks I’ll react and cause a scene, but I won’t! Poor her!” Rebecca muttered to herself. She deleted the news link from her phone and switched it to airplane mode. She wouldn’t act recklessly.

“Everything has to go according to plan…”

She yawned and closed her eyes, trying to ignore the disturbing news.

Two months later.

“Come on, Becky, you can do it!” Nicholas cheered, watching Rebecca try to walk with a crutch under her right arm. She grimaced in pain but managed to step forward successfully. Nicholas clapped enthusiastically, a broad smile on his face.

“You’re truly a fighter!” he exclaimed. He walked over to her and ruffled her hair. Rebecca smiled faintly. “Thanks, if it weren’t for you, things might have turned out differently,” she replied sincerely.

Nicholas smiled, “Call me crazy, but I truly believe our meeting was destined, I mean the party, the hospital hallway, everything led us here,” he said, standing just a step away from Rebecca, close enough to feel her warm breath.

Rebecca felt a sudden rush of nervousness. Although they often spent time together, they had never gone beyond hugging, and even sitting close felt weird to her.

Suddenly, Nicholas lowered his face and everything happened so fast. He kissed her gently

lv on the lips. Part of her wanted to push him away, but she couldn’t do it. After a few seconds of hesitation, she closed her eyes and tried to enjoy the moment.

Nicholas’s soft kiss gradually turned into a passionate one. His hands began to slip off Rebecca’s cardigan, but she instinctively pulled away.

“I’m sorry, Nic. I can’t!” she whispered, touching her lips, slightly breathless.


11:28 Wed, Aug 14

Chapter 13


Nicholas looked disappointed, “What’s wrong? We’re in a relationship Becky,” he said, still in disbelief at the rejection.

Rebecca bit her lip hard, intending to tell Nicholas she wasn’t ready for that step yet but instead, she said, “I felt uncomfortable because of my leg, sorry…”

The excuse worked, and Nicholas nodded. “Oh, shit! Did I hurt you? I’m sorry, I was…

“No, don’t be sorry! It was not you, it’s me,” Rebecca interrupted as she buttoned her cardigan back up.

Seconds later, suddenly her phone rang, and she hobbled on her crutch to pick it up from the table. “Sorry Nic, I have to take this, she said, glancing at Nicholas who was struggling to calm his desires.


“Rebecca Harper!” she answered cheerfully, knowing the caller represented a worldwide popular.cosmetic brand. “YES, I DO!” She shouted with a wide smile when the brand offered her a collaboration to become their ambassador. With her three million Followers, it was easy for her to attract potential clients, but her goal was beyond that. She aimed to secure luxury brands to reach a level above Alicia.

“See? You’ve already gotten so many brand offers, yet you still choose to stay in this studio apartment. Please, Becky, let’s move to my apartment. I promise you can have your own room, you don’t have to sleep with me,” Nicholas pleaded in frustration. He has tried to persuade Rebecca for the past two months but always received the same. rejection.

Rebecca was silent, looking down at her phone. After a moment, she asked, “Are you serious about your offer?”

Nicholas sighed, “Jeez, of course! Why else would I consistently remind you to move to my apartment if I’m not serious about it?” he replied impatiently.

“Well, I’ll do it only if you agree to accept rent from me,” Rebecca said firmly. She was determined not to take advantage of Nicholas’s kindness.

“What? Are you joking? I thought we were more than that, how could you ask me to accept rent from you?”

Rebecca shrugged, “Fine, then I’ll just stay here,” she replied casually.

“Yes! Okay! I’ll let you pay rent, happy?” Nicholas had no choice but to agree to Rebecca’s request. “Okay, let’s waste no time! I’ll help you pack!” he exclaimed.

11:28 Wed, Aug 14

Chapter 13

“Like right now?” Rebecca stared in surprise.

“Yeah, right now.”


Rebecca’s leg healed much faster than expected. Despite undergoing walking therapy, she did it with enthusiasm. Her relationship with Nicholas remained stagnant, with no progress beyond kisses that Rebecca gave half–heartedly.

Call her crazy, but Harvey still frequently appeared in her dreams. She had thought it would–be easy to move on from her ex–husband, especially with Nicholas always by her side for the past four months. However, letting go of her feelings for Harvey was far more difficult than she had imagined.

“Becky, are you sure about taking that job?” Nicholas asked while they were having dinner together in their apartment.

sn’t scary to

Rebecca nodded, “Yeah, it’s a great opportunity for me. Besides, New York me anymore,” she lied. A week earlier, she had been invited as an honored guest at the Met Gala representing famous designer Arnault Saverio.

Nicholas extended his hand, holding Rebecca’s.

“Just promise me one thing,” he said with a deep gaze.

Rebecca looked back, wondering when the right time would be to tell Nicholas that she was giving up on their stagnant relationship. She couldn’t love Nicholas as he loved her.

“Don’t look back anymore, I mean, you and Harvey

“I won’t! Don’t worry!” She barked, quickly diverting her attention to the Vodka Salmon Spaghetti on her plate, hoping Nicholas couldn’t read her mind.

That night, while checking her email inbox, she was shocked to find dozens of emails from unknown addresses. She was about to delete them all, assuming they were spam when one email accidentally opened.

-Dear Mrs Harper, it’s me, Lucy, your former maid…-

Rebecca’s body tensed, and the anger she had successfully suppressed resurfaced. “Lucy? How dare she contact me again…”

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