Billionaire’s Unseen Love ( Bella and Alex )

Chapter CHAPTER 123

123 The Unraveling 

Lillian stood, trembling slightly, in the opulent garden of the banquet hall, her eyes darting around as if seeking an ally or an escape. The air was thick with tension, the kind that precedes a storm

“You think you can just waltz back here, after everything?Lillian’s voice cracked as she spoke, her attempt at defiance undercut by the quiver of fear in her tone. 

Emma, unfazed, turned to face her accuser, her calm demeanor a stark contrast to Lillian’s agitation. “What exactly did I do, Lillian? Remind me, because from where I stand, I’ve only ever defended myself against your relentless spite.” 

A murmur of whispers spread through the gathering crowd, their eyes flicking between the two women like spectators at a tennis match. 

Lillian, her face flushed with anger, retorted, “You think you’re so innocent, hiding behind your brother and his power. But I know the truth. You’re nothing without him!” 

Emma’s expression hardened. “If believing that makes you sleep better at night, then by all means, cling to your delusions. But let me make one thing clear-” 

Before Emma could finish, Lillian, fueled by a cocktail of rage and desperation, raised her hand to strike. But her movement was swift, halted mid–air as Emma caught her wrist with an iron grip. 

The crowd gasped, the anticipation palpable in the air. 

“Enough, Lillian. This ends now,Emma’s voice was icy, her eyes locked onto Lillian’s. 

Just then, a new voice cut through the tension. What’s going on here?” Alex’s voice, laced with confusion and concern, drew the attention of the gathered crowd. 

Lillian, seizing the opportunity, turned her tear–streaked face towards Alex, playing the victim to perfection. “Emma, sheshe attacked me, Alex. After everything, she still wants to hurt me.” 

Alex’s gaze shifted between the two women, his mind a tumult of emotions. Turning to Emma, he asked, “Is this true? Did you-” 

Emma released Lillian’s wrist, stepping back with a sigh. “Alex, you’ve known me long enough. Do you really believe I’d stoop to such pettiness?” 

The question hung in the air, a challenge and a plea wrapped in one. Alex, his heart in turmoil, found himself at a crossroads, the weight of his past and present choices pressing down on him. 

As the crowd waited with bated breath, Alex’s next words would tip the scales, for better or for worse. But before he could speak, a sudden commotion at the entrance of the garden drew everyone’s 


The crowd parted to reveal a figure, one that none had expected to see tonight, turning every head and silencing every whisper. 

123 The Unraveling 

Alex, Emma, and Lillian turned as one to face the newcomer, each with their own brand of shock 

etched across their faces

The night, it seemed, was far from over. 

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