Billionaire's Accidental Wife

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

The trailer is damp and dark Two solemn-looking officers sat on a table piled high with walkie-talkies, badges, and cold cups of coffee, facing a giant monitor. The fan in the corner does little to cool things down, and the whole place is wired shut like a prison cell, with no windows and thus no connection to the outside world. It's much smaller than I expected from the outside, and I find myself frozen in place for a few moments after entering. "Chelsea," Christie says behind me, placing an arm around my shoulders. "Everything will be okay, sweetheart. The orphanage will not suffer, and Dave will be alright." She appears nervous but still manages to calm me down. That is my sister, brave as ever. "They're in!" shouts one of the agents. Christie and I shuffled our way around the table. We stare earnestly at the big screen, focusing on each movement while holding our breath. Inside the building, the two actors pretending to be investors are dressed to look the part perfectly. Their hair is neat and they are both in stylish-looking business suits. They sit around a large rectangular table in a barren room with the paint peeling from the walls. Dave had mentioned before that Sebastian insisted the meeting take place here, as it is where he does his "off the books" transactions.

Inside the trailer, everyone is quiet and tense. All the agents' eyes are glued to the screen. My thoughts are only of Dave. He is somewhere in the building, but I have no idea where. I try to recall the details of the plan, but my memory is sketchy because I am so panicked. "Look," Christie whispers, pointing at the monitor. I look up and see Sebastian walking into the room. He seems a lot thinner than when we last saw him and has a scruffy, untamed beard. By the looks of things, the business has not been going well for him. Not surprisingly, Brown Inc. has taken a big blow over the last few weeks. Not only has Dave left the company, but a lot of his other employees have followed suit and resigned over the rumours of Sebastian's illegal activities. More will undoubtedly follow once they turn on the nightly news later. This, I imagine, is a last attempt for him to get at least a fraction of his company back "Gentlemen... please sit," Sebastian instructs. Let me just begin by saying that I know you've heard rumours about my company. But I assure you that it's all hearsay and a pathetic attempt by my competitors and, unfortunately, my partner, to ruin my reputation. The actors stare at him and nod. "I can assure you that Brown Inc. is an outstanding company that takes care of its employees and does not indulge in any illegal activities." Well, maybe for a few here and there, "he laughs."

"What kind of activities are you referring to, Sir?" one of the actors asks in a calm, business voice. "Bear in mind that if we're to invest, we need to know the dealings of the company we're partnering with." "Yes of course. Well, as you know, mining is not an easy business. Not to mention when you are operating in a foreign country. "Look," he leans forward, elbows resting on the table, his eyes focused on his potential partners.

Sometimes the best places to mine are well... not exactly ideal, but I run a business here and I

have to do what is necessary at times. "And what does that require?"

Well, it requires mining near residential areas, neighbourhoods, and communities where people live. Do you think Brown, Inc. became so successful because we dug where everyone else was digging? No! We had to stray from the pack. We had to venture out on our own and dig where everyone else was afraid to."

"That's it!" one of the agents shouts beside me. "We got him!"

Sebastian, your competitors don't mine in residential areas because it's illegal. I am sure you're aware of that." Sebastian leans back in his seat and folds his arms across his chest. His relaxed attitude indicates that he had no idea what was going on.

"Yes, but how successful are they?" "Success is paramount to me, gentlemen. I have spent my life doing whatever it takes to achieve success, even if it means displacing a few people. Listen, it's not that hard. All you do is mine in the neighbourhood and then, a few years later, build a school or health centre. By then, they would have forgotten ever being misplaced." "Move now!" I've heard enough of this son of a bitch!" the police agent beside me shouts. The next thing I know, the police, secretly waiting in the building, storm into the meeting. "Police! Don't Move! Police!"

Sebastian appears visibly stunned beyond belief. Within seconds, an officer cuffed him and read him his rights. "Wait! What's going on? What is this? I have done nothing wrong!"

"Game's over, Sebastian," Dave

suddenly says, striding into the

room. "Dave!" I should've known you were behind this!" Sebastian

screams at his son. I'm just


revealing the truth to you, partner. You had to be stopped!" "Stop what exactly? I'm just doing what everyone else is afraid to do. How do you think I live in the mansion with you and your expensive apartment and drive a fancy car? How did you think the company was so successful? It's all my idea. Everything is mine. I just used your name and connection. Do you believe that we did it by playing by the rules?"

"You acquired all those things by ruining people's lives, Sebastian! Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

"Dave, how could you? After all that I have done for you?" Sebastian spits with what looks like hate in his eyes. By this point, the officer is dragging Sebastian across the room. "You ungrateful little prick! I'm your partner!! How could you?" His screams echo through the monitor. I turned to find Christie sobbing uncontrollably.

"I can't believe I ever loved him," she whimpers.

"It's okay, Christie. Don't blame yourself. You had no idea he was like this. Now he's going to be locked away for good." She nods, but I know it will be a while before she fully gets over it

all. For now, she will just have to

take it day by day. Suddenly, the trailer door swings open and Dave appears. I impulsively leave Christie's side, dash across the trailer, and jump out into his arms wrapping my legs tightly around his waist and snuggling my face in his neck. "It's okay, Chelsea,"

murmurs. "I told you we'd stop him."

I stare into his eyes while mine fills with tears. He kisses me with urgency. "I've wanted to do that since I saw you this morning." Behind us, all the agents piled out of the trailer to regroup with the others who were in the building.

"I think I'll leave you two alone for a bit," Christie says with a suggestive smile before she follows them. As soon as we are alone, Dave pushes me back into the trailer and gets himself in, pulling the doors closed behind him. Before I can even ask what the hell he is doing, he swipes all of the items off the table and moves the monitor onto the floor He picks me up again and lowers me down gently onto the table and begins to unbutton my blouse and trousers. He kisses what seems like every part of my body, from my collarbone to my nipples and lower back. I tilt my head back in ecstasy. "I've missed you so much..." he whispers in my ear before he climbs on top of me. He unzips his pants and slides his long, thick cock inside of me. My back arched on impact and I let out a small cry so no one outside would hear. "Oh... Dave," I moan, my nails digging into his back. He glides his shaft in and out of my wet pussy with quickening speed. A few minutes later, neither of us can hold on any longer and we explode into euphoria. Just as I catch my breath, I shoot him a devious smile.

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