
Chapter Billionaire11-20

Chapter 11

The end of the red carpet was buzzing with a crowd.

Marian stood right in the middle. She was dressed simply, in a style that suggested she had just come back from a morning walk in the park, with a long coat and trousers. Despite her silver hair, she looked much younger than her age, with a bright spirit, clear eyes, and barely noticeable wrinkles at the comers of her eyes. Her slightly plump face still retained its collagen. ‘A true example of aging gracefully, Chloe thought to herself.

Behind her was a podium loaded with gifts from the guests, various gift boxes, large and small, already stacked high. At that moment, Lisa was presenting a square brocade box as a gift.

“Ma’am, this is from my family, a custom jewelry set from QUEEN, valued at eight million dollars.”

QUEEN was an internationally renowned luxury jewelry brand that had taken the world by storm just three years ago. Its exquisite designs had quickly become a favorite among the global elite.

-Marian glanced at the jewelry in the box and smiled, “Thank you, Ms. Lisa.”

Lisa continued, “I’m glad you like it. The price isn’t a big deal. Everyone knows that QUEEN only accepts private commissions, and each piece is unique. It took me a lot of effort to acquire this necklace because I felt that only something unique as QUEEN could match your status.”

Marian raised her hand, signaling a waiter to take away the gift box. Before Lisa could finish, the waiter had already taken the box, casually placing it behind a pile of gifts, where it was instantly lost among them.

“The next gift is from the Francis family of Eldridge City,” the butler announced loudly, reading from the gift registry. Before entering, everyone had to register their names at the entrance and then present their gifts to Marian. They all appeared in the order of their arrival.

Lisa had much more to say but was abruptly interrupted by the butler. She reluctantly moved aside, standing next to Leah. She couldn’t understand why the Meadows family’s generous and valuable gift hadn’t made more of an impression. Not even a whisper of praise or admiration was heard from the


surrounding guests.

But Lisa soon understood why. The prestigious families of Eldridge City had brought gifts of immense value. Imperial emerald carvings, ancient porcelain, topaz vases, and antique paintings and calligraphy were all worth millions. In comparison, her eight–million–dollar jewelry seemed insignificant.

“The next gift is from the Moncada family of Riverbrook.”

Chloe and Lucas stepped forward together, and Lisa’s gaze fell on Chloe. As Chloe presented her gift, a mocking smile appeared on Lisa’s face. Chloe opened her brocade box, revealing small pieces of incense, each the length of a finger. The box was neatly packed with these incense sticks.

“Ma’am, I hope you like the gifts we prepared.”

Lisa knew of Chloe’s hobby of making incense. How could such a trivial hobby stand out in such a setting? Chloe was too full of herself. All of Marian’s gifts were priceless treasures. How could such an inexpensive item be worthy of

such an occasion?

Marian picked up the box, smelled it, and smiled broadly, “Thank you, Ms.


Chloe was slightly taken aback. How did Marian know her name when she had registered as Mrs. Moncada? Just as Marian was about to have someone put the gift away, Lisa suddenly stepped forward. “I heard Mrs. Moncada has a hobby of making incense. Could you have made this incense yourself?”

Chloe had noticed Lisa from the beginning. Chloe smiled, “Yes, this is a little hobby of mine. This particular incense is called ‘Royal Immersed Rose, and it is made with roses, agarwood, and various spices. I mixed them using ancient methods…”

A hint of triumph appeared in Lisa’s eyes. Before Chloe could finish, she eagerly interjected, “Presenting something you casually made as an important birthday gift for Mrs. Sartori’s seventieth is a bit disrespectful, don’t you think? How much could such a small box of incense cost, a thousand dollars or ten thousand?”

Chapter 12

In an instant, all eyes were on Chloe and Lucas.

Lisa shot Lucas a pointed look. “Has the Moncada family fallen so low that they can’t even come up with a decent birthday gift?”

Lucas‘ face darkened. He had caught a cold from the air conditioning the night before and had been feeling dizzy and groggy

Since he woke up. So, the task of preparing a gift for Marian had fallen to Chloe. His grandfather had. emphasized how crucial this meeting was for them and even said there was no budget limit for the gift. Unexpectedly, Chloe had brought a box of homemade incense as a makeshift gift. If the casualness of the gift offended the Sartori family, the resort project would be dead in the water.

With a stern face, Lucas was about to scold her when Chloe spoke calmly.

“I heard that the reason you came to Riverbrook three years ago, was to rest because you had insomnia. This fragrance I made has soothing and

sleep–aiding effects. I hope it can help alleviate your insomnia and headaches.”

.She had done some research at the office in the afternoon and found out

about Marian’s insomnia.

Lisa laughed sarcastically. “Isn’t it just a spice blend? Don’t make it sound like a miracle cure. If aromatherapy could fix everything, what would we need hospitals for?”

At that moment, the redhead standing by Marian sniffed the edge of Chloe’s box. “This isn’t the traditional scent of Royal Immersed Rose. It also seems to have a hint of herbal fragrance too.”

Chloe spoke indifferently. “I modified the traditional recipe and added several herbs like Acorus and night–blooming jasmine. They help soothe the mind, hence the herbal fragrance.”

The redhead smiled at Marian. “Grandma, I quite like this fragrance. If you don’t want it, give it to me.”

The redhead was Kaitlyn, Marian’s granddaughter, who had also returned from abroad specifically for her grandmother’s birthday.



Chapter 12

“Who says I don’t like it?” Marian looked at Chloe, gave her a thorough

once–over, and then smiled kindly. “Just smelling this fragrance made me feel refreshed. Austin, take the fragrance to my bedroom. Don’t let others get their hands on it.”

The butler, Austin, quickly obeyed, carefully taking the box from Kaitlyn’s hands and walking away.

Lisa’s face stiffened. Her $1.2 million jewelry gift hadn’t even gotten a second glance from Marian. But Chloe’s homemade incense had won her favor and was also specially stored away. ‘Are these rich people all out of their minds?‘ Lisa thought to herself.

The gift–giving session continued, but many who had already presented their gifts began to disperse. Lisa felt humiliated and didn’t want to stay any longer. She had only taken a few steps when she overheard people talking about her.

“That seems to be the Meadows family’s biological daughter, who was found three years ago. I heard she grew up in the countryside.”

“No wonder she reeks of rural naivety, flaunting a piece of jewelry and even stating its price. Can’t she see the emerald bracelet on Marian’s wrist worth $30 million? Clearly, her necklace is just an entry–level piece from QUEEN. I felt embarrassed for her when she emphasized its price.”

“If you’re not from Riverbrook, you wouldn’t know. That lady who brought the incense is the adopted daughter of the Meadows family.”

“No wonder. Picking on someone on such an occasion is really low. I thought. Mrs. Moncada was quite graceful and elegant, naturally aristocratic. She acts. like she was born into wealth.”

“Speaking of which, her whatnot incense really smells good. I could smell its high–quality fragrance from far away. Now that’s what I call a top–tier luxury, unlike some people who only know how to talk about prices.”

Hearing this, Lisa’s fingers turned white. Everyone liked Chloe. But everything about Chloe–her elegance, her composure, her innate nobility–was stolen from Lisa. One day, Lisa vowed to tear off Chloe’s beautifully crafted facade and let everyone see her true face.

Chapter 13

way to

After handing over the gifts, Chloe and Lucas made their their table. near the door. Since no one else had arrived yet, they had to wait on the side.

Partway through, Lucas‘ phone rang. He glanced at the screen and quickly headed towards the garden through a side door. Chloe knew it was Linda calling, but she didn’t mind and started admiring the antiques in the banquet hall. “An entire wall of Renaissance–era porcelain–truly breathtaking.‘ She was


Before long, a young girl approached her. “Are you Mrs. Moncada?”

Chloe turned gracefully. “How can I help you?”

“I’m Tiffany. Eldridge City’s Military District Commander is my grandfather. Could I boldly ask for the recipe for your Royal Immersed Rose?”

Before Chloe could respond, the girl added hastily, “I can buy the recipe from you. Name your price.”

Chloe smiled. “The recipe isn’t a big secret. I just made it for fun. If you like it, I’d be happy to give it to you.”

The girl’s eyes lit up with joy. “Really? You’d give it to me?”

“Yes, just add me on Messenger, and I’ll send you the recipe tonight.”

The girl quickly added Chloe on Messenger. Then, several other young ladies gathered around. “I want it too! Can you give me your contact as well?”

Chloe was a bit bewildered but added them one by one, promising to send the recipe that night. Joke aside, these young ladies were either the mayor’s daughter, the top tycoon’s heiress, or even the granddaughter of a famous politician.

From a distance, Lisa watched a group of the Eldridge Elites crowding around Chloe to add her on Messenger. Fuming, she complained to Leah, “Mom, are they serious? Why would the Eldridge Elites go out of their way to please Chloe? What are they after?”

Leah responded coolly, “They’re far from foolish. Among all the guests who brought gifts, only Chloe’s caught Marian’s eye. They want the recipe to curry


Chapter 13

favor with Marian in the future.”

Leah sighed softly. “Among them, one will inevitably become the wife of Connor Sartori,”

Lisa snorted. “What’s so important about winning Marian’s favor? Connor’s the one who decides whom he marries. Maybe Connor doesn’t even like those rich ladies conditioned by various doctrines and prefers a rebellious girl


Leah seemed to see through Lisa’s thoughts. “Lisa, our family is among the top in Riverbrook, but compared to these heiresses of the Eldridge Elites, we’re far behind. Moreover, the Sartori family isn’t just the wealthiest. They also have a prestigious background, which is not something our small family can aspire to be.”

Leah reassured her, “I will find you a very good match in Riverbrook.”

“Mom, you said it yourself. Riverbrook is nothing compared to Eldridge City. People always aim higher. Besides, how do you know Connor won’t like me if I don’t try?”

Leah shook her head, a look of helplessness on her face. Sometimes, social ‘status was an insurmountable mountain. The wealthy were more pragmatic, especially the noble families, who paid more attention to matching social statuses. The tale of a Cinderella only exists in fairy tales.

Meanwhile, several young ladies were calling Chloe “babes.” Chloe went along with it, which pleased the young heiresses immensely. But their friendly demeanor was reserved only for her. Among themselves, they were still competitive and unwilling to give in to each other.

“Last month, I met Mr. Connor, and he even said I’ve become more beautiful,” one of them bragged.

Chapter 15

Chloe whipped her head around, her eyes still glued to the man’s tall, commanding figure. Wherever he went, it was like a storm cloud followed, his powerful and icy presence intimidating everyone in his path. People watched him with a mix of respect, admiration, and even fear. He had that kind of

bone–chilling aura.

It couldn’t be him.

Her “Trophy Boy” was nothing like this. He was as hot as a midsummer sun, wild, reckless, and a bit of a rogue. Every time they met, he was the one. initiating the flirtation, playing hard to get when she got close and going all out to win her over when she seemed ready to walk away. He had mastered the art of pleasure like a pro.

Chloe often poked his chest, scolding him, “You’re like an incubus, you know?”

He’d always cheekily pinch her chin and say, “Then, are you my succubus?

How could her libertine be the otherworldly King of Eldridge standing before. her? Chloe convinced herself it couldn’t be. But a nagging unease wouldn’t leave her alone.

As the gift–giving segment wound down, guests began to take their seats. Chloe was already seated. Her gaze swept the room but found no trace of Connor. She sat quietly, pulling out her phone and scrolling through her contacts until she landed on “Trophy Boy.”

She stared blankly at the number, feeling a strange sensation like she was being watched. Suddenly, she looked up and locked eyes with a cold gaze from the second floor of the banquet hall.

It was him!

Despite the distance, she couldn’t be sure if he was looking at her. Her heart skipped a beat. On a whim, she dialed the number.

The man on the second floor stood still, unwavering. Thank goodness, Chloe thought, it’s not him. She glanced down, ready to hang up, but the call connected. Instinctively, she looked up again. The man on the second floor still stood tall, holding a phone to his ear.


Chloe’s heart pounded like a drum, faster and faster. She slowly lifted the phone to her ear. Finally, a familiar, deep, and cold volce came through, “Speak.”

Chloe didn’t say a word. She just stared at the man on the second floor, who was staring right back at her. After a few seconds, she hung up. Sure enough, Connor slowly pocketed his phone.

Chloe felt her heart squeeze, making it hard to breathe. How could this be? Why was this happening? Connor was actually her Trophy Boy, the one she’d been with for three years.

Chloe couldn’t calm her racing thoughts. She suddenly remembered the first time they met. The night Lucas took Linda abroad. Her childhood friend. Cassie had dragged her to Diamond Club. She remembered drinking a lot, with Cassie ordering a slew of male models. By some coincidence, she ended up sleeping with one of them.

The next morning, she was full of regret until she saw his nearly angelic face. Then, she had other ideas. If Lucas could have his fun abroad, why should she stay lonely? Their marriage wasn’t as perfect as people thought, after all.

So, Chloe immediately wrote the guy a check for one hundred thousand dollars. “How about I take care of you from now on?” She had told him.

Their encounters after that were never at the Diamond Club again. In fact, she had only been there once. She gave him an address for their rendezvous: Greenpeace Estate.

Chapter 16

For three years, he had been living there.

On top of that, she sent him a ten–thousand–dollar check every month. Whenever she felt like it, she would visit him. Their meetings were always at night or late into the night, and each time, he knew exactly how to make her smile.

It was like they had an unspoken agreement. They never talked about anything beyond their immediate pleasures, nor did they inquire about each other’s families or backgrounds. They were in it just for the fun. He represented the most unconventional and rebellious part of her life. When she realized that this part of her life seemed to have gone beyond the control of her own reason, she decided to end their clandestine relationship.

She thought they would return to their separate lives without crossing paths again. But she was shocked to find that her once weak prey was now staring at her with the confidence of a hunter. She seemed to have already fallen into his trap.

When Lucas returned, he saw Chloe sitting in the chair, lost in thought. Her face was pale, and she looked distraught as if she’d suffered a heavy blow. Her usually bright and enticing eyes seemed to have lost their color, becoming somewhat empty. She was always so charming, but now her dullness made her seem pitiful, tugging at his heartstrings.

Lucas suppressed the urge to ask what was wrong and sat down beside her. However, he already knew it was because of Leah and Lisa. The woman she had called mother for twenty years now treated her like a stranger. Leah and Lisa weren’t sitting at the same table with them.

The banquet soon began. Lucas noticed Chloe drinking one glass after another, clearly burdened with thoughts. When Chloe poured herself a drink for the third time, Lucas stopped her.

“Why are you drinking so much?” he asked.

Chloe looked at him with a smile, her voice slightly teasing, “Why? Are you worried about me?”

Lucas‘ voice was cold. “Today is an important occasion. Don’t get drunk and


disgrace the Moncada family.”

Chloe huffed, “Leave me alone, I’m heartbroken. Can’t I drink a little to ease my pain?”

Lucas noticed the blush at the corner of her eyes, his heart slightly shaken. But then he hardened his expression. “Chloe cut the act. Even if you pass out drunk on the table today, I wouldn’t feel sorry for you for a second.”

Chloe remained silent, continuing to drink. She didn’t understand–how did Trophy Boy turn into Mr. Connor? Did he even know her real identity? He was pretending to be a gigolo she supported for three years, and he never once tried to explain.

As the banquet progressed, guests began to approach the main table to toast. Lucas also stood up, “Let’s go. We should toast to Marian.”

Lucas led the way, with Chloe behind him, holding her drink. They quickly reached the main table. The area around the main table was crowded. Marian had already left. Only Connor was holding the fort. Many guests came to toast, but mostly, the guests drank themselves, and Connor would just touch his glass as a polite gesture. He would symbolically take a sip if it was a .particularly high–ranking guest.

Once the people in front of Lucas left after their toast, Lucas found an opening and approached Connor.

“Mr. Connor, I’m Lucas Moncada from Riverbrook. I’ve heard much about you, and I’d like to offer you a toast.”

Lucas copied what the previous guests had called him. Mr. Connor. Lucas held out his glass, seemingly waiting for Connor to clink glasses with him. Lucas. had observed that no matter who came to toast Connor, young or old, he would not refuse and would at least politely touch glasses. But at this. moment, Connor showed no intention of taking his glass and acknowledging Lucas.

Lucas‘ hand, holding the glass, hung in mid–air. The atmosphere turned slightly awkward.


Chapter 17

Just as Lucas‘ heart sank bit by bit, Connor spoke up nonchalantly, “Moncada International? With the Leading Heights studio?”

A glimmer of hope flickered in Lucas‘ heart. Connor actually knew about Leading Heights.

“Joshua is my grandfather, and he’s always praised you as a prodigy in the business world. He mentioned that partnering with Sartori Corporation on the resort development project would be a tremendous fortune and honor for us.” Lucas had been worried about how to bring up this topic. Unexpectedly, Connor had given him the perfect opening. Of course, he didn’t expect Connor to agree right away. A billion–dollar project couldn’t be settled with just a few sentences. But he needed to make sure Connor remembered Moncada International to gain an edge over the numerous competitors.

Connor twirled his glass with his fingers. Even while seated, he exuded an air of superiority that made those standing feel like they had to look up to him. His w

was low and indifferent, with a hint of mockery. “We can work with anyone on the resort project except Moncada International.”

Hearing this, the crowd around them was taken aback. Many had their eyes on the lucrative resort development project. When Connor mentioned Leading Heights, they felt a twinge of envy. But now, that envy quickly turned to

schadenfreude. Everyone was curious. How did Moncada International offend the King of Eldridge?

Even Lucas himself was stunned. Before today, Moncada International had no dealings with the Sartori family, and no one had even met Connor. Why would Connor say this out of the blue?

Lucas‘ face showed a hint of panic. “Mr. Connor, if I may ask, did the Moncadal family offend you in any way?

Connor suddenly stood up, his gaze passing over Lucas and landing on Chloe behind him. His demeanor was cold, and his glowing skin gave him an ethereal, almost otherworldly coolness. But his voice had a tinge of emotion. “That’s a question for Mrs. Moncada.”

19:11 1

Chapter 17

All eyes instantly turned to the woman behind Lucas. Chloe was stunning. Arguably the most beautiful woman in the room. Many had noticed her from the start, the woman in the white dress who seemed like a goddess emerging from a misty southern garden. Her beauty was mesmerizing, and even in the simplest attire, her radiant allure was undeniable. Numerous inquisitive and scrutinizing gazes fell upon her.

Chloe hadn’t expected Connor to call her out like this. But Lucas had already turned around, his gaze cold and his voice filled with accusation. “Chloe, explain yourself. What’s going on here?”

Lucas felt as though he’d been hit by a hammer. How could Chloe know Connor? And what had she done to offend him? Was there something between them?

Chloe composed herself, a subtle smile playing on her lips as she stepped forward. “I didn’t expect Mr. Connor to hold a grudge. It was three years ago when I accidentally scratched his luxury car. I didn’t know who he was, so I left a thousand dollars and left. Hard to believe you still remember that, Mr.


Chloe had to come up with a lie on the spot. She couldn’t possibly say that she ‘had started sleeping with him three years ago and then recently dumped him.

That would be too much.

Lucas let out a sigh of relief. For some reason, he had been nervous, fearing there was a more complicated entanglement between them.

Chapter 18

Lucas snapped, “Mr. Connor’s car must’ve cost a fortune. Your measly thousand bucks was practically an insult. Get over here and apologize to Mr. Connor!”

The crowd watched Lucas‘ harsh treatment of Chloe, shaking their heads at his complete lack of chivalry. How could he scold such a beautiful woman so coldly without a hint of protection?

Lucas figured Connor wouldn’t care about the car repair cost. It must’ve been Chloe’s thoughtless act of leaving a thousand dollars that made it seem like an insult, causing Connor to hold a grudge all this time.

Connor remained silent, so Chloe confidently approached. Holding up her glass, she said, “Three years ago, I was blind to your greatness, Mr. Connor, and for that, I apologize.”

Chloe added, “I hope Mr. Connor can be magnanimous and not hold a grudge against me.”

But Connor just laughed. It was a cold laugh, his lips curving up, making his face seem almost bewitching. His eyes slightly lifted, his voice dripping with malice. “Mrs. Moncada, you think a single glass of wine can erase three years of pent–up frustration?”

The crowd was in shock. They couldn’t help but think that the King of Eldridge was indeed petty. He was holding onto a grudge over a minor car scratch for three full years and troubling a young girl in such a setting. He truly was vengeful.

While everyone reminded themselves never to cross him, they also sympathized with Chloe.

“What would it take for Mr. Connor to let go of his anger?”

Connor picked up a bottle of whiskey from the table, “One glass won’t do, but a bottle, perhaps.

The crowd was speechless. Forcing a frail woman to drink a whole bottle of strong whiskey could be deadly, right? But someone was already pouring the drink. A whole bottle could fill ten glasses, and they were neatly lined up on


Chapter 18

the table. Connor’s gaze was fixed on Chloe, “Please.”

Chloe thought, ‘If a bottle of whiskey could sever our tumultuous past, it isn’t a bad deal.’ She stepped forward, picking up one of the glasses. “Mr. Connor, you’re a man of your word, so I will drink these, and our grievances will be settled. You must also let go of your bias against Moncada International and at least give them a fair chance in the bid.”

“Of course,” his voice surprisingly carried a hint of pleasure.

As Chloe was about to drink, someone whispered nearby. “Mrs. Moncada is so formidable, both beautiful and bold, but her husband really doesn’t measure up.”

“Exactly, at a time like this, he’s letting his woman take the lead while he doesn’t utter a word. He acts like a freeloader.”

“She is all in for the benefit of Moncada International, and he seems indifferent.”

“He’s not even trying to protect his own wife.”

These words clearly reached Lucas‘ ears. His face turned from pale to .flushed. How could these people blindly judge, failing to see that Chloe was

the one who had caused the trouble in the first place?

But Lucas, of course, had his pride as a man. He directly snatched the glass from Chloe’s hands, saying, “She’s my wife, and I’m willing to apologize to Mr. Connor for her mistake. I’ll drink these in her stead.”

Lucas expected Connor to refuse and was surprised when he said, “Mr. Lucas, you are a good husband.”

“Drink up.”

Chapter 19

Lucas was stuck in a tough spot. With a determined gulp, he downed his glass of whiskey in one go. Before he could even set the glass down, another was thrust into his hand. And then another. And another.

Lucas had been feeling under the weather all day, and his headache had only started to ease by evening. Now, with a few glasses of booze in his system, the pounding in his head came back in full force. By the eighth glass, he was at his limit. He swayed, teetering on the edge of collapse.

Lucas wasn’t much of a drinker, and no one knew this better than Chloe. But she, on the other hand, could hold her liquor surprisingly well.

“Two more drinks? I’ll take them,” she said, stepping in after Lucas set down. his glass. Without a word, she took the glass, tilted her head back, and knocked it back smoothly. Then she grabbed the last one.

Everyone watched in awe. It wasn’t that unusual for a woman to hold her liquor, but the grace with which Chloe did it was something else. Her slender fingers wrapped around the stem of the glass, making it look like a piece of art. As she tilted her head back, revealing her elegant, swan–like neck, she drank with unhurried ease, exuding a natural, almost lazy grace. It was as if she wasn’t dealing with a challenge but rather enjoying a quiet celebration and savoring the moment..

When Chloe set the glass down, the crowd couldn’t help but break into applause. Her expression remained unchanged, though a faint blush colored her cheeks, making her look even more vibrant and spirited. Like a stunning Damascus rose under the midday sun–absolutely captivating.

“We’ve finished the drinks, Mr. Connor. I trust you’re satisfied now?” There was a hint of something more in her words.

Connor’s face remained stony, if not colder. After a moment, a slight smirk. tugged at his lips. “You two truly make a loving couple.” Then, he turned and sat down, seemingly losing interest. Others quickly stepped up to offer toasts, and the moment passed.

Chloe helped Lucas back to their seats. Lucas felt awful. His stomach was churning, and he was on the verge of throwing up. He managed to stand. “I need to hit the restroom.”



Chapter 19

Chloe sat there, lost in thought, her gaze drifting to the main table. Suddenly, she felt something cold splash against her chest. A glass of red wine had been dumped all over her.

“Oh, I’m so sorry! I was just about to toast and tripped over the carpet,” Lisa’s fake apology followed.

Chloe looked up, anger flashing in her eyes. Lisa had done it on purpose. She saw Chloe steal the spotlight at the main table, drawing compliments for her genuine nature, wanted to bring her down and make her look foolish.

“Mom, what should we do? I’ve ruined Chloe’s dress,” Lisa said, turning to


Leah glanced at Chloe with a cold indifference. “Your sister has taken so much from you over the years. It’s just a dress. She won’t mind.” Then, she took Lisal by the arm and left. As they walked away, Lisa turned back, smirking triumphantly at Chloe.

Chloe’s heart ached as she watched them leave. Her parents‘ betrayal cut deeper than anything Lucas and Linda had done. The night the DNA test results came out, Leah had slapped Chloe hard. Twice. “You’re that bitch’s child? I’ve been cherishing my enemy’s daughter all these years. Go to hell!

Chapter 20

It had been three years, yet just thinking about it still made Chloe’s chest ache. By now, a lot of people were staring at her, whispering amongst themselves.

“That’s just too much, seriously. That little brat did it on purpose.”

“Yeah, Chloe, is she really your sister? How can she be so nasty?”

“How could Leah be so unfair to her? I mean, Chloe might not be her biological daughter, but after twenty years, doesn’t she feel anything?”

Chloe’s story had quickly spread among the ladies of the Eldridge Elites social circle.

The young girls were outraged on Chloe’s behalf. A few of them, who had just messaged Chloe, were nearby and saw the whole scene. They hurried over to her.

Chloe said, “It’s okay. I’ll go to the restroom and clean up.”

“With all that wine? No way you can clean it all up. Kaitlyn, go get Chloe a clean outfit, will you?”

“Chloe, come with me upstairs. I’ll find you something new to wear.”

Chloe looked up and saw that the girl speaking was the redhead girl who had stood by Marian earlier.

She was strikingly beautiful, and unlike the other girls in their formal evening. gowns, she wore a casual outfit – an orange tank top and dark blue jeans.

Chloe felt an instant warmth towards the girl, Kaitlyn. She didn’t refuse the offer. After all, her dress was soaked through, and the red wine was glaringly obvious against the white fabric.

“Thank you, Kaitlyn.”

Chloe followed Kaitlyn and took a side elevator upstairs.

They walked down a long corridor. At one point, the corridor offered a clear view down into the banquet hall.

Chapter 20

Chloe looked towards the main table and noticed Connor was no longer there. Soon, Kaitlyn opened a door. “Chloe, wait here a moment. I’ll go grab you some clothes.”

Chloe nodded and stepped inside.

Not long after, Kaitlyn returned. She held a yellow tank top and a pair of dark blue flared jeans. “I just got back from England today, so this is all I have, no formal dresses.” Kaitlyn sounded apologetic.

“This is perfect, thank you, Kaitlyn.”

Kaitlyn smiled, “I’ll leave you to it then. Once you’re dressed, come downstairs. Don’t worry. This room is hardly used, and the door’s locked with a fingerprint scanner. No one else can get in.”

Then, Kaitlyn left, gently closing the door behind her.

Chloe drew the curtains, moved to the sofa, and began to take off her dress. She was halfway through when she heard a noise at the door.

Unexpectedly, the door swung open.

Chloe quickly grabbed her discarded dress to clumsily cover herself, turning her head reflexively. Her wide, panicked eyes met the man’s cold, dark gaze.

At the sight of her changing, the surprise in his eyes was quickly replaced by a deep intensity. He stepped into the room, facing Chloe, and swiftly closed the door.

Upon seeing his face, Chloe let out a sigh of relief. “Mr. Connor?”

Connor’s gaze was fixed on Chloe’s face, his voice emotionless yet chilling. “What are you doing here?”

Chloe explained, “My dress got stained with red wine, and Kaitlyn kindly offered me a new set of clothes.”

“Weren’t you aware that this is my room?”

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