Billionaire, Let's Divorce (Mark and Sydney)

Chapter 0299

Chapter 0299

Lost for words, I simply smiled with a nod to acknowledge his appreciation.

With a deeper thought of the whole situation, I realized that I was not really thinking when I yelled for him to stop.

Arg, what's wrong with me? Now, everyone here is stealing glances at me.

"How did you know he's allergic?" one of my teammates seized the opportunity that she was currently in close proximity to me and asked.

There was only one way to evade that question.

I outrightly ignored her and pretended that I didn't hear her as I focused intently on the judges tasting the food as if they were doing anything that surpassed opening their mouths, dipping food-filled spoons or forks in their mouth and chewing consciously as they figured out the tastes.

On their own accord, my eyes traveled to Aiden but I quickly dragged it away but that didn't remove him from my thoughts.

I shuddered as I wondered what would have happened if I hadn't overheard them talk about adding sesame to their snack? Who knows if the allergy has worsened over the years?

Thinking about him falling from that tall seat to the floor, curled around himself, his face contorted in pain somehow set me on edge. And it was the same rooted reason since I found out about his allergy years ago that made me reflexively react the way I did.

But then, even as I partly reprimanded myself for directing everyone's attention to me for speaking up, I believed I would have also done the same thing for just about anyone else, even if it wasn't Aiden.

"I'm curious, Anastasia, how in the hell did you know?" She looked around the table and shrugged, her eyes narrowing slightly as she continued, "I mean, he just became our employer a few weeks ago and we've barely spent much time with him to know that he is allergic."

I let out a tight smile as I filled my mouth with several pieces of the pita chips that another team had made for the competition. The crunch of the chips didn't provided the momentary distraction I needed and I could feel their expectant gazes on me.

It didn't taste as good as my team's but at this point, I was ready to do anything to evade answering their unending questions. I chewed slowly, buying time and hoping they might lose interest.

As expected, when we settled down for dinner, they brought up the question again. What am I even saying? Immediately, the farm-to-table challenge ended, I was swallowed up in their midst as they made an effort to commend my team on our tasty snack before they dove to the real reason I was of so much interest to them at the moment.

"Perhaps you knew him before he became our boss?" One girl with red hair chipped in and I noticed that her food was untouched. She had been drilling me with questions since dinner began and had forgotten her meal in her eagerness for answers.

"Maybe you guys attended the same high school and it previously skipped your mind." Another colleague

Chapter 0299.

suggested, leaning closer with interest.

Lcouldn't bring myself to lie to them and there was no way in hell that I would tell them the truth.

"Wait!" The same girl gasped, her eyes widening with a sudden thought. "Is the-"


Rachael slammed her fist on the table and the sudden noise caused a few people to jump.

"You guys! It's dinner time. Let the girl eat in peace. Geez."

Her intervention provided a brief respite, but I could tell the others weren't ready to let it go..

Silence prevailed for a little while then a familiar blonde who was nable to contain her curiosity any longer piped up. "But how really did you know?"

She dragged the 'really', her eyes huge with curiosity...maybe begging for an answer.

I shrugged as I picked up a donut, using the action to hide my discomfort.

"I don't know," I shrugged with a nervous laugh, hoping my feigned nonchalance would be convincing,

"I guess he looked like it?"

"He looked like it?" She repeated.

I shrugged, "It's just some kind of premonition I sometimes have," I shrugged again, hoping this harmless lie would be enough to shut them up. "Say if you were about to dip your head in that sauce," I pointed to the girl across from me, "I would feel this insane urge to say something directed at you."

"Huh?" They chorused.

"I mean half the time I'm not even aware that I'm doing it. Earlier, there was no conscious thought before. yelled for the boss to stop."

The redheaded girl, with a deeply furrowed brow, shifted in her seat, "Let me get this straight. You sometimes have a premonition, weird but it happens. But how exactly did you know that sesame was his allergy?"

"Look!" I piped up with feigned enthusiasm. "It's our dessert!"

The girl didn't get distracted as she muttered, “By the way, if you ask me, I'd say the boss likes you."

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