Billionaire, Let's Divorce (Mark and Sydney)

Chapter 0266

Chapter 0266


After a long minute of arranging my things in my bag, I closed my eyes and took a deep calming breath.

"It's okay, she will be fine," I muttered to myself as I force a smile on.

"You just have to go to work, stay a few hours and get some work done then you head right back."

My lips turned down as I thought of how long I would have to be away from her. My God, I'd be away from her for hours! The thought made my hands tremble slightly as I gripped the strap of my bag. What if she needs something and no one is around?

"Relax, Ana," I quickly told myself. "The nurses are here. The doctor has assured you that she will be well attended to. Besides, Clara said she'd drop by. So she will be fine. She has all the help she might need." I repeated these facts to myself, trying to use logic to combat the worry that threatened to overwhelm me.

With a big smile, I turned to Amie. Her still lashes at the end of her eyelids casted soft shadows on her pale cheeks. Her chest softly rose up and down. As I watched her, my heart suddenly felt heavy in my chest when I was transported back to the previous night. I remembered her barely audible voice as she complained of being tired.

Then she had proceeded her observation with, "Why am I tired, mommy? Even when I spend all day painting and making paper boats, I never feel tired."

It had taken all the strength in me not to burst in tears right then before her. Instead of saying anything that would prompt my tears out, I simply held her in a gentle embrace and waited till the tears weren't pricking my eyes so much anymore.

Then I told her, "Sometimes, it happens." The words felt hollow as they left my mouth, but I clung to them and hoped they would be enough for now.

I had managed to keep the tears at bay until she slept off but now I felt like bursting in tears all over again.

The weekend had been tougher than I thought and it had sent a clear message of how tougher things will get and how strong I need to be for my baby. It was hard having to keep a smile on my face as I kept Amie company, but trying not to worry too much was the hardest. Every moment felt like a balancing act between being present for her and holding with my own fears and uncertainties

But instead of bursting in tears like I wanted to, I looked up at the clean white ceiling for a few seconds without blinking. With another long exhale, I placed a kiss on Amie's forehead and smoothed back her hair. Just that small action caused one strand of her hair to fall in my hand.

I swallowed as I dropped with the rest in the bag I had brought for it. So far, it was just a few strand and my heart broke each time one fell off.

With another kiss on the forehead, I reluctantly headed to the door, out of the hospital and off to work.

It was time to get out there, work my ass off while acting like my life was in total order and get my -paychecks.

I got to work just in time. I stepped into the elevator and pressed the button that held the number of the floor I was heading to.


Chapter 0266

I blew out my cheeks as I exhaled and waited for the door to close but just as the door was sliding shut, a hand slipped in-between causing the doors to open again.

I almost rushed out of the elevator when the owner of the hand turned out to be Aiden but that would be rude, wouldn't it? He was my boss afterall,

With a stiff smile, I sent a curt nod his way to acknowledge him.

I firmly remained at the edge I innitially was, myneyes trained on the buttons and arrows, impatiently waiting to reach my floor and get out of his presence.

It occurred to me to thank him once again for the ride but I didn't want to give room for any

conversation so I kept my mouth shut and eyes trained ahead of me. I didn't think I could have been more professional.

The silence was tense or maybe I was just being paranoid. But still, I preferred it to any conversation we might possibly have.

But I was derived of the contentment of my preference when he asked out of the blue, "Is she alright


"Huh?" I blurted out, sounding irritated and rude. Two of the attitudes that I was not supposed to display in my boss' presence.

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