Billionaire, Let's Divorce (Mark and Sydney)

Chapter 0252

Chapter 0252


I took a deep breath as I waited for the taxi man to hand me my change. The evening air was quite cool and comfortable on my skin, except that where I was headed made me a bit uncomfortable. "Here you go, ma'am," he handed me the crispy note with a polite smile.

"Thank you," I ducked my head as I stepped down from the car and made my way to the TechTaste Innovations building.

For a moment, I stalled a few feet from the door guarded by two bulky men in sharp suits.

No one had bothered to tell us the setting of the party. The invitation had been frustratingly vague about the dress code.

What if my dress was a total clash to the theme?

I itched to look down at my silk midi wrap dress and smooth it down with my hands but the men at the door had their eyes in my direction and that would look weird, wouldn't it?

I blew out my cheeks. Well, whatever theme it turns out to be, I'd have to blend in somehow. With that in mind, I strutted forward, my heels clicking on the ground softly.

As I entered the reception area I was awed by the sight that greeted me. In a matter of just a few hours, the place had undergone so much transformation. The normally ordinary reception area of Taste Tech had been converted into a grand ballroom.

It was a captivating classic party setting. The ballroom was adorned with shimmering chandeliers. They casted a soft glow over the delicate floral arrangements and the vintage furniture that had replaced the sad cushioned chairs and stiff counter that used to sit in the area.

The sound of the elegant melody filled the air, adding to the calm and sophisticated ambiance. Strings and piano notes wove together, creating an enchanting atmosphere.

It felt like I had just stepped into a scene from a foregone era, surrounded by the timeless charm and


Whoever planned this party in such a short time was undoubtedly a pro, I thought as I walked farther into the room. Every detail spoke of meticulous planning and exquisite taste.

I exchanged smiles with some of the employees who caught my gaze. I had thought it would just be the company's staff and the new administrative team and probably, a handful of new employees but there were people everywhere. I hadn't expected the party to be this packed.

Thankfully, my dressing blended right in with the theme and everyone's formal choice of outfit.

Ana," Rachel raised her hands and wiggled her fingers at me. "Over here." Her voice carried over the din of the crowd.

I walked over to her, "Hey." I managed a smile at the new face she was talking to and he smiled back.

"You're right on time," Rachel said excitedly, clutching to my arm. "The head organizer is just about to give his speech.


Chapter 0252

Just then, the head organizer chirped up. "Okay," he chuckled, "This is going to be a very short one." The crowd quieted down, all eyes turning towards him.

He went ahead to thank us all for coming and hoped we liked the theme in very few words.

"And if you don't fancy the theme then pardon me but believe me when I say, I had you in mind the whole time I organized the party."

Low coos and a few chuckles rose from the crowd.

He continued after they had quieted down, "So tonight, I hope you will forget all about boring work and life's inevitable and countless problems and just have fun. Thank you."


clapped as he walked off the stage and everyone went about enjoying their time.

"Gosh!" Rachel exclaimed as we took our seats around a well decorated table. "This place screams class! I bet they spent a fortune organizing this party." "Obviously," I blurted.

"I bet he'd increase our pay."

-flaughed. "Do not set yourself up for disappointment, love." I raised my flute in her direction before I took

a sip of the white wine. The crisp liquid danced on my tongue.

"Well, hoping we might get a pay increase is a form of motivation," another girl from work giggled.

"Whatever works for you, babe," I commented.

One of our male colleagues made a snarky comment that got us laughing loudly.

Suddenly there was a tap on my shoulder. My laugh froze on my face as I turned around to meet the unfamiliar face. It was one of the servers at the party.

"I have a message for you," she said briskly, then lowered to my ear level and whispered into my ear and then she was gone.

Why is my attention needed at the back?

"Is everything alright?" Rachel asked, concern etching her features.


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