Billionaire, Let's Divorce (Mark and Sydney)

Chapter 0250


Chapter 0250

"Thanks," I mutter quietly as I disentangle myself from him.

The brief contact leaves me feeling a bit unsettled because my body remembers the familiar comfort but hates the unwanted memories. swirling in my mind.

Without sparing him a glance, I turned around and walked back to my office... more like I fled to my office with my heart in my throat. My heels clicked rapidly against the polished floor, echoing my racing pulse.

I wanted to give myself a punch in the face.

For fuck's sake, it has been years!

It's been five years yet I could still recognize the smell of his favorite cologne. The scent lingered in my nostrils, bringing back a flood of memories I thought I'd buried long ago. Well, it was one of the first things I noticed about him. So it was understandable, right? I tried to rationalize my reaction, but a nagging voice in my head whispered that maybe, just maybe, I wasn't as over him as I'd like to believe.

"Woah," Rachel raised her head from her system, her eyes widening as she took in my flustered appearance.

"Are you okay? You look....flushed."

I forced a smile, hoping it didn't look as strained as it felt.

"I'm fine. There was this huge box that was being rolled through the hallway, I didn't see it coming so I rammed into it." The lie slipped out easily.

She visibly winced, "Ouch. Sorry."

"Thanks," I managed a smile and returned to my cubicle.

+25 BONUS.

"That's insane," Clara frowned as she rinsed her hands and towel dried it. "This is a job they worked hard to get and kept for years, it's unfair." Her voice wavered slightly.

I shrugged, "I know. It's cruel. I felt really bad for them."

"I don't know what I'd do if I ever lose my job," she murmured.

"You find another one. It takes effort, but you will. It won't be the end of life."


"And you won't believe who the new CEO turned out to be," I leaned forward on the kitchen counter, eager to change the subject.

She quirked her brows, "Who?"



She gasped, her eyes widening, "No freaking way!"

I smirked, "Yes freaking way, girl."


"I know, right?" I shook my head, "I was equally stunned."

She then looked at me with a smug smile on her face that made me narrowed my eyes at her, "Don't."

"It's fate, Anastasia," she said dramatically. "You're meant to reunite with Aiden."


I rolled my eyes, and whispered, "To hell with fate."

She laughed lightly. "I agree with you."

"There's nothing like fate here." I continued as I picked up strawberry from the fruit bowl, "It's all in the past." I took a small bite, "I mean it's been five years, trust me, that's more than enough proof of that." "Hmm," she hummed and I watched as she whisked the egg white in the bowl. I frowned when she looked up and turned in the direction of the living room.

I followed her gaze and caught a glimpse of Amie as she painted before she picked up an airplane and moved from her painting spot.

"What?" I asked, suddenly worried. I looked toward Amie again, "Did something happen?"

She rolled her eyes. Then she said pointedly, "What about her?"

When I still stared blankly, she sighed exasperatedly. "The new development at work?" She said again, titling her head to the side.

"Of course, I'm not telling him," I answer quickly, suddenly feeling defensive. I scoffed, "What do you mean what about her?"

She threw her hands up in the air, "I just wanted to know."

"I didn't tell him before. And I certainly am not going to do that now,"

I told her as I tried to stop my racing heart.

What if he finds out and take her away from me?

Well, he wouldn't. He has no interest in being a father.

"No," I said again, "I wouldn't be telling him anything. Neither would


you. Imagine him finding out and using it against me.

Clara frowned, "Using it against you? In what way?"

"I don't know! Okay? I don't know. I just would not tell him anything about her. Infact, he's not the father."

"Of course, Ana. I support your decision," Clara said calmly. "I just wanted to know where your head's at."

"Now, you do," I said in a small voice. Then I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I tried to calm down.

No one is telling him anything and definitely no one will take my baby from me, I told myself.

"Meanwhile," I drawled. "There's a party happening tonight."

"Hmm," she wiggled her brows, "Sounds interesting. Where is it holding?"

"At work," I said absentmindedly. "Aiden is throwing a welcome party."

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