Billionaire, Let's Divorce (Mark and Sydney)

Chapter 0238

Chapter 0238

Sydney nodded, sniffling softly as she tried to regain her composure.

"Come on now, not you too," she chided, pulling back and giving Grace's shoulder a gentle squeeze. "You'll ruin your makeup, and we can't have that."

Grace let out a shaky laugh, blinking rapidly to clear her vision.

Sydney smiled and handed Grace the exquisite bouquet that had been carefully arranged for the occasion.

"Here, take this," she said, handing the fragrant bundle of flowers to Grace. "Everyone's waiting for us."

Grace accepted the bouquet with a grateful nod, her fingers caressing the petals.

"Thank you, love."

Arm in arm, the two friends made their way down the elegantly decorated hallway. Sydney was still dabbing at her eyes because the tears wouldn't stop coming.

Then she saw a hankie in front of her.

She looked up beside her and saw Mark walking beside her with a lopsided grin

"You'll ruin your makeup if you keep crying like that."

Sydney took the cloth and dabbed at her eyes.

"You can return it to me some other time," he gestured to the handkerchief.


Sydney looked at him to say something but then her eyes went to the collar of his shirt and she said, "Your tie is still as crooked as always,"

Mark glanced down at the askew knot of his tie, his fingers barely adjusting it.

"Well, would you help?" his eyes twinkled.

"Of course not," Sydney snorted.

"Where's Damon?" Mark inquired, glancing around as if expecting the precocious child to materialize

"He's with the old aunties, waiting in the hall. They wanted him to keep them company."

They finally reached the ceremony hall.

Grace linked arms with her uncle, who would be walking her down the aisle, and exchanged one last meaningful look with Sydney before the doors swung open.

Soft, ethereal music filled the air, and all eyes turned towards the radiant bride as she made her way down the aisle, her bouquet clutched tightly in her hands.

At the end of the aisle stood the room, the doctor she befriended years ago at the hospital, who then became her boyfriend, fiancé and now, her husband-to-be. His eyes shone with love and adoration as he watched his bride approach.

The ceremony proceeded with a dreamlike quality, the exchange of vows and the sliding of rings onto trembling fingers.

As the officiant uttered those fateful words, "You may now kiss the


bride," a thunderous applause erupted from the gathered guests, everyone rising to their feet in a standing ovation.

In the midst of all the joyous celebration and the throwing of bouquet. Sydney caught the bouquet as Grace tossed it over her shoulder. This elicited a chorus of cheers and good-natured ribbing from the assembled well-wishers. Even Mark who was busy cradling a sleepy Damon in his arms, had a secretive smile on his face.

The reception continued in merriment, eating and drinking.

Sydey found Mark whilst she was busy getting throngs out together and Impulsively thrust the bouquet into his hand.

"Here, you take it," she said.

Mark looked down at the flowers.

"But... you earned it."

"I don't need it," she insisted and turned to leave.

pressing the bouquet into his hands.

Mark quickly, but genty held her wrist.


She turned back to face him with a raised brow.

"Can you give me a second chance?" Mark asked, his eyes searching hers with a silent plea.

"Huh?" she managed, her voice a mere whisper.

Mark took a step closer.

"I want a second chance for us... the two of us... and Damon."

Chapter 0238

There was a heavy silence between them before Sydney broke the stillness.

"I'm sick of being someone's wife. But it's not a bad idea to be someone's girlfriend."

A slow, radiant smile spread across Mark's face, and he let out a soft, relieved laugh.

"I would love to be your someone," he answered.


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