Billionaire, Let's Divorce (Mark and Sydney)

Chapter 0228

Chapter 0228

There was an edge of scorn to her words, as if my disbelief was


Noah trailed off.

Of course new Dylan was capable of killing Axel, I just didn't think would be the fast. Cold blooded murder was one thing, but to take out the son of the powerful Godfather with such brazenness, it boggled be mind Imean Avel as the godfather's biological son should be stronger and smarter, shouldn't he?

well, be bacht had to pose as another man for years and kill lots of people to keep his secret. A small voice in the back of my mind.

Perhaps Dylan's deception and life of violence had better prepared him for the brutal realities we now faced.

Yeah, but Axel was brought up in the mafia world; a dangerous world. He should know better that there would be people after him as he was most likely to be the godfather's heir since he was the only chic; it was only logical. Outward appearances were really deceiving at times. Just look at meekness of Dylan on the outside and how monstrous he was on the insice

would say Axel was too complacent," Scarlet broke into the debate I was having in my head, smoke curling from her lips with each word. "The thought and assurance that he'd become the next godfather made him let his guard down. We heard he was killed on his way to see his mistress."

A mistress?

"Who knows if the mistress was even a ploy to get him out of his house?" I commented absentmindedly..

Scarlet shrugged, wholly unbothered, and continued to focus on her cigarette and how she puffed out the smoke.

Her calm demeanor was an unsettling contrast to the utter turmoil raging inside me.

"The godfather won't stand by this time," I said, then lowered my voice to a whisper, "Our plan is only a step away."

We were in too deep now to turn back, whether I liked it or not.

Scarlet turned to look at me, her gaze coated with pity. That might have been the most unnerving look of all.

"The mansion is now sealed off, you can't get out. Now it depends on how the godfather handles the situation when he comes back. To everyone now, you are on Dylan's side."

Her lips drew down in a mocking pout, "Poor Sydney, I don't know if you would be alive to carry out the next step of the plan."

As annoying as those words sounded, she was right.

With one son dead and the other the murderer, Tavon could choose

to vent out his anger by killing me and there would be nothing. anyone could do.

Not Bella or Scarlet.

I bet Dylan would even be glad that I was out of his hair, one less loose end to worry about.


I gave her a faint smile, trying to hide my nervousness that must have been obvious.

"If it happens that I actually did get killed, please send my ashes to my best friend, Grace. She would know what to do next."

Scarlet gave me a disbelieving look at my request about sending my ashes to Grace.

"Are we friends?" She threw her hands up in exasperation. "Why do I have to do these things?"

I shook my head, regretting having asked in the first place.

"Never mind then."

"Better," she murmured and went back to smoking her cigarette, taking a long drag.

We easily fell into a random conversation to lighten the mood and I didn't try to ask her to do anything for me. Instead, we just sat on the woven chair on the terrace and talked.

Our chat meandered from topic to topic and turned heedless and lighthearted in a way. At one point, Scarlet even mentioned some amusing things about the house staff and I was laughing despite the complicated situation I was in.

I realized, as I looked at Scarlet and the impish glint in her eye, that if Luigi were still alive, he and Scarlet might have actually made a surprisingly good match. And whether she was his type or not wouldn't even matter. They both had a similar sense of humor and a strong spirit to thrive and survive anywhere.

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