Beyond the Timescape [Wuxiaworld]

Chapter 94: Gu Muqing

The rest of the day went by in a flash.

The moon rose over the still sea, and stars appeared in the dome of heaven, making it seem like the port district of Seven Blood Eyes was covered in a fine, mysterious gauze veil.

From a distance, the seven towering peaks hung over the lands, seven blood-colored eyes looking out like awe-inspiring guardians. They stood guard over the prosperity of the sect, ensuring that commoners longed to come to the city. It was a place where people could make something of themselves, and earn enough money to pay the residence fee. That, in turn, ensured that Seven Blood Eyes was a prosperous place. The eyes struck fear into the hearts of those on the outside, and ensured that nonhumans and other criminals didn’t dare to cause any problems.

In terms of the vicious disciples within the sect, they were simply like venomous bugs in a jar. Those that emerged would be lone wolves that were capable of surviving in the chaotic world. Only wolves like that deserved to be members of Seven Blood Eyes, and share in the profits of the sect.

Xu Qing looked at the port as he flew closer and closer in his flying boat.

Numerous dharmaboats floated on the surface of the water, and beams of light from the lighthouses shifted back and forth everywhere. That, coupled with the light of the moon, made the water sparkle.

One particular beam of light belonged to the lighthouse on Harbor 79. And that was where Xu Qing’s seemingly rickety flying boat came to a stop. The beam of light focused on him, forcing him to narrow his eyes. Shielding them with one hand, he produced his identity medallion with the other. A soft glow emerged from the identity medallion as a spell formation scanned it to confirm his identity. Only then did the sluice gate open to let him in.

The beam of light shifted away from him, and his vision returned to normal. As he entered, the familiar breeze hit him, lifting his hair as he looked out over the harbor. At long last, he breathed a sigh of relief. Seven Blood Eyes was a vicious and dangerous place, but it was much safer compared to the open sea. At the very least, Offpeak disciples wouldn’t have to face enemies that existed at a higher level of cultivation than them.

“I’m back,” he murmured as he piloted his flying boat back to his berth.

His return in the middle of the night attracted some attention from the other disciples in Harbor 79.

If had been anyone else, he wouldn’t have earned much more than a glance. But when the disciples realized it was Xu Qing, many of them stepped out onto the decks of their dharmaboats and offered him greetings with clasped hands.

His last breakthrough, when the Forbidden Sea dragonwhale appeared, ensured that he was well-known in Harbor 79.

The disciples who stepped out to greet him noticed the dilapidated flying boat he was on, and realized he must have faced some very harrowing circumstances. However, Offpeak disciples knew how to maintain decorum, and wouldn’t ask inappropriate questions. Thus, all of them just pretended not to notice that Xu Qing’s boat was in such bad condition.

In response to the greetings called to him, Xu Qing clasped hands and bowed formally. Then, when his flying boat was back in his berth, he glanced around a final time, stepped into the cabin and started meditating. It was just the same as he had done before going out to sea.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he put away thoughts of the slaughter back on the island. However, he remained as vigilant as ever. That was especially true considering the wealth he had returned with. Granted, he was well-known enough that it seemed unlikely anyone would try to attack and rob him. But he still didn’t let his guard down. As before, he scattered poison powder both on the shore and in the water around him.

At the same time, he hadn’t forgotten about the young merman he killed before going out to sea, or the dharma protectors that had been keeping an eye on him.

I wonder how things have been going with the issue of that dead fish.

Instead of asking around, he just focused on his breathing exercises.

The night passed. The next morning at dawn, the wind was gentle and the sun beautiful. The first rays of morning light were like the lips of a beautiful woman, gently bringing warmth to all living beings, and driving away the cold of night.

When the sunlight hit his boat, Xu Qing opened his eyes, walked out, and looked at the port district.

Finally, he was looking at something familiar. Perhaps it was the sight of the disciples on patrol, or the other early risers. Perhaps it was the morning wind, the sound of the commoners getting to work, or the aroma of food in the air. Regardless, Xu Qing was in a very good mood.

Not worrying about the dilapidated state of his daoist robe, he flew off of his flying boat, put it away in the bottle, and headed to the cart where he usually ate breakfast. The vendor gave him an enthusiastic greeting as he ordered a big meal. The vendor glanced at his ruined robe, but didn’t say anything about it. Apparently he’d seen things like that many times in the past. The meal was so familiar and delicious that Xu Qing ordered seconds.

After settling the tab, he didn’t report in to the Violent Crimes Division immediately, but instead went to the city’s Disciple Administration Office to buy a new daoist robe.

After changing, he thought for a bit and then decided that he should go to the Transportation Division to see Zhang San. His flying boat needed some work, and as for his dharmaboat... he needed a whole new one. However, after considering how much wealth he had accumulated, he wasn’t worried about that.

Elder Brother Zhang San helped me out a lot, and I never paid him back. I need to make up for that.

Patting his bag, Xu Qing headed toward the Transportation Division.

As the sunlight grew brighter, Xu Qing arrived. From a distance, he saw that, in addition to the various workers assigned to the Transportation Division, there were some other disciples present that he wasn’t familiar with.

There were seven or eight of them, and they were all young women. Every single one was good-looking, and not even their daoist robes could cover up their attractive curves. In addition to their beauty, there was something distinctive about them; they all specialized in the dao of alchemy. These young women were disciples from the Second Peak.

Among the group was a young woman whose pale orange robe made it clear she was a conclave disciple. Her robe was eye-catching, but so was she; she was immaculately attractive and beautiful. She looked to be about sixteen or seventeen years old, was elegant and lithe, with bright eyes, a sunny disposition, and a graceful aura. She seemed like a sweet-tempered person. Thus, despite how the others crowded around her, she didn’t come across as being a conclave disciple. She just stood there looking calm and refined.contemporary romance

As Xu Qing looked over the group, he realized that they were standing around Zhang San.

Compared to the beautiful girls, Zhang San, who was squatting on a sandbag rubbing his hands together, looked very unimpressive. That was especially true considering his well-worn clothing. Seeing Xu Qing approach, Zhang San waved a greeting, then looked at the Second Peak disciples and slapped himself on the chest.

“Don’t you worry at all, ladies. It’ll all be taken care of. When Ol’ Zhang goes out to sea, everyone gives me face.”

Realizing that Zhang San was in the middle of some sort of business deal, Xu Qing stayed off to the side in the shadows. Within the darkness, his gray daoist robe looked attractive and gentle. At the same time, his position in the shadows created a stark contrast with the bright sunlight. In fact, because of that contrast, his gentleness seemed like a mask, beneath which was a cold indifference that bordered on hostility. What was more, his long black hair cascaded down his back, making another contrast with his clothing, and giving him a very unique look.

All of that caused the Second Peak disciples to notice him and cast glances in his direction.

Xu Qing’s facial expression remained unchanged as he stood there quietly, waiting.

Before long, Zhang San finished his negotiation, then stepped over to Xu Qing and grinned. “So, you’re back, you little punk. How did you do out there?”

“Not bad,” Xu Qing replied with a smile.

“As long as you made a bit of profit, that’s all that matters. By the way, see those disciples? They’re from the Second Peak.” Looking very pleased with himself, he gestured with his chin and continued, “And look at that pretty one. She’s a conclave disciple named Gu Muqing. It’s impossible to say how many people dream of being her daoist partner. Ahem. Including me. They’re going out to sea for training, and are looking for an escort. It’s a big deal. Lots of other disciples in the port district were vying for the job, but I beat them all out. Not even the Captain can compete with me.” [1]

With that, Zhang San looked at Xu Qing, assuming that he would get an envious reaction.

Xu Qing just nodded.

Zhang San looked disappointed. “Uh... Junior Brother Xu Qing, shouldn’t you congratulate me? After I come back, I could very well have a daoist partner!”

After thinking about it, Xu Qing realized that Zhang San was right. Plastering a congratulatory look onto his face he said, “Congratulations.”

Zhang San looked back at him, speechless at Xu Qing’s lack of envy. “Alright, whatever. I’m not going to force you.... So, did you come for repairs to your dharmaboat?”

Removing the congratulatory expression from his face, Xu Qing took out one of the lower-level sealizard skins. “Elder Brother Zhang, I did indeed come for repairs to my boat. I was also hoping that you could add this sealizard skin to make it more durable.”

As the words left his mouth, Xu Qing suddenly looked over at the Second Peak disciples not too far away. They had been about to leave, until Xu Qing took out the sealizard skin. At that point, the Gu Muqing that Zhang San had mentioned noticed the skin and stopped walking, her eyes lighting up.

“Say, Fellow Disciple,” she said, “is that an eighth-level sealizard skin?”

She had that immature type of voice that was unique to young women. Couple with the soft sunlight that shone down on her, and that air of alchemy that surrounded her, she seemed unusually attractive.

However, when Xu Qing heard her words, he frowned and instinctively put the sealizard skin away. His guard was up, and he reminded himself that he couldn’t just go around to the shops in the sect showing off the sealizard skins. And he should have waited until this girl was far away before pulling it out.

Gu Muqing noticed his change in demeanor, and quickly said, “There’s a medicinal pill I want to concoct that requires a large amount of sealizard skins. I’ve already bought every single one I could find in the shops in the city. In fact, that’s one of the reasons I came out today. Unfortunately, I still don’t have enough. If you have some extra, I’d be more than willing to buy them. Money isn’t an issue.”

Having finished her explanation, Gu Muqing looked at Xu Qing, her eyelashes quivering and her eyes glistening as if with anticipation.

Xu Qing thought about it for a moment. He wasn’t opposed to selling her some sealizard skins, but before he did, his main priority was to attend to his dharmaboat.

Off to the side, Zhang San seemed stunned. He looked at Xu Qing, then at Gu Muqing, and suddenly had the feeling that his plan about escorting her out to sea was in danger. In fact, he already felt like he was a third wheel. Clearing his throat, he prepared to say something when Gu Muqing looked closer at Xu Qing, and suddenly her eyes lit up.

“Wait a second. I remember now. You’re Xu Qing!”

1. Gu Muqing: Gu is listed #88 on the list of the most common 100 Chinese surnames. Mu means “bathe, cleanse” and Qing means “clear, clean, distinct.” To Madam Deathblade, this sounds like the name of a "gentle, pure, and ladylike woman." ☜

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