Beyond the Timescape [Wuxiaworld]

Chapter 68: Everyone Has Difficulties

In response to Li Zimei’s softly spoken words, Xu Xiaohui’s eyes went wide, and she looked closer at Xu Qing. It was little wonder she didn’t recognize him. In her memory, Xu Qing was covered in filth and grime.

But the person who had just stepped into the private dining room was tall and slender, with long black hair that flowed past his shoulders. There was something indescribably elegant about him, and of course, his face was nothing short of entrancingly handsome, like something from a sculpture. Almost pretty. He had dashing, angular eyebrows over cold, profound eyes. Combined with his spirit power fluctuations, he was the type of person no one would dare to underestimate.

“It’s me,” he said with a nod.

A flush crept up Xu Xiaohui’s face, and she quickly took a drink from her raised cup to mask her shock.

Meanwhile, Zhou Qingpeng burst out laughing as he hurried forward to formally receive Xu Qing.

“Junior Brother Xu Qing, please, have a seat.”

Xu Qing clasped hands in greeting, then sat down. Usually, other disciples in the sect seemed cold and brutal to him. But in the presence of these three, he felt warmth.

That said, all of them had clearly changed during their time in the sect. Zhou Qingpeng seemed to radiate happiness, but Xu Qing could see the exhaustion he tried to hide in his eyes. What was more, there was something about him that made it obvious he had gone through some trying times, and had grown up as a result.

Xu Qing couldn’t put his finger on what exactly was different about Xu Xiaohui. But he felt like she had somehow come to resemble the women in the feathered tents back in the scavenger basecamp.

Li Zimei seemed to have changed the least. She was still cautious, and seemed to lack self-esteem. There was more vigilance in her gaze than before, as though she wouldn’t let her guard down no matter who she was around.

Time slipped by slowly but surely as they chatted. Xu Qing didn’t say much, but the atmosphere was homey, and even he warmed up to the conversation a bit. This small group had not been in the sect long enough to become completely cold to each other.

Most of the conversation was between Zhou Qingpeng and Xu Xiaohui. Li Zimei was like Xu Qing, and didn’t say much. And when she occasionally looked at Xu Qing, her lack of self-esteem really showed.

Eventually, after Zhou Qingpeng had downed a few drinks, he sighed and said, “I knew a bit about this sect before joining it. But actually being a member comes with a very different feeling. In Seven Blood Eyes... it’s not easy to live a good life. If you slip up even once, you’ll end up dead.

“The rest of you probably feel the same, right...? Oh, by the way, you never mentioned which department you got assigned to, Junior Brother Xu Qing. I got sent to the Coastguard Division. Xiaohui has some skills, which is why she already managed to buy a dharmaboat. She was assigned to the Dispatch Division.”

Off to the side Xu Xiaohui smiled and nodded, though there was something complex about her smile that Xu Qing couldn’t quite read into.

“I’m in the Violent Crimes Division,” he said softly. He still wasn’t used to this environment. It seemed the complete opposite of the cold and brutal world outside.

“Violent Crimes Division?” Xu Xiaohui said, her eyes lighting up.

Even Li Zimei looked envious. Although she wasn’t dressed like a grimy scavenger, she still wore the clothes of a commoner, and was inclined to avert her gaze from others. It wasn’t lost on her that she was the only one out of the group of four that didn’t have a dharmaboat. Sitting there, she felt like she was under a lot of pressure.

“Wow, you’re in the Violent Crimes Division?” Zhou Qingpeng said. “I heard your division was involved in a big event a few days ago. The heads of a bunch of Night Dove leaders were hung from the city walls afterward. There must have been thousands of them! Everyone was talking about it. Hey, Junior Brother Xu Qing, I haven’t forgotten how strong your projection of energy and blood was during the entrance assessment. Does that mean you were a part of the Violent Crimes Division operation the other night?”

Zhou Qingpeng looked quite excited. When he ran into Xu Qing a few days before, he had sensed Xu Qing’s spirit power fluctuations, and had realized he’d gotten stronger. Now he was curious to find out more.

When Xu Qing didn’t respond immediately, Zhou Qingpeng quickly continued, “Although, a large-scale operation like that was probably really dangerous. I know you excel at body cultivation, Junior Brother Xu Qing, but magical techniques are what really count. Since you’re new to the sect, staying alive and furthering your cultivation are the most important things. I’m sure you’ll have other opportunities in the future to show what you’re made of.”

Xu Qing could tell that Zhou Qingpeng was picking his words carefully so as not to say something offensive. Truth be told, Xu Qing got a good feeling from these three. They all seemed genuine, without malicious intentions. That was the main reason he’d agreed to come, other than the ghostlonging horseshoe crab.

In response to Zhou Qingpeng, Xu Qing nodded, but didn’t offer any further explanation.

“The Seventh Peak’s Violent Crimes Division is just like the Coastguard Division,” Zhou Qingpeng went on. “We both have a lot of fierce people as members. Oh, hey, Junior Brother Xu Qing, I heard someone say that in that big operation the other night, there was one disciple who really stood out.

“I’m pretty sure he’s in the Celestial Bureau. I forget his name, but people are saying he killed a hideout chief who was in the great circle of Qi Condensation. He was the only one in the entire operation who did something like that and wasn’t a captain. For him to kill someone that strong means his Seaforming Scripture is probably at the peak level. Meritorious service of that sort is definitely going to earn him a promotion.”

Zhou Qingpeng’s eyes were full of admiration. At this point, he wasn’t digging for information. He really was just feeling envious. As far as he was concerned, the story he’d just told couldn’t possibly have anything to do with Xu Qing. Xu Qing was strong in body cultivation, and could perform energy and blood projections, but after Zhou Qingpeng started cultivating the Seaforming Scripture, he realized it was strong enough that using it to kill body cultivators would be an easy thing. And of course, the Violent Crimes Division was full of many powerful experts.

Although he had sensed the spirit power fluctuations of the Seaforming Scripture on Xu Qing when they ran into each other at the medicine shop, it didn’t even occur to him that Xu Qing could possibly stand out among all the other experts in the Violent Crimes Division.contemporary romance

“I heard about that too,” Xu Xiaohui said, carefully serving some food to Xu Qing and Zhou Qingpeng. “Everyone was talking about it a few days ago. The fellow you just mentioned is in Celestial Bureau Unit Six.”

It was absolutely true that disciples from all of the departments in the Seventh Peak had been talking about the trap the Violent Crimes Division had sprung on Night Dove. And everyone had been talking about the outstanding figures who played key roles in the operation.

Xu Qing was actually surprised by this. He had been completely focused on trying to find an opportunity to kill that young merman, and hadn’t been paying attention to much else. This was his first time encountering the sect’s rumor mill, and it was also his first time hearing anything about promotions.

“Well, it doesn’t have anything to do with us four,” Zhou Qingpeng sighed. “To people like us... just staying alive is the most important thing.”

As he spoke, he gingerly rubbed his thigh, where he had a wound that wasn’t quite healed yet. Looking over at Xu Qing, who still wasn’t saying much, he said, “Junior Brother Xu Qing, you shouldn’t be so reclusive. It’s a personality trait that you need to change. You should learn how to be more flexible. For instance, give some gifts to your boss. Do that, and you’ll get someone to watch your back. It’ll up your chances of survival.”

Xu Qing just nodded. He wasn’t good with words, and wasn’t sure how to respond to Zhou Qingpeng. As the meal continued, he spent most of his time listening and not talking. As for Zhou Qingpeng, he seemed to be reverting to his old self before he joined the sect. Chatting and laughing, he often raised his drink for toasts.

Eventually, when Zhou Qingpeng was obviously a bit drunk, he started bragging a bit about his accomplishments.

For example, he said that he had a good relationship with his boss in the Coastguard Division, and then he went on to talk about some of the friends he had made at work. He explained about some of the important connections he’d made, and then told Xu Xiaohui that he would help her expand her social network.

On several occasions, he reminded Xu Qing to work on his personality traits. He also told Li Zimei that the Coastguard Division had some odd jobs that needed to be handled, and that he would recommend her.

“My boss promised me that as long as I score well on my next review, he’ll recommend me to Elder Brother Ding Xiaohai. You know Elder Brother Ding, right? People call him the number one Qi Condensation cultivator on the Seventh Peak.” [1]

Zhou Qingpeng seemed very pleased with himself, and Xu Xiaohui offered plenty of flattering words in response to his bragging. Xu Qing even smiled and offered a toast to Zhou Qingpeng. The atmosphere in the room was only getting warmer and friendlier.

Xu Qing had no dislike of Zhou Qingpeng. After all, everyone had their own style of living. The fact that Xu Xiaohui already had a dharmaboat went to show that she must have some skills of her own. As for Li Zimei, though she wasn’t a big talker, Xu Qing had noted how quickly she recognized him, which meant she had keen powers of observation.

They ate and drank together for about two hours.

It was dark outside, and Zhou Qingpeng was even more drunk than before. Finally, it came time to part ways. Zhou Qingpeng handed over the ghostlonging horseshoe crabs, and when Xu Qing tried to pay for them, he waved his hand dismissively.

“Business is good for my clan. Consider the crabs a gift between friends.”

Xu Qing looked at the ghostlonging horseshoe crabs in the bag, and then at the sincere look on Zhou Qingpeng’s face. After some thought, he decided not to force money on Zhou Qingpeng. Instead, he simply clasped hands and offered thanks.

They left the private room, walked out of the restaurant, and stood outside the entrance. Looking at Xu Qing, Zhou Qingpeng smiled and said, “All three of you should come visit me whenever you can. And I’ll do the same. We all joined the sect at the same time, so we should keep in touch. At the very least, we can have a few people to trust in this cold, indifferent organization. Maybe that’ll be the key to us making some progress. Say, Junior Brother Xu Qing, I’m in the Ground Bureau of the Coastguard Division. What bureau of the Violent Crimes Division are you in?”

“The Celestial Bureau.”

Xu Qing’s response seemed to sober Zhou Qingpeng up a bit. Xu Xiaohui also seemed surprised.

“Celestial Bureau?” Zhou Qingpeng exclaimed. “Hey, that’s the same bureau as the famous fellow from the operation the other night. He was in Unit Six. Which unit are you in, Junior Brother Xu Qing?”

Xu Qing looked at Zhou Qingpeng and Xu Xiaohui, then over at Li Zimei. He hesitated.

“I’m also in Unit Six....”

Zhou Qingpeng’s eyes went wide. Looking flabbergasted, he said, “You’re in the same unit as that famous guy? Hold on, wasn’t he also surnamed Xu...?”

Even Xu Xiaohui, who seemed to be the last in the group to pick up on things, suddenly realized the implication.

“There are usually twenty people in a unit...” Zhou Qingpeng muttered. At this point he was completely sober.

Li Zimei also looked shaken. However, back when she first saw Xu Qing enter the room, her acute senses had detected the scent of blood and gore.

Everything went quiet for a long moment. Then Zhou Qingpeng threw his head back, laughed, and clasped hands to Xu Qing as if to mask his surprise. Xu Xiaohui had a dazed expression on her face, and looked like she wanted to say something to Xu Qing, but ultimately decided not to.

Soon the group parted ways.

As for Zhou Qingpeng, after he was alone, he shivered briefly, and then his eyes shone with incredulity. Taking out his identity medallion, he sent a message to someone he knew, asking how many people surnamed Xu were in Celestial Bureau Unit Six....

Xu Qing watched everyone go, then turned to leave. However, after taking only a few steps, he sensed something unusual, and looked back in the direction of the restaurant.

A petite figure stood at the entrance, nodding over and over again while discussing something with one of the waiters. The waiter looked irritated.

“I know you’re a sect disciple. That doesn’t mean you can cause trouble whenever you want. Your group finished eating and we cleared the room. And now you’re asking to take the leftovers with you?”

The petite figure was Li Zimei. She had gone back hoping to get the leftover food, but hearing the waiter’s explanation, she now looked embarrassed.

Xu Qing walked over. As he neared, Li Zimei sensed his approach, and turned to look at him, her face bright red. Then her face went pale, and she started trembling from embarrassment.

“You shouldn’t have cleared the room so quickly,” Xu Qing said to the waiter.

The waiter looked at him. He had seen many disciples come to this restaurant, and could sense that Xu Qing was the type that wasn’t worth trifling with. His attitude became very respectful.

“You’re right, we shouldn’t have.” He hurried back into the restaurant and then came out shortly thereafter with a to-go package that he handed to Li Zimei.

Li Zimei mumbled a thanks, then stood there awkwardly. The reason she’d left and then come back was that she didn’t want any of the others to see her asking for leftovers. Now, her feelings of shame caused her to gnaw her lip so bad it started to bleed.

“Don’t worry about it,” Xu Qing said. “There’s no need to waste food. When I was young, I ate a lot of food that people had left to be thrown away. Sometimes I had to fight with others just to get those leftovers.”

Li Zimei looked at Xu Qing and opened her mouth to speak, except she couldn’t think of what to say. As the wind blew, the moonlight shone down, revealing a deep scar that ran along her neck, normally covered by her hair.

Looking at her, Xu Qing was reminded of the little girl back in the scavenger camp. What was more, he could detect the strong aura of mutagen on Li Zimei.

Disciples who didn’t have dharmaboats usually didn’t have a very big income. But that was only compared to disciples who did have a dharmaboat.

When compared to the common citizens, even disciples with a low income were still considered fairly well-off. Considering that, Li Zimei shouldn’t be in this condition. The only explanation as to why she would be so frugal was if she was saving every last merit point to eventually buy a dharmaboat.

After a moment, Xu Qing took out a few of the white boluses he had concocted. He put them in Li Zimei’s hands.

“Keep up the good work. I look forward to the day when you can get that dharmaboat.”

With that, he turned and walked off.

Xu Qing knew that no matter how much he helped Li Zimei, in the end, what would truly determine her fate was her own choices.

Li Zimei stared at Xu Qing as he left. Then she looked down at the white boluses, and a deep warmth rose up in her heart. In fact, it was such a cold world, and the sect was such a brutal place, that this was the first time she had felt such warmth. After a very long moment, she looked up, and there was deep gratitude in her eyes. She was thankful for the white boluses, but even more than that, she was thankful for the words of encouragement. She had her pride, and because of that, she didn’t like people pitying her. In fact, she rejected all expressions of sympathy. But right now, she needed encouragement.

“Thank you,” she murmured. “I’m going to get that dharmaboat!”

1. Ding Xiaohai: Ding is listed #48 on the top 100 most common Chinese surnames. Xiao is a somewhat poetic character that means “firmament, heaven, sky.” Hai means “sea, ocean.” Madam Deathblade’s reaction to this character name is that it sounds like “a person with ambition and dreams… his name literally has sky and ocean in it!” ☜

Deathblade's Thoughts

To me, this chapter is almost a perfect encapsulation of so many authentically Chinese things: maintaining face, how to treat friends, giving gifts, dinner customs, etc. It just feels very Chinese to me and, “magic” stuff aside, is exactly how a reunion dinner among friends would go in China. It makes me a bit homesick, to be honest (for my second home. We haven’t been back to China for about 5 years now)

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