Beyond the Timescape [Wuxiaworld]

Chapter 66: Trying to Take Credit for My Work?

The rewards up for grabs during this mission were spectacular. That alone showed how much the leadership of Seven Blood Eyes detested Night Dove.

It wasn’t just Xu Qing who was deeply struck. It was all of Unit Six. Everyone stood there with shining eyes, chuckling and licking their lips. Some even had expressions of open desire. To disciples in Seven Blood Eyes, cultivation resources were everything.

Just about everyone in Unit Six would spend time hunting bounties to make extra cash. Large-scale operations didn’t come along very often, and thus, everyone realized that if things went well, the immediate future would be filled with days of plenty.

“Captain, when do we start?”

“Yeah. Let’s do this!”

Upon hearing the anxious exclamations of the unit, the Captain laughed. Taking a bite of apple, he produced a handful of jade slips which he passed out.

“Our goal isn’t very big. The two hideout chiefs in the great circle of Qi Condensation. We have to take out those two. Once we reach the hideout, I’ll sneak in to kill the first. The rest of you find the other and surround him. If you can kill him, fine. If you can’t, then at least buy enough time for me to show up. I really hope that everyone is alive at the end of this operation. Now, let’s head out!”

The entire Violent Crimes Division was on the move.

As the moon shone down onto the division headquarters, countless figures emerged, speeding off in different directions into the city. They moved quickly, emanating somber and desolate auras. The streams of people looked almost like tentacles stretching out, as though the Violent Crimes Division were some primordial beast that had just awakened and was ready to rain fury down on its enemies. Every criminal in the city was shocked.

As Xu Qing sped along with Unit Six, his eyes shone with anticipation. Whatever unit kills a hideout chief will get 10 spirit stones per constable. That means if Unit Six kills two of them... we’ll get 20 spirit stones each!

He had already read through the jade slip the Captain had passed out. It contained detailed information about everyone holed up in the hideout. That included a physical description and their preferred techniques. Obviously, the division had worked hard in recent days to run a very thorough investigation into Night Dove.

No one spoke. They simply followed the Captain, moving faster and faster, their killing intent growing stronger.

There had been absolutely no advance warning that the Violent Crimes Division was going to run an operation this night. Because of that, everyone they passed in the darkness was absolutely shaken to the core, and immediately ran into hiding. The brothels and gambling halls, which were usually bustling places, went completely silent. Their doors shut, and everyone inside waited with hearts pounding. Every criminal in the city knew full well that with the Violent Crimes Division on the move like this...

Blood would run in the streets!

Countless people would lose their lives. It would be like a lightning bolt from the sky, cleansing the city of unhealthy yin elements!

Many of the inns in the city chose to keep their doors closed, and that included the one on Plankspring Way....

As Unit Six passed by that very street, Xu Qing caught a glimpse of the old innkeeper through the window. Their eyes met for a moment.

He’s scared.... Xu Qing looked down at the badge on his gray daoist robe. On this night, at least, that robe and badge represented the grandeur of Seven Blood Eyes. Whatever snakes or dragons lurked in the city would be forced to bow their heads and shrink back in deference. And anyone who tried to interfere with this operation would be crushed out of existence.

Earlier, as the Captain was allocating different mission tasks, he had said, “Every place in existence has a mix of light and darkness. Our city is no exception. The sect treats us like venomous bugs in a jar. They allow the darkness to proliferate. But there are two lines which cannot be crossed. One: you can’t harm the ordinary citizens. Two: outside Foundation Establishment cultivators can’t kill Qi Condensation disciples. Anyone who crosses one of those lines... will pay the price.”

Although Xu Qing had known that from the beginning, the operation tonight was the first time he’d seen how domineering Seven Blood Eyes was when it came to enforcing those rules.

It took an hour for them to reach their destination.contemporary romance

The hideout was located in a sprawling manor. The moon hung in the sky over the dark lands below. The manor was lit with lamps, but in the darkness, they seemed like little more than flickering sparks.

As Unit Six approached, a few Violent Crimes Division constables emerged from hiding spots to meet them. They were the disciples assigned to surveillance. Upon seeing the Captain, they clasped hands in salute, then left.

“Follow the plan,” the Captain said. “Let’s go!”

Eyes shining, he slipped into the manor. Next, eight constables split off from the group to cut off all avenues of escape. The remaining dozen or so headed to predetermined spots to infiltrate the place.

Xu Qing was one of the infiltrators, and he moved with the speed and grace of a cat.

From a distance, the various constables of Unit Six looked like a huge hand, stretching toward the flickering lamp light, about to grab it.

Meanwhile, another group of disciples from the Violent Crimes Division appeared on the scene. It was none other than Earth Bureau Unit Three, led by the young Merfolk captain, and assigned to the same task as Unit Six. Upon arriving and seeing that Unit Six was already on the move, the young Merfolk captain waved his hand scornfully. A black, spherical object shot out, landing in the middle of the manor and then exploding loudly. His subordinates grinned viciously and they threw similar objects, resulting in more booms.

The explosions alerted the Night Dove operatives in the manor, and they ran out into the open ready to fight. In the blink of an eye, Unit Six’s plan to quietly infiltrate the manor and take out the hideout chiefs was foiled.

Xu Qing frowned. Unit Three was obviously interfering with Unit Six on purpose. In fact, one of the exploding objects landed a short distance away from him. As the Night Dove cultivators scattered, fire started to spread, causing both flames and smoke to rage.

Soon, the haze of smoke became so thick it was hard to see. However, the sound of fighting, yelling, and explosions continued to fill the manor.

Eyes glittering coldly, Xu Qing ignored Unit Three and sped through the haze of smoke, his killing intent surging. His right hand shot out, and his dagger slashed through the throat of a Night Dove cultivator, a middle-aged man in the sixth level of Qi Condensation. As his blood sprayed out of his destroyed throat, terror filled the man’s eyes.

Xu Qing took his sack and let the corpse drop to the ground. Speeding onward through the smoke, his dagger glittered as he closed in on another Night Dove cultivator. His dagger slashed through the cultivator’s neck, but his expression remained the same as ever. The body dropped, dead, whereupon Xu Qing took the sack and moved on to find a third target.

Events unfolded rapidly. After the time it takes an incense stick to burn, the sounds of screaming and explosions grew more intense. At a certain point, Xu Qing stopped in place, then leaped backward just in time to avoid a wind blade that shot past.

The wind brushed back his hair, revealing his wolf-like eyes. Dashing in the direction the wind blade came from, Xu Qing found two Violent Crimes Division constables, one from Unit Six, the other from Unit Three, working together to fight someone from Night Dove.

The Unit Three disciple didn’t look happy to see Xu Qing. As for the Unit Six constable, he was sincerely delighted to see him. On this night, they were truly working together as a team.

“Xu Qing, this guy’s in the eighth level of Qi Condensation!”

There were already two mangled corpses on the ground.

As for the Night Dove cultivator, when he saw Xu Qing coming, he backed up as if he planned to flee. He was too late. Xu Qing burst forward with explosive speed. To the shock of the Unit Six and Unit Three disciples, he closed the distance in the blink of an eye, appearing right in front of the Night Dove cultivator, his dagger slicing toward the man’s throat. Blood sprayed everywhere as the Night Dove cultivator’s head flew off of his shoulders, and the corpse fell to the ground.

The Unit Three constable’s face looked ashen, and fear flickered in his eyes. He had seen strong people before, but it wasn’t common to see someone who could kill an eighth-level opponent in one blow.

Not daring to stick around, the Unit Three disciple sped away. As for the Unit Six disciple, he took a deep breath. Feeling similarly shaken by Xu Qing’s gaze, he clasped hands, bowed deeply, then disappeared into the smoke.

Xu Qing glanced at the three corpses on the ground. Leaning over to grab their sacks, he dumped their contents into his own bag, his face remaining expressionless the whole time. After taking the sack from the third corpse, Xu Qing brushed off his hands and was about to leave. However, that was when the dagger in his hand suddenly shot at high speed toward the corpse’s forehead.

The speed was incredible, and the move came with completely no warning whatsoever. However, the corpse moved, sliding to the side so quickly that Xu Qing’s dagger didn’t hit anything.

The corpse floated into a standing position, and its eyes opened, revealing sinister coldness as it stared at Xu Qing.

“What gave me away?”

Xu Qing looked at the ‘corpse’ and replied, “I’ve seen a lot of mangled corpses. Your disguise wasn’t realistic.”

“Is that so? Well, I suppose that makes you unlucky.” The ‘corpse’ rubbed its face, removing some of the blood and grime and revealing the features of a middle-aged man. Then he blurred into motion, heading toward Xu Qing and unleashed the power of the great circle of Qi Condensation.

This was one of the hideout chiefs, a cautious man who had hoped to disguise himself as a corpse and then slip away when the moment was right. Never could he have guessed that someone would see through his ruse. However, he was also ruthless. Knowing he didn’t have a lot of time to work with, he attacked with full force. Spirit power fluctuations erupted from him, making nine flame serpents that rushed viciously toward Xu Qing. Every serpent was strong enough to rip apart someone in the ninth level, and as they circled around Xu Qing, he realized it was the highest level of power he had seen from anyone in the Qi Condensation level.

However, Xu Qing didn’t provide much of a reaction. Waving his hand, he summoned countless droplets of water that thrummed with the energy of the Forbidden Sea. As soon as they appeared, the water droplets converged, creating the image of a crocodile. It was vicious and covered with countless scales, with a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. Looking very lifelike, it roared and shot toward the nine flame serpents.

As they clashed, a boom rang out, and the extent of Xu Qing’s Seaforming Scripture divine ability became manifest. In the initial clash alone, his crocodile devoured five of the flame serpents. And though four remained, it didn’t seem the Seaforming Scripture would have trouble dealing with them.

Then, to the utter shock of this cultivator in the great circle of Qi Condensation, Xu Qing strode forward, his energy and blood surging to create a spectral hobgoblin. As it roared, Xu Qing shot forward like an arrow.

“You’re not an ordinary Seven Blood Eyes disciple!!” The Night Dove chief’s pupils constricted as he sensed immense danger. Shooting backward, he waved his hand to unleash the blue glowing light of a talisman treasure. Not bothering to see if it worked as expected, he turned and fled.

Unfortunately, he had used that blue talisman treasure a few too many times. Its light had faded, and the power it unleashed wasn’t amazing. A blue ghost hand appeared, pulsing with a bit of the power of Foundation Establishment as it closed in on Xu Qing.

Xu Qing could sense that this talisman wasn’t particularly amazing, but he still dodged out of the way. The hand followed him, making it impossible for him to chase the Night Dove chief. However, he didn’t seem anxious about that. Stepping to the side, he merely glanced at the fleeing chief.

“The poison still hasn’t kicked in,” he said.

The Night Dove chief’s face fell, and his heart started pounding. Of course, that only caused the poison to kick in faster. He suddenly coughed up a mouthful of black blood. At the same time, his face started turning greenish-black.


He staggered as the poison exploded within him, causing his internal organs to melt. Eyes shining with madness, he used a secret magic, slamming both of his palms onto his chest. Flames burst out all over him as all the latent energy within him was unleashed to suppress the poison. A moment later, the greenish-black coloration on his face faded away.

Saving himself had come at great cost, and he looked visibly drained. However, there was only one thing on his mind at the moment: escaping with his life. With that, he started moving even faster than before.

At the same time, Xu Qing once again dodged an attack from the giant ghost hand. Then he started moving like a lightning bolt, heading right toward the hideout chief.

However, at almost the exact same instant, an intense sensation of deadly crisis filled him, and his expression flickered. Pupils constricting, he threw himself backward just in time to avoid a razor-sharp chakram, which emitted a piercing whistle as it whizzed through the air.

If he had reacted even a moment too late, it would have sliced right through him.

Flying through the night behind the chakram was a person who completely ignored Xu Qing and headed straight toward the Night Dove chief. It was... the sinister young Merfolk captain of Unit Three.

“Trying to take credit for my work?” Xu Qing said, his eyes turning very hard.

Deathblade's Thoughts


After having seen a few comments expressing the same concern, I've checked and double-checked with Wuxiaworld staff about chapter unlocking. You should be able to unlock your 2 chapters without paying Karma. There is no known bug in the system. If for some reason you think you should be able to unlock the chapter for free, but cannot, contact Customer Service by scrolling down to the bottom of the webpage and clicking on the "Contact Us" option.

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