Beyond the Timescape [Wuxiaworld]

Chapter 108: Chrysanthemum Mollusk

The crimson sunset seemed brighter and more colorful than usual. There was also something indescribably gruish about it, as though someone was using fresh blood to paint a picture on the dome of heaven. Moreover, there seemed to be traces of gold in the red, which caught the attention of people on all seven of the peaks in Seven Blood Eyes. Quite a few Onpeak cultivators stepped out of their mansion grottoes to look at the horizon, curious expressions on their faces. Many disciples in the Port District also noticed the unusual situation.

Xu Qing in Harbor 79 was no exception. Noticing the bright red glow, he quickly answered all of Elder Sister Ding’s questions, took the 100-spirit-stone note, and then looked back toward the horizon.

I feel like I’ve seen this described somewhere before.

He thought back to the sea annals and tried to recall the specific passage.

The red glow didn’t last for long. It soon began to fade, as though it wished to sacrifice its own beauty to delay the setting of the sun. But the sun set over the horizon anyway. When Elder Sister Ding saw that it was getting dark, she had no choice but to say her farewells.

Before leaving, she looked at Xu Qing again, and then her eyes glittered. Earlier, she hadn’t paid much attention to Xu Qing’s cultivation base, but after inspecting him, her expression became one of disbelief and she said, “Junior Brother Xu, your cultivation base... is it in the great circle?”

Xu Qing had been attempting to hide his cultivation. However, Ding Xue’s techniques were obviously special, allowing her to detect someone’s spirit power. Seeing his cultivation base fluctuations left her visibly shocked. She had known all along he was strong, but this surpassed anything she could have predicted would happen. It caused her eyes to shine.

“Junior Brother Xu, since you’re on the verge of reaching Foundation Establishment, do you mind if I ask how much you know? About Foundation Establishment, that is?”

Xu Qing looked at her, feeling more on guard than ever now that she had seen through to the truth about his cultivation base. Shaking his head slowly to indicate ‘not much,’ he reached out and bolstered the dharmaboat’s defenses.

“Well, I know a lot!” she said with a happy smile. “My aunt has talked to me about it so many times I’ve lost track.” As the words left her mouth, she pulled three jade slips out of her bag of holding and offered them to Xu Qing. [1]

Xu Qing stared blankly at them. He knew how expensive information about Foundation Establishment was in the sect. He was moved by the sight of the three jade slips, but at the same time, also knew that good things didn’t come for free. Everything in the world involved trading one thing for another.

“How many spirit stones?” he asked.

She smiled. “Don’t be so polite, Junior Brother Xu. If it wasn’t for you, I would never have made it to the Westcoral Archipelago so smoothly. After everything we went through together out at sea, these jade slips count for almost nothing.

“Besides, you’ve taught me a lot about plants and vegetation. Given the level of your cultivation base, you’re obviously going to make friends with other conclave disciples. I just want to get first in line. If you think it’s not appropriate, then how about you promise to help me in the future, if I ever find myself in a dangerous situation? Okay?” With that, Elder Sister Ding put the jade slips down on the deck of the dharmaboat. She smiled again. “Truth be told, I’m the one taking advantage of you. Now, Junior Brother Xu, I’ll take my leave.”

With that, she turned to walk away. Xu Qing opened the dharmaboat’s defenses, and she hopped off.contemporary romance

Back on shore, she walked away looking very happy. At the same time, she took out her identity medallion and started sending messages to some of her best friends. Unlike men, women are usually very eager to share news with friends, and that’s especially true if it’s news related to the opposite sex. Perhaps that wasn’t the case for people who struggled bitterly to survive. But for conclave disciples who lived mostly sheltered lives, it was definitely the norm. It was like how winter was different in the Crimson Wilds compared to the Port District. Actually, the moment she returned to the sect, she told the whole story of Xu Qing to her best friends. And it was only her friends egging her on that gave her the courage to go see him on his dharmaboat.

“See what I mean, girls?” she whispered into her identity medallion. “This Xu boy is mine for the taking!”

In the middle of sending her voice messages, and before even getting out of Harbor 79, she suddenly noticed Zhao Zhongheng rushing toward her.

“Elder Sister Ding... that Xu fellow didn’t try to pull a fast one, did he? I’m here to help!”

“Oh, for god’s sake!” Ding Xue muttered impatiently as she turned and walked in another direction.

Zhao Zhongheng chased after her, and though she ignored him, he started following closely behind. Inside, he was more determined than ever about what to do.

One of these days, Ding Xue, you’ll understand that all other people in your life are passing travelers. Migrating birds! Only I, Zhao Zhongheng, am like the sea itself. I will never leave or forsake you. Once you get used to me being around, you’ll realize how important I am. No matter how many passing travelers you encounter, none will ever measure up to me!

Zhao Zhongheng glared over his shoulder at Xu Qing’s dharmaboat, envy eating at his heart. However, when he thought of how strong Xu Qing’s cultivation base was, and also the threat of the Captain, he dared not show his resentment on his face. He could only grit his teeth and endure the torment.

What does he have other than a pretty face? Compared to my endurance and companionship, he’s got nothing! Everything will become clear with time!

As Zhao Zhongheng’s emotions stirred, the red glow in the sky disappeared completely.

Darkness spread out over the sea, and as it did, something unusual happened. Countless gorgeous points of light appeared on the surface of the water outside the port, illuminating the sky and attracting attention throughout Seven Blood Eyes.

An uproar began to build as numerous figures stepped out onto the dharmaboats, and people gathered on the shores to watch.

The points of light transformed into streams, swirling through the water at high speed, forming together into densely packed groups. Before long, the surface of the water was covered with them. It almost looked like entire rivers of shooting stars. Then, the countless glittering streams of light passed the main gate of the port and started flowing into the various harbors.

It caused widespread shock among the Seven Blood Eyes cultivators, and as for Xu Qing, he stood on his dharmaboat watching, his eyes shining. He could see that, within each stream of light was a palm-sized creature that resembled a snail or conch. They possessed the natural ability to emit light, which was causing the beautiful scene.

“Chrysanthemum mollusks....”

At this point, Xu Qing recalled the description from the sea annals, and his eyes lit up. [2]

Although the sea annals didn’t go into a lot of details about chrysanthemum mollusks, there was a description of a bright red sunset with tinges of gold. After such a sunset, the chrysanthemum mollusks would appear. There wasn’t much detail beyond that, other than a note that the mollusks weren’t dangerous.

However, the medicinal codex Grandmaster Bai had left him contained more detailed information about them. They were a very precious medicinal ingredient from the sea, and they were especially effective as a harmonizing agent used to reduce the explosive effects of other medicines.

Around this time, Elder Sister Ding and Zhao Zhongheng, who were still in Harbor 79, also noticed what was happening. Elder Sister Ding seemed entranced.

Off to the side, Zhao Zhongheng was talking nonstop. And seeing Xu Qing not very far off, he made sure to talk very loudly.

“Do you know what those are, Elder Sister? They’re chrysanthemum mollusks, also called star snails. Occasionally, when there’s a bright red sunset, they’ll float up to the surface. They’re completely useless, as all they do is glow. They look pretty, but don’t do much else.”

Xu Qing’s expression was the same as ever, and he didn’t feel the need to waste time correcting Zhao Zhongheng. In fact, he didn’t pay him much attention at all. Instead, he stood at the prow of his dharmaboat and looked at the surface of the water.

Beneath the rolling waves, the chrysanthemum mollusks glittered brightly as they intertwined with one another. Some moved along as if in unison, others moved in a completely chaotic fashion. Those moving in unison stuck close together. Those moving in chaos would collide with the others then move off in another direction, as if they were looking for something.

It was the latter that interested Xu Qing.

Thinking back to some of the things Grandmaster Bai had taught him, he kept his eyes on the chaotic chrysanthemum mollusks and waited for the right opportunity.

Not all chrysanthemum mollusks made good medicinal ingredients. Instead, you needed to wait to identify a male mollusk that couldn’t find a suitable mate. Because of certain aberrations in such mollusks, they were the type that could be considered medicinal minerals useful for cultivation!

Zhao Zhongheng seemed very pleased with himself when Xu Qing didn’t say anything in response to him. Chin jutting out arrogantly, he said, “Sect records indicate these things are useless. The show will be over shortly.”

Elder Sister Ding seemed annoyed with Zhao Zhongheng as she coolly said, “It’s good enough that they can glow. They don’t keep their gorgeous light to themselves; they illuminate others as well. That’s a lot better than being pitch black.”

Zhao Zhongheng’s eyebrows shot up, and he was about to say something further when, out of nowhere, Xu Qing, who had been completely ignoring them up to this point, suddenly shoved his hand in the direction of the water and made a grasping gesture. The water vapor in the area instantly turned into water droplets, which then converged into the shape of a hand. Moving with shocking vigor, the hand dropped into the water toward the countless chrysanthemum mollusks.

A moment later, the hand returned to Xu Qing, then vanished. The chrysanthemum mollusk that it held then dropped into Xu Qing’s palm. The creature’s spiral shell was covered with natural striations that resembled a chrysanthemum flower. And though its shell had been glowing, that light was starting to fade. Just before it went completely dark, a stream of frigid coldness shot from Xu Qing’s hand and spread out over the chrysanthemum mollusk, turning it into a block of ice. Once frozen, it continued to glow faintly.

Grinning, Xu Qing put the block of ice away and then looked back at the water.

Around the same time, there were seven or eight other people in different parts of Harbor 79 who, similar to Xu Qing, knew the value of chrysanthemum mollusks, and were using various means to capture them. It was the same in the other harbors. In fact, it was possible to see figures flying down from the mountain peaks to do the same.

That was especially true of the Second Peak.

It was like a huge slap in the face to Zhao Zhongheng, who had just called the chrysanthemum mollusks useless. He could only look around, dazed and wondering what was going on.

Seeing what was happening, Elder Sister Ding curiously went back toward Xu Qing’s dharmaboat.

“Junior Brother Xu, why are there so many people trying to capture these chrysanthemum mollusks?” Being used to Xu Qing’s personality, she pulled out a spirit note and offered it to him.

Xu Qing didn’t take the spirit note, yet still answered her question. “In the moment before a male chrysanthemum mollusk dies, it transforms into a rare medicinal ingredient that can be very helpful for cultivation.”

Then, thinking about the jade slips she had given him with information about Foundation Establishment, he went into a more detailed description.

“Chrysanthemum mollusks, also known as star snails or snake mollusks, are mutated soft-bodied cephalopods, and can be categorized as invertebrates. Their name comes from the chrysanthemum-like striations on their shells. Active year-round, they prefer living in rocks and crevices on the deep sea floor. They become active during breeding season; whenever they appear in the open sea, it causes golden-tinged red clouds to appear. Though they’re distributed throughout the Forbidden Sea around South Phoenix, their breeding season times are indeterminate, and they’re difficult to track. Because of that, they’re rarely seen close to land. They’re effective in converting mutagen into spirit power. Further, by using them to treat the five stranguaries and white urinary discharge, they can complement spirit power in producing the transformations of the tides.

“They are characterized by sweetness and frigidity, are slightly poisonous, and can calm the nerves. By using yin-yang polarity techniques on them, and by extracting their hemocoel fluids, you can concoct spirit ascending pills.

“Most modern medicinal theories treat chrysanthemum mollusks as parasite hosts. By using special methods to extract their spirit, their shells can be used as natural pill furnaces to produce high-quality pills. At the same time, using them as part of harmonizing techniques can suppress violent medicinal effects in other ingredients.”

As he explained all this, Xu Qing continued to stay focused on the water and capture more chrysanthemum mollusks.

Elder Sister Ding didn’t understand everything he was saying, but she was extremely impressed nonetheless. Her eyes brightening, she asked, “Why do they glow?”

“Because, during the breeding season, when they come to the surface, the males want to attract females, so they emit a bright light. The females emit light for a similar reason. After finding a potential mate, if their lights shine in harmony, then they’re a successful match. But if the male’s light can’t remain in harmony with the female’s, then the male is rejected. If a male can’t find a suitable partner, his light will fade, and he will die.”

Xu Qing reached out again and captured another chrysanthemum mollusk.

Elder Sister Ding looked at Xu Qing with an expression that bordered on worship. However, she didn’t ask any more questions, and instead chose to learn by observation. Every time he captured a new mollusk, she paid close attention. And once she understood the basics of what he was doing, she started to help.

Xu Qing didn’t need help, and in fact, felt that she was actually making things a bit harder. But given the jade slips, he didn’t say anything.

Time went by, and more disciples showed up because of the event. Eventually, the night passed.

By the time the light of dawn appeared, the chrysanthemum mollusks which had successfully found mates made their way off in the distance to return to the sea floor. The only ones that remained behind were the floating bodies of the dead males who hadn’t been captured. As the sky grew bright, they disintegrated and became part of the sea again.

Elder Sister Ding seemed very happy after the night of hard work. Finally, she said goodbye.

Zhao Zhongheng followed her, looking very depressed. His eyes still shone with a bit of hope, You just watch, Ding Xue. You’ll appreciate me sooner or later!

1. Ding Xue mentioned her aunt before in chapter 84…. ☜

2. The chrysanthemum mollusk is literally ‘chrysanthemum rock’ in Chinese, and is usually translated ‘ammonite.’ For a number of different reasons, I’m not going to use ‘ammonite.’ For a picture of Battle Boy and Princess Deathblade at the ammonite exhibit at our local natural history museum, plus an artist’s rendition of what a living ammonite looks like, check this (p.s. yes… my kids look bored to death in the picture, probably because I dragged them away from the cool ankylosaurus skeleton to pose for this picture lol). Here’s the wiki article for ammonites, though keep in mind the version in the story are fantasy versions. ☜

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