Betrayed, Yet Bound To The Billionaire by Grace Madeline

Chapter 590

Chapter 590 The men hauled the two out , dropping them to the ground with a solid thud .

Damn , shes got curves .

Bet shed be a lot of fun , one man thattered .

Yeah , shes amazing As they spoke , someone ran a hand across Sophias body .

She was vaguely aware of it , her skin crawling as the let out a soft , involuntary sound .

Ah .

The sound made the drunken men more eager .

They laughed loudly , their gazes leering .

Some even reached to pull at her clothes , their intentions clear .

Elas didnt intervene .

He stood hack , taking in the scene with a faint smirk .

Get them inside first , he instructed , The men exchanged knowing glances before lifting Sophia and dragging her into the house .

Two of them grabbed Henry by the legs and hauled him in , with Elias following close behind .

Caspian stood frozen .


Whitlock , you havent paid yet he blurted , his voice rising alarmingly .

He focused so intently on the money that watching them dragged off made him panic .

As he brought up the payment code , Elias turned on his heel and started heading into the villa .

Somethings not right .

Caspian hurried after him .

Elias glanced back over his shoulder , smirking before bursting into laughter .

You want the money before Ive checked the goods ! he scoffed .

Elias grimibled , What if they run off ? Thats 30 million dollars ! He took a step closer to Caspian , his eyes narrowing How about you come inside for a drink ? Once Ive confirmed everythings fine , Ill settle up Caspian hesitated .

He wanted to refuse , but Eliass hand clamped down on his arm before he could back away .

His grip was like a vise , and Elias dragged Caspian into the house .

Atlas left alone outside , stared after them , his heart pounding .

Whats going on ! Should I call the police he mumbled , panic setting in .

The situation felt far from what hed expected .

Hed thought this would be straightforward drop them off , get the money , and leave .

But no Caspian was inside , and Elias hadnt paid a cent .

Desperate , Atlas scrambled into the car and locked the doors .

Fumbling with his phone , he tried calling home , but no one answered .

The line rang and rang before cutting off , Why is no one picking up ? Atlas whispered , biting his lip .

Caspian said Hannah would be back soon and that the police didnt have evidence to hold her .

So where is everyone ? His chest tightened as he realized how few people he could call for help .

Atlas stared at his phone , his thoughts racing .

Aside from calling Hannah , who else could he contact ? He muttered aloud , Windsor .

Ill call Windsor .

When he dialed Windsors number , he was met with the dull tone of a phone turned off .

As panic began to settle , someone rapped sharply against the car window .

The loud , deliberate tapping jolted Atlas from his thoughts .

He looked up , locked eyes with Elias , and pressed his face against the glass with an unsettling grin .

What are you doing ? Atlas demanded , fumbling with his phone .

Instinctively , he tried calling Odalys , but the line wouldnt connect she had blocked him .

Every attempt ended with a single beep before the call disconnected .

Flias stepped away , gesturing toward the villa .

Moments later , the car began to move .

Atlas glanced at the rearview mirror and saw men pushing the car toward the villa .

What are y are you doing ? Atlas shouted , his voice edged with fear .

No one answered .

Frantic .

Atlas dialed the police .

As the call connected , the car rolled through the villa gates .

As soon as the call connected , his car entered the villat Hello , I need to report a kidnapping .

A local ng has taken my b brother , and they might kill us .

Send help quickly Im at- Burd A sharp crash cut him off .

Glass shards flew inward , slicing into his hand .

Wincing in pain , Atlas looked up to see Elias shaking a phone in his hand .

a smirk playing on his lips .

1/3 Chapter 590 Calling the police here? Every call you make goes straight to me .

Elias said coolly .

No point wasting your breath .

Ellas waved his phone casually , Call whoever you like , theyll end up ringing my number anyway Atlas stared at him his eyes wide with disbelief , * The realization of what was happening sank in like a stone , leaving him paralyzed with fear .

His phone slipped from his hand , clattering onto the car floor , and his body felt as if it had given up on supporting him .

Who are you ! Why are you doing this ? Whats the point ? Atlas shouted , his voice trembling with anger and desperation .

Elas didnt respond right away .

Instead , he made a quick gesture , prompting his men to rush forward .

They tore the car door open and yanked Atlas out , gripping his arms tightly as they dragged him into the living room ..

Ugh ! Atlas cried as he hit the floor .

Across the room , he saw Sophia sitting on the ground , her face pale , a streak of blood at the corner of her mouth .

She fixed a stern , steady gaze on the group , her body shifting as she demanded , Who are you ? What do you want ! Sophia help me .

Atlas blurted out , his voice cracking with desperation and relief .

For a moment , his fear of her melted away .

It no longer mattered that hed once been terrified she might harm him .

Now , facing danger together .

she was his only hope Sophias eyes flicked to Henry , who lay motionless nearby , then to Caspian , whose face was swollen and bruised .

A flicker of cold resolve passed through her expression .

Bang ! The door slammed shut behind them as Elias entered , trailed by a group of his men .

Shes a real beauty , Mr.

Whitlock .

How about letting us have some fun with her first ? one of the man suggested .

Elias shrugged indifferently .

Just dont kill her .

I worry .


Whitlock , Ill be gentle , the man replied , stepping toward Sophia with a disgusting grin .

Dont v Sophia was shoved to the ground , struggling as the mans mouth descended on hers .

The stench of his breath made her gag , and with a convulsive heave , she vomited directly into his mouth .

Ught You- The man recoiled , swearing as he spat out the contents .

Furious , he grabbed her by the hair and dragged her toward a nearby room .

Caspian collapsed onto the floor , his mind racing as the horrifying reality dawned on him .

They tricked him .

These werent just shady characters looking to arrange a posthumous marriage , they were human traffickers .

The promise of a simple ceremony without harm was a complete lie .

Caspian had thought hed send Sophie in , let them conduct their posthumous marriage , and retrieve her afterward , but now it was clear they never intended to let anyone go or pay him a single cent .

These people were criminals through and through .

Elias , their supposed leader , had no actual standing .

This posthumous marriage cover story had been a ploy from the start You said this was just a posthumous marriage ! No harm , no killings ! So why are you keeping us here ? Caspian demanded , his voice rising in anger .

His eyes were bloodshot , his fury barely contained .

Who said anything about no harm ! Elias retorted Several of the men exchanged sly grins , leering at Caspian .

Without warning , they lunged at him .

What the hell get off me ! Caspian shouted , pulling away as the men tore apart his shirt .

Only then did it hit him : these men had other intentions entirely You bastards ! Try that again , and youll regret it ! Caspians warning only seemed to spur them on Alright , well try it , one sneered.

This isnt our first time , after all Caspian fought against them , but they wrestled him to the floor , their laughter ringing in his cars .

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