
Chapter 43

I had always known that waking up in your partner's arm was the great thing ever but there was something even better than that and it snuggling up to warm body early in the morning feeling the hot breath beside and cuddling up.

"Good morning sweetheart," I heard his husky voice as he kisses my cheek softly and I hummed wrapping my arms around him, pulling him closer as he pulled up the blanket covering me.

"You have to get up now. It's already eight in the morning," I heard him but still didn't bother to open my eyes feeling warmth in his arms.


"No! Let me sleep," I groaned as I refused to get up and leave the comfort zone of both the bed and Caleb.

"Sang, you told me you have an important class today. We don't want to be late. Now get up,"

I felt him caressing my hair and I groaned and pulled the blanket over my head, covering away. I heard him chuckling and the next moment the whole cover was pulled up me leaving me stark-naked under his gaze. I had to glare at him as I pulled the cover back and saw him picking up a robe throwing it over his body as he got back to and slipped back inside the banket keeping his hand over my waist, stroking my back.

"Caleb please!" I pleaded annoyed wanting to sleep.

He didn't listen as he continued irritating me and tried to throw the blanket away.

"Sang you have your class. You will be late and you will end yelling at me for not waking you up!" he complained and I turned the other side stuffing my face into the pillow.

"Let me sleep! Classes can go to hell. I don't want to go. I will take a leave," I mumbled and he hovered over me. I could feel him over me as he put his chin on my shoulder.

"C'mon get up now," he mumbled and I sighed. I tried to spread my legs for a better position when immediately pain shot up my body and a cry escaped my mouth as I turned to my side placing my hand on my core.

"What's wrong?" he was immediately on my side stroking my head as he waited for my response.

"I feel pain down there. You made me sore, I can't move. Even my stomach hurts!" I complained and I watched as he calmed down and wrapped his hand around my body pulling me closer to him.

"Don't worry get a warm shower and you will be feeling better. Now c'mon," he said as I groaned not wanting to get up tossing away in the bed, he removed the blanket completely off me and picked me up ignoring my cries as he made his way towards the washroom with me in his hand as he carried me bridal style and placed me in the bathtub turning the faucet open.

"Damn it! I wanted to sleep a little longer," I complained and he chuckled checking the temperature of the water when I had a thought. I grabbed his robe and tried to pull it when he made a tsk sound.

"Get it off!" I demanded.

"Sang I thought you just said you are feeling sore. If I remove my robe neither of us will be able to go out on time," he argued and moved away as I folded my arms over my chest and leaned back on the bathtub.

"Good girl," he leaned over and placed a kiss on my forehead before going away to fetch a small box which seemed like a bath salt. He added it to my water and then turned the hot water on and sat on the side of the bathtub looking at me. The water-filled up and immediately I felt relaxed and the warm water did its magic of soothing the pain away. I closed my eyes and relaxed when all of a sudden I felt his hand on my body.

He was rubbing my body using his hand and giving a gentle massage on my tummy. I smiled as I felt amazing under his touch. His hands trailed up and stopped on the center my chest right on the scar caused by the bullet. I felt him drawing circles all over it and all of sudden I felt him kissing my chest as my eyes snapped open.

"What are you doing?"

"I have still not managed to get my hands on that woman who this to you. I failed," he said as he avoided looking at me while he touched my scar, caressing it. "Caleb," I sighed as I kept my hand on his head.

"You don't have to be. And moreover, you did everything you had in your hand. I don't think that whoever she was, she can hurt me again. I have left the country three months ago and I think there would be no way, she would ever find me in Paris," I told him as he hummed in response. "Are you still looking for her?"

"I can't and won't stop until I find her," he told me as he got up and leaned down to kiss me. The kiss was gentle but as soon as he initiated it, he ended it immediately and went away. I looked at his back worried thinking about what he must have gone through while I was in that coma and while I left the country.

I really hurt you really bad, didn't I?

It took me ten more minutes to take the bath and finally as I walked out of the washroom wearing a robe, feel fresh. But I could still feel a mild pain down there and every time I took a step, it was as if pain shot up through my body and I winced as I stood near the doorway, holding my head when all of a sudden, I felt an aromatic smell and looked up to find Caleb standing with a mug of coffee with a smile on his face as he gave me the warm mug.

"Have some. You will feel better," he said and while I smiled he got forward and kissed my cheek before going into the washroom probably to take a shower.

We went back to my room as I got changed from his shirt and pants and immediately got ready for my classes while he waited for me outside in his car. As I got ready, my eyes fell on the picture of my parents that I had stuck to the fridge. A smile crept up my face as I looked at them. My dad's hand was over my mother's shoulder and she hugged him tightly as they were grinning at the camera.

They looked so much in love.

While the other couple next to them who was Mrs. Lewis's son and daughter-in-law stood next to each other and they had a smile on their faces, which didn't quite reach their eyes.

I was happy for my parents and had wished to finally get someone who would love me just like the way dad did to my mother. And I finally found one. I was sure, the difficulties Caleb endured to reach and get my love, he loved me more than any other guy in his place would have ever done.

And I was glad to have him in my life.

I blew a kiss to my parents and picked up my bag as I went down. He smiled and opened his arms for me as I ran to him hugging him tightly as if he would go away.

"What's wrong?" he seemed to understand that I was not in the right state of mind.

He always did.

"Nothing. Just overwhelmed with the feelings I have got or you. I love you," I told him and heard him chuckling as he wrapped his arms tightly around me and kissed my forehead.

"I love you too," he whispered which made me smile instantly.

The day just got started and I was already drawn with such sweetness. I was excited about what I had for the rest of the day. Caleb drop me at my university gate and I kissed his cheek while we parted away. My heart was filled up with the contentment of being together with such an amazing man. Sure, he was a dick sometimes, he hurt me and behaved reckless multiple times but as much as this was the truth, the fact that he was the most adorable, loved me the most and took care of me made me forget all his negative sides.

I was starting to love Caleb for what he was. He never gave up on me and did his best to reach me and make me fall in love with him again and I love him for that. He doesn't need to change for me, but yes if he could suppress his rage sometimes. I knew there would be times, I would be angry and I would want to walk out of the relationship even there would be possibilities, I would make him angry and he would want to walk out but I really hope, we learn to forgive each other and be more understanding in order to save the relationship, because this was how every successful relationship worked right?

But whatever it was, I was cherishing the moment I was living. He was finally mine and I was his.

"Is it just me or does anyone else notice the fact that these days this girl looks weirdly out of the zone and happy and today surprisingly she is glowing. What face pack did you use last night?" I heard Diana while I zoned out thinking about Caleb in the design class. "Sang?"


"Sangavi Carter!"

I was instantly pulled out of my thoughts when I saw Diana and Louis staring at me.

"What's wrong with you?" they asked as I smiled shaking my head. "Nothing," I managed to say as I got back into my drawing.

"Well plain weird!" Louis muttered.

"Whatever it is, I am sure you are ready to submit your final assignment of the first semester?" Diana asked which made me look up at her.

"Assignment?" I asked not understanding what she meant.

"Don't tell me you have not even started working on your designs Sang. The deadline is the end of this week," she said and the pencil fell off my hand as I stared at her as if she had two heads.

In the angst of passion and love, I had managed to forget about the assignment and now I am dead. I would fail and have to repeat a semester again just for a stupid assignment. Oh well, love does have its side effect.00

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