Bend Me, Daddy

Chapter 3

I shove that all aside and figure I'll unpack it at a future therapy session. He grabs onto my arm and pulls me closer so my body is pressed firmly against the wall of muscle that's towering over me.

"You should have run away when you had the chance," he says, and I can't help but notice how deep and sexy his voice is.

He quickly drags me over to the jewelry box and carefully shuts the doors so nothing looks out of place and then drags me to the huge walk-in closet off the bedroom, leaving the door open just a crack so he can see out.

I let out a small gasp when Mr. Colfax walked in, a drink in one hand and his cell phone in the other. The thief shoots me a warning look and pulls me back against him so his chest is pressed against my back and his gloved hand is covering my mouth. He presses his lips against my ear and whispers, "Quiet, Sophia. Not a fucking word," sending a spark down my spine and straight to my achy, swollen clit. God, I need to get out more.

I try to turn my head to ask him how in the hell he knows my name, but he tightens his grip on me, keeping me firmly in place. I thought his gloves were leather, but these are buttery soft and feel pretty damn amazing against my skin. My first question to this guy probably shouldn't be, Are your gloves made from lambskin? Followed by Would you mind rubbing them all over my body?

What kind of freak have I turned into? I blame it on my oversexed mind. My hormones have sent me around the bend. The thief is like a dark, powerful presence pressed up against me, and I can't help but notice how perfectly our bodies fit together. His face is still by mine. I can feel the slightly scratchy fabric of his ski mask against my skin and the heat of his breath on my neck. A moan escapes before I can stop it. His body tenses in surprise, but he's not near as surprised as I am when I feel the hard length of him digging into my ass. His arm is wrapped around my stomach, his hand gripping my waist, and thanks to the cutouts in my gown, he's touching bare skin. His fingers lightly stroke me, sending goosebumps all over my body.

I'm just about to beg him to fuck me when the sound of Mr. Colfax's voice drags me back to the present. "I know, baby. I'll call you when everyone leaves and you can come over."

The sight of this nasty, wrinkly perv is starting to kill my feel-good buzz. Things don't get better when I see Mrs. Colfax walk through the door.

"For fuck's sake," the thief whispers in my ear, and I almost laugh at how surreal this whole situation is.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Richard," she whispers at him with her hands on her bony hips. "Get off the phone with your whore. We have guests downstairs in case you've forgotten."

Holy shit, she knows about his cheating? I'm suddenly engrossed. It's like watching a soap opera with a sexy, mysterious man pressing his hard cock against my ass. I bet not many people get to say they've experienced that. "Relax, Mildred. I told her she couldn't come over until after everyone's left."

Well, that settles that, Mildred.

Mildred lets out an angry scoff. "Well, maybe you can tear your eyes away from that little whore downstairs and pay some attention to the other more prominent guests. You're making a fool of yourself, dear. She's way too young for you." "Sophia's eighteen now, and I've already told her I want to speak to her about a job. I'm sure once she realizes how much I'm willing to pay, she'll get over any hang-ups she has about the situation."

The thief and I both stiffen at the same time, well, aside from his cock and my nipples which have been stiff this entire time. I'm so disgusted by what I've just heard that I momentarily forget about how fucking wet I am. "Well, fuck her on your own time, dear." Mildred walks over and looks in the mirror, patting her puffed-up, gray hair. "And make sure she signs the damn contract this time. We don't want another Sandra situation. That little bitch cost us a fortune."

She leaves without another word, and I'm too stunned to do anything except take slow, steady breaths through my nose and try not to hyperventilate. Sensing my anxiety, the thief relaxes the firm grip he has on my mouth ever so slightly. "Want me to kill him?" he whispers in my ear, and I have the sudden urge to laugh. I don't know if he's joking or not, but the idea that the thief whom I met less than twenty minutes ago is willing to kill some rich dude to protect my honor is beyond bizarre.

I shake my head no and reach a hand down to rest on top of the one that's still gently caressing my skin, teasing me with those butter-soft gloves. Mr. Colfax stops to fidget with his appearance in the same mirror his wife just left. I'm silently willing him to get the fuck out because the thief is dipping one of his gloved fingers into my dress and making me feel a bit lightheaded.

When I let out a tiny moan, he presses his lips to my ear and gives my earlobe a soft suck before whispering, "Quiet, little one."

My heart is racing so fast, I'm sure he can feel it against his arm, and my breathing has sped up. I'm so wet, I can feel the slickness between my inner thighs, and the feel of his hard cock is slowly driving me insane. When he drags his fingers along my stomach and slides his whole hand into my dress from the cutout on the other side, I inhale a quick breath and grind my ass against him as his fingers trail down to my panties.

"You're not at all what I expected," he whispers in my ear, trailing his finger under my panties just the tiniest bit. "Do you want me to stop?"

I shake my head no and lean my head back against him as my eyes close and he slips his gloved hand into my panties. Fuck, this feels all kinds of wrong getting finger-banged by the sexy thief while hiding in the closet with Mr. Colfax less than ten feet away. I've never been touched by a man before, and my knees almost buckle and give out when he traces the tip of a gloved finger along my wet slit. God, the soft leather feels so fucking good, and it's taking all my willpower to not moan and give away our hiding place.

He presses the pad of one finger against my clit and starts to rub me in slow, teasing circles. I don't think he has any idea how close I am to cumming with a scream that will probably give old Mr. Colfax a fucking heart attack. I turn my head so I can meet his eyes, and the heat in them nearly tips me over the edge. God, his eyes are gorgeous. I'm curious to see what the rest of his face looks like, but there's no denying how much it turns me on to not know.

His lips curl up in a wicked, smug grin as he tightens his fingers around my mouth in warning. "Most girls would have taken one look at me and run off screaming, but not you." He leans closer and kisses the tip of my nose, which feels insanely intimate considering he's been cupping my pussy for the last few minutes. "You just stood there and soaked your panties, didn't you?"

It's not like I can argue with him. The proof of it is all over his glove, and he'll see it as soon as he pulls his hand out. "Are you the little slut that Richard thinks you are?" I widen my eyes and shake my head no.

"You weren't planning on taking that job?" Before I can answer, he gives my clit a hard enough smack to make me wince and clamp my thighs closed. "Open," he says in a hard voice that sends a new rush of pleasure through me and has my thighs spreading of their own accord. "Tell me the truth, Sophia. Were you going to take it?"

"I shake my head no again," hoping he can see the truth in my eyes.

"So, you're a slut, but not his slut?"

I glare at him, making his lips curl up in a smile. "So feisty," he whispers, leaning in closer. "Okay, little girl, let's play a game. Don't cum until I tell you to. If you do, then you'll give our location away, and I'll probably have to kill poor, old Richard."

My eyes widen in shock. Surely, he's not serious. My eyes dart to Richard, who's still preening and scrolling through his cell phone, no doubt texting the poor girl who's been fucking him. He's an absolute speed, but I don't want his death on my hands. Besides, how hard can it be to resist cumming?

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