Bend Me, Daddy

Chapter 11

Alexei clears his throat, and I swear it's to cover a laugh. My dad's eyes run from me to Alexei, his face growing sterner with each passing second.

"You were with him last night?" my dad asks, gripping his pen so tightly I'm convinced it's going to break in two.

"Yeah, he was awesome. I felt so bad for keeping him late, but I know

I'm going to ace this next paper because of him." "What time were you there?" my dad grits out.

"Oh gosh," I say, trying to look like I'm thinking. "It must've been from like eight to a little past midnight, maybe even longer, but we didn't stay at Peg's."

I can see my dad's plans of corroborating my statement with Peg going right up in smoke. I try not to laugh.

"Yeah, we left and went to the university library so I could show him all my notes. They're all in my private study cubby."

I try not to gloat at the perfect alibi I've created for my sexy, criminal bad boy. The university library is super understaffed, and I've got my own key since I rent a cubicle and work there part time. I can come and go as I please with no one being the wiser. Small towns with lax security do have their perks after all it looks like.

My dad's face is redder than I've ever seen it. "Why the fuck didn't you mention this earlier?" he fumes at Alexei.

Alexei gives a nonchalant shrug, and I'm guessing this is not his first encounter with the police. "I didn't know she was your daughter, and would you have believed me if I'd said I'd been at the library all night, helping a college student with her Russian lit paper?"

He laughs because we all know there's no way in fuck my dad would've gone for that alibi. Not without the college student stepping forward, that is.

My dad tosses down his pen and digs out his handcuff keys. He's less than gentle when he unlocks them, but Alexei doesn't say anything, just watches me over my dad's shoulder, studying me with an intent gaze that makes me feel like I'm already naked and fully exposed before him.

"Get the fuck out of here," my dad says to him. "And stay the hell away from my daughter. Just because you got out of these charges doesn't mean I don't know your ass is guilty."

Alexei just flashes him one of his killer smiles before looking at me. "I'm glad you showed up, Charlie. I'll see you around," he says, giving me a wink before turning and walking away.

"No the fuck you won't!" my dad yells at his retreating broad shoulders. Oh, yes the fuck he will, Dad.

I watch his tight ass until he disappears out the front doors, and when I turn back to my dad, I take a step back at the angry look on his face. When I start to say something, he holds up a hand, dismissing me with a halfhearted wave. "Just go, Charlotte. I think you've caused enough trouble here today."

I think about saying something but decide to just leave instead. It's not like talking to him has ever done me any good in the past. When I go outside, I'm surprised to find Alexei standing by my pink Vespa and looking so damn sexy it's almost painful. He's put on a pair of black aviator sunglasses, and his biceps are seriously straining the arms of his T-shirt. His intricate tattoos cover his arms and disappear up his sleeves, and I've never wanted to thoroughly examine someone's body with my tongue before, but this man has me wanting to do all kinds of things I've never done before.

"You know, I actually much prefer Chekhov, but that was some pretty fast thinking."

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His eyes are hidden behind his sunglasses, and I miss seeing them, which is stupid, I know. I mean, I don't even know the guy. We made an arrangement, that's it. I helped him, he's going to pop my cherry, and then we're done. There's no use getting attached.

"Thanks," I say, suddenly feeling very nervous.

I may not be able to see his eyes, but there's a definite amused smirk on his face, and I'm guessing he's enjoying this a great deal.

"Okay," he finally says, "let's go to my place. It's not far."

"Wait, what?"

His smile grows as he steps closer to my Vespa and hikes a leg over.

"You're going to drive my scooter?" I nearly laugh at the idea of this wall of muscle driving my pink Vespa around town.

"Your dad picked me up at my place this morning, so unless you want me to walk there, it looks like we're taking your little hog." He gives my pink beast a soft pat and flashes me a smile. "Get on, Charlie. We made a deal, and I always hold up my end."

He hands me my helmet. "But what about you? I don't have an extra one."

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He laughs and starts my bike when I hand him the keys. "Don't worry about me. The one I drive is a bit more powerful than this, so I'm sure I'll be fine." "Not too many men would be crazy about driving around on a pink motorbike."

Even with the sunglasses on, I can tell he winks at me before saying, "I don't give a fuck what others think, and my cock is big enough to handle any looks I may get."

I squirm a bit at his words, and all I can do is think about how that big cock is going to be inside of me, spreading me impossibly wide in just a little bit.

"Charlie," he says again when I'm still standing there, fantasizing about what's to come. "Get on the fucking bike and hang on."

I shove the helmet on and climb on the back. I feel weird wrapping my arms around someone I just met, so I just lightly grip his waist, making him laugh. "Yeah, that's not going to cut it."

He grabs my hands and wraps them around his ridiculously hard stomach. A soft moan escapes before I can stop it, making him laugh again and trail his fingers up my arm. "That's better. Don't let go," he says, before driving us out of the parking lot and out onto the main road.

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