Belongs to us

Chapter 40: 40) Bounded !

Authors pov

"What we are going to do with him...?"

Luca asked Serenity as he cleaned the dinning table.

She washed the dishes and placed it on the counter.

"Not him... Them..."

"Who else was there with him..."

Leo asked who was sitting with Silas.

"You will know soon Silas..."

She chuckled at his impatient behaviour.

"We thought it was just him... He is your only enemy?..."

Silas spoke.

"I myself don't know how much enemies I have Silas... But you are right he is the main threat for now..."

"So what are we waiting for... Let's go and kill him. He can't stop you now. You have got all your powers back..." Leo suggested.

"What are you planning to do sera?..." Luca placed the mop near the counter and looked at her.

"Worst than death Luca... They will regret hurting me and betraying me. I will show them hell. They will cry and curse the day they decided to cross my path..."

Her grip on the plate tightened.

"I have had enough... Giving them chances to be better, to change and it was my foolishness. I shouldn't have trusted anyone. He didn't caged me, my own mistakes did that to me..." Luca didn't like the look of regret on her face.

"We will make them regret... We are with you..."

She smiled at him.

"I know... You three are the only decision that I don't regret, you are blessings. Thank you for taking care of me..."

"You were the one who always took care of us and it was our pleasure to do the same. Our world revolves around you... You are like our mother..."

Luca said with a genuine smile.

She took out something from the freezer and walked towards Silas. He looked curiously at her.

"This is for you... For taking care of my hair, I know how difficult it is..." She ruffled his hair and he grinned like a good boy.


His mouth watered.

Leo looked at her with a pout. She chuckled at him and ruffled his hair. "Yours is in the freezer Leonardo..." Leo smiled widely and jumped of the sofa.

"Yours too Luca..."

Luca thanked her.

"You three must be tired of playing the boring role of my brothers and taking care of me. Go and roam in the jungle that's what your life should be..." "No... We are fine, human life is tiresome but we can do anything for you..."

Silas replied, mouth full of meat.

"That's what I don't want... I have created you that doesn't mean I own you. You have your life and I want you to enjoy it. You are not bounded to me..." Their eyes sparkled.

"I know you want to run around the whole forest Leonardo... What are you waiting for..."

She chuckled.

Leo scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I forgot that you can read our minds..."

"Cute... Go now..."

She giggled and shook her head.

"Yes come on let's go..."

Silas chirped and already shifted in his white tiger form.

"Careful... Don't get in trouble..."

She said and they purred in response.

Serenity closed the door behind her as she stepped outside from the house.

"The world has changed so much... I can't believe I was in a stone for thousands of years..."

She looked at the sky, it was almost sunset time and she could feel the chilly wind.

She walked down the empty roads, taking in her surroundings. Constructed roads, street lights, shops, cars everything was new for her...

"Looks like human knows magic too..."

She smiled looking at the new world which was totally different from her ancient era.

She entered the supermarket and roamed around looking at these different kind of products.

She didn't bother to mind the people who were literally fangirling over her. All the boys were already lost in her beauty and the girls wanted her long hair and beautiful eyes. "Need help?..."

She heard a masculine voice and looked at the boy who was smiling at her.

"Yes... Actually I am looking for some veggies for soup..."

She smiled awkwardly.

"Why bother you can buy readymade..."

He suggested.

"You mean artificial..."

She scrunched her nose.

He chuckled. "Yeah... Kind of. You know easy to make, saves time..."

"That's very unhealthy..."

She shook her head in disappointment.

"Yeah but it works so no problem... I am Ryder by the way..."

He held his hand for her to shake.

She carefully shook her hand with him so she wouldn't scratch and kill him.

"I am Serenity..."

"You have a beautiful name Serenity..."

He looked at her in awe...

"How can someone be so beautiful... Your eyes are so mesmerizing..."

"I can't have sex with you..."

She said and he choked on his saliva.

"W_what... What are you talking about?..."

He asked flabbergasted.

She shrugged.

"That's what you were thinking about... Weren't you?..."

His eyes widened.

"How did you know..."

"I can read minds..."

She smirked.

He stared at her and burst out laughing.

"You are funny... I am sure I was too obvious to guess, well don't blame me. Who won't want you..."

"Tell me about it..."

She Smirked.

Ryder helped her to buy vegetables and they head outside. "No seriously... You don't have debit card?... Online banking?... Nothing ?" He asked dumfounded.

"No what's that..."

She asked confused.

"With whom do you live..."

He asked in disbelief.

"My pets... Luca, Leonardo and Silas..."

She smiled at the mention of their name.

"Cool I have a pet too... It's a dog... What do you have..."

He fixed his cap as he walked along side her.

"Luca is black panther... Leonardo is leopard and Silas is a white tiger, the latter is very naughty always gets in trouble..."

She answered and he froze in his place.

"Girl you are scaring me now... Stop with your jokes..."

He chuckled nervously.


She giggled.

They stopped in front of her house.

"Thanks for the help..."

"Ohh no problem... So can I get your number... Not for sex okay... You know just to be friends..."

He tried once again.

"You are lying..."

She gave him a warning look.

"Damn girl... How did you know..."

"I told you... I can read minds..."

She smirked.

"Here look at my eyes rider..."

"Looks like our kitten has already made a friend..."

They both turned towards the evil voice. Nicolai.

Serenity's smile fell as she glared at Nicolai.

Vincent looked at Ryder with a dirty glare.

"You want her number... Huh?..." Vincent's eyes glowed as he compelled him.

"Stand in the middle of the road until someone hit you with their car..."

Ryder scoffed.

"What... Why would I do that dude..."

Vincent frowned as his compulsion didn't work, Nicolai and lucifer frowned too. He looked at serenity who was smirking at him.

"You are protecting him..."

Vincent accused.

"Ryder look at me..."

Serenity said and he did.

Her eyes glowed when hers met his.

"We never met... You don't remember what happened here... Go home..."

Her compulsion worked and Ryder left the place without a word.

"How did you protect him..."

Vincent questioned.

"Shield... I put a shield around him..."

She replied nonchalantly.

"I thought your powers won't work on us..."

Vincent raised his eyebrows.

"I didn't used it on you... I used it on him"

She replied with clenched jaw.

"Get in the car..."

Lucifer demanded.

"And why would I do that..."

Her eyes snapped towards him.

"Don't you remember... Your time is up. It's past 24 hours..."

Vincent smirked.

"I don't care..."

"Ohh my love... Trust me you will..."

Vincent chuckled and grabbed her by both arms. Serenity struggled but within a blink of an eye they were in their mansion, in their bedroom.

"You are not the only one who has incredible powers... My love"

Vincent chuckled followed by his brothers.

"What are you doing?..."

She frowned at him.

Vincent let her go and Nicolai slammed her against the wall.

"What were you doing with that fucking horny teenager huh..."

His breath fanned her face while she stayed still and listened to him calmly.

"What you were thinking of... Fucking him?..."

His breathing quickened as he gritted his teeth and his large body rubbed on her smaller one.

"What the fuck were you thinking..."

She stared at his eyes unfazed with his mad state.

"Maybe the same thing which you were doing with Ruby..."

Serenity said looking in his eyes.

Nicolai looked down in shame and got away from her. The way she looked at his made him feel disgusted by himself.

"I wasn't thinking straight okay. You left

"I am not asking for explanation Nicolai, neither I want to but the thing is I don't want to explain myself either... Do whatever you want and I'll do whatever I want..." Her voice didn't even shook. She was not the mute and innocent Serenity anymore.

Her words hurted Nicolai. He would have been in much relief if she would be angry on him. Shout at him or slap him but she didn't care and that's what bother him more.

"You are in delusion baby... If you think we'll let you do whatever the fuck you want. So cut the fucking crap and stop your annoying shit..."

Lucifer glared at her and she cringed at his language.

"Why has the language become so vulgar in this century... Why do everyone use abusive words in regular conversation..."

She scrunched her nose in disapproval which almost made the brothers laugh.

"Get used to it, it's not your ancient era anymore where people used to do all that boring shit... How old are you by the way, you don't look more than 20..."

Vincent looked at her up and down looking at her young form.

"I am 19..."

She pressed her lips in a thin line.

"Fucking teenager..."

Lucifer scoffed.

"And..." Vincent raised his eyebrows at her.

"And five thousand years of immortality... From which one thousand I spent as a statue..."

She replied with narrowed eyes judging their expression as she can't read their minds.

"Fuck me..."

Vincent cursed.

"Five thousand?..."

They stared at each other, they were five hundred years old and she was much more older and experienced in this supernatural world. The difference of four thousand and five hundred years.

"Who caged you?..."

Nicolai asked.

"I do not own you any answers or explanation to you. I have made clear that we don't belong to eachother... It's better if you three stop bothering me..."

She scolded them but her voice was collective.

Serenity turned around to leave.

Nicolai Smirked.

"Don't go kitten... But... Try if you want..."

Serenity was stepping out but something stopped her like an invisible wall.

"What did you do?..." She frowned.

"I told you, we will cage you... Baby..."

Lucifer walked behind her and whispered in her ear.

"Your power is an illusion ours is real..."

She ignored him as she banged her fist on the invisible wall with force. The pressure ignited the blue light but it didn't last long.

It never happened before, no spell or power were able to hold her back. Then how did the triplets managed to do it.

Lucifer trailed his fingers on the invisible wall and she could sense the barrier.

He was still so close to her, her back was touching his front as his scent engulfed her mind.

"This is our desperation to keep you here... Anger that you denied us... Desire to have you... Strong will to make you ours..."

He chuckled.

"Emotions... Isn't that what you love the most... Huh... Baby..."

And then she realised what they are doing. But it was very surprising for her. They really have this much strong feelings for her that they managed to create this bound.

She was aware that they could do this with their mate bond but she never thought that it will be this strong.

"Let me go... You three are not thinking rationally..."

By now the triplets had started admiring her calmness. She wasn't the one who will loose her patience easily. Even while dealing with Elizabeth she was in control.

She might look like a teenager but she was definitely not one. Afterall she has experienced the world for five thousand years.

They chuckled and sat down on the sofa.

"Go then... We haven't stopped you..."

Vincent raised his hand mockingly and his brothers laughed.0000000

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