Belongs to us

Chapter 10: 10) strongest!

Authors pov

The trio's head snapped towards the maid and they reached towards their mate with vampire speed.

"What the hell did you do to her?..."

Nicolai growled at the maid who was lying on the floor whimpering in pain. He was so blind with care and protection for his mate that he was not ready to see that it was the maid who got hurt and not their mate who was still lying unconscious on the bed.

Other two maids helped her to stand up.

"I was just trying to change her clothes... My king. I didn't do anything please trust me..."

She pleaded.

"When I tried to touch her, I was thrown away from her..."

"What rubbish..."

Vincent rolled his eyes annoyingly.

"You useless people can't even do one thing properly..."

The maid stood there with her head held low as arguing back will only give her death penalty.

Lucifer sat beside their mate and caressed her cheek just to make sure if whatever the maid was true or not. Their mate didn't resist his touch like the maid claimed.

He looked at his brothers and nodded negatively.

Vincent asked other maid to do the task and all three of them stood there with crossed hand to see what will happen.

The other maid hesitatingly walked towards her, unlike the previous maid she tried to touch her with precaution, like she is dealing with fire. She tried to touch her but was jerked back with force just like the previous maid, the only difference was she didn't got badly hurt like her, maybe because she was careful.

The trio watched everything, when the maid tried to touch her a bright blue coloured light erupted from their mates body and created a shield around her which didn't allow anyone to touch her, it was protecting her.

The shield was invisible for the maids but the triplets saw it, they were capable to do that don't know why?

"What the fuck?..."

Vincent's mouth hung opened.

Nicolai touched her again and he successfully did it unlike maids.

"Get out..."

Vincent ordered the maids and they left while helping the maid who got injured.

"What is this?..."

Nicolai looked at her confused.

"It was like a shield... maybe she is protecting herself..."

Vincent tried to guess.

Lucifer called Agnes, they thought may be Agnes has some answers for it. Whatever they were watching or dealing with was totally new and different from their regular supernatural world. Agnes arrived at their castle and was too shocked when she saw their mate. She looked like a perfect example of innocence and purity. So serene that it will melt the stone. The beauty was heavenly.

It was hard for her to believe that the triplets really broke the curse which her years old and stronger power couldn't, they did it.

Nicolai told her what happened with the maids and about the shield. Agnes herself tried to touch her carefully, slowly but as soon as she touched her she withdraw her hands back when she felt a burning sensation in her hands.

"I apologise my king... I can't touch her..."

She stated flabbergasted, witnessing a great power like this which was hard to understand and impossible to break.

The trio exchanged a knowing look, by now they understood that they have a different effect on their mate unlike others. Their mate's powers was not working on them but the question was why? "Do you have any idea why it's happening..."

Vincent questioned Agnes.

"I am not sure my king but I think I have a theory. I can't assure you if it's true or not but it can be a possibility..."

Trio gestured her to continue.

"You told me that you three moved the statue and not the hundred of men and bulky machineries. We witches tried everything from the last two days and nothing worked but you three broke the curse with your blood... No one can touch her except you three..."

"What are you trying to say Agnes..."

Nicolai's impatient grunt disturbed her explanation.

"What my point is she is Powerful, so powerful that no one can control her, neither can deal with the powers she possesses. The shield is the proof. She might be in unconscious state, unaware of her surroundings but her powers are protecting her. They are not allowing anyone to hamper her, but you three can do it. It maybe because you three are hybrids so her powers are not working on you or maybe because you are her mates. Maybe the bond is so strong that it's starting to cross it's limits..."

"We didn't mate neither did we mark her so it's impossible for a bond to become this strong..." Vincent argued, it did made sense. A bond cannot become strong if they didn't mate.

"Bond is not always about mating and marking my king. The feelings, cravings, uncontrollable desire and possessiveness about a mate can do that too. In your case you were deprived of your mate for five hundred years so the emotions are stronger, not with one or two but three alpha males which possesses the greatest power in the world. So just imagine how much stronger the emotions will be." The triplets mind linked each other to converse seperately, it was one of their favourite thing.

'You remember the feeling we got in the car before we found her... Maybe Agnes is right, the bond is getting stronger...'

Vincent linked.

'Or maybe it doesn't have to get stronger, it's already stronger and unbreakable...'

Lucifer suggested.

'For now we only know that her powers are not working on us. And only she can give us the answers we have to wait for her to wake up...'

Nicolai said.

Agnes stood there silently sensing that the triplets were having their private conversation. It was obvious by the looks they were exchanging.

She glanced at the girl who was lying on the bed, the calmness and purity her face was carrying was enough to tell her that she is no less than angel but the power she possessed felt like it was passed to her by the devils even surpassing the trio.

It was scaring Agnes, someone new but older than everyone has entered the supernatural world again.

Was setting her free from the curse a good idea or did the triplets unknowingly brought their and everyone's destroyer back to life? Afterall she was caged and maybe it was for the wellbeing of everyone, the person who caged her might had strong reasons to do so.

The greatest power was on it's way to rise again amongst the supernaturals. Greater than hybrids, vampires, werewolves and even witches.

But the question was will she destroy everything or will she give a new meaning to this world full of evilness. Is she really an angel or the hell in itself.

Will she tame the hybrids or will the hybrids tame her?☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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