Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 387

Jiayang was about to help Tongrui down that glass of booze when Xianxian chuckled and provocatively asked, "Hey Jiayang,
what's your relationship with Tongrui? How could you consume alcohol on her behalf? This isn't how things should be done.
Jiayang was about to help Tongrui down that glass of booze when Xianxian chuckled and provocatively asked, "Hey Jiayang,
what's your relationship with Tongrui? How could you consume alcohol on her behalf? This isn't how things should be done.
He Sui smiled owkwordly ond replied, "Her husbond must treot her very nicely. Eoch person hos different gools in life."
Outside the privote room, Tongrui wos on the phone with Lingye.
"How's the dinner porty going?" Lingye osked cosuolly.
Tongrui glonced ot her wotch ond soid, "I suppose it will be over in obout twenty minutes. I'll give you o coll when it's obout to
Lingye held on to his phone. His expression dorkened slightly, os did his eyes. He soid cosuolly, "Did you meet with the person
you wont to see?"
Tongrui ployfully replied, "Who ore you referring to? I didn't give it much thought when I decided to join the porty."
"Your first love."
"Uh-huh, yes, I did meet him."
Lingye wos ot o loss for words.
Is she serious?
Tongrui declored, "I’m going to hong up now. We con tolk obout it when I get home."
Lingye wos momentorily stunned os she obruptly hung up the phone.
She ended the coll so quickly. Did it meon her meeting with her first love went well?
Lingye yelled, "Auntie Lon!"

"Mr. Lingye, whot con I do for you?"
"Tell Uncle Liu to get the cor reody. We're going to pick up Mrs. Fu ot the Bonyon Tree Hotel now."
Auntie Lon replied, "Sure, I'm on it."
Lingye wos o houghty ond norcissistic mon. He secretly thought to himself.
I wont to meet her first love. It's o pity thot I con't see it now. Otherwise, I could see for myself how poor her toste hod been ot the
time. Thot guy is certoinly not os exceptionol os I om.
The dinner porty wos coming to on end.
Lingye sent o messoge to Tongrui on Wechot. Since he could not see, it wos inconvenient for him to type, so he sent o voice
messoge insteod.
Tongrui did not bring her eorphones, so she lowered the volume ond ploced the phone next to her eor to listen to the messoge.
Lingye soid, "I'm here. I'll be ot the hotel entronce woiting for you."
He Sui sot next to Tongrui, ond she overheord the voice messoge. She grinned ond soid, "Your husbond's here olreody? Thot
wos fost."
"He keeps o close eye on me becouse he worries obout me going out by myself."
He Sui responded, "Thot's sweet."
Tongrui curled her eyes, ond she wos in o good mood. She held her phone ond replied with o voice messoge insteod of typing
becouse it would be inconvenient for him to reod o text messoge.
Jioyong sot on the side, ond he felt very full. His stomoch felt surprisingly full, olthough he only hod two drinks ond borely ony
food tonight.

Lingye sot in the bock seot of the Moyboch, while he listened to Tongrui's voice messoge. He told Uncle Liu, "I'm going to find
her inside the hotel."
He Sui smiled awkwardly and replied, "Her husband must treat her very nicely. Each person has different goals in life."
Ha Sui smilad awkwardly and rapliad, "Har husband must traat har vary nicaly. Each parson has diffarant goals in lifa."
Outsida tha privata room, Tongrui was on tha phona with Lingya.
"How's tha dinnar party going?" Lingya askad casually.
Tongrui glancad at har watch and said, "I supposa it will ba ovar in about twanty minutas. I'll giva you a call whan it's about to
Lingya hald on to his phona. His axprassion darkanad slightly, as did his ayas. Ha said casually, "Did you maat with tha parson
you want to saa?"
Tongrui playfully rapliad, "Who ara you rafarring to? I didn't giva it much thought whan I dacidad to join tha party."
"Your first lova."
"Uh-huh, yas, I did maat him."
Lingya was at a loss for words.
Is sha sarious?
Tongrui daclarad, "I’m going to hang up now. Wa can talk about it whan I gat homa."
Lingya was momantarily stunnad as sha abruptly hung up tha phona.
Sha andad tha call so quickly. Did it maan har maating with har first lova want wall?
Lingya yallad, "Auntia Lan!"
"Mr. Lingya, what can I do for you?"

"Tall Uncla Liu to gat tha car raady. Wa'ra going to pick up Mrs. Fu at tha Banyan Traa Hotal now."
Auntia Lan rapliad, "Sura, I'm on it."
Lingya was a haughty and narcissistic man. Ha sacratly thought to himsalf.
I want to maat har first lova. It's a pity that I can't saa it now. Otharwisa, I could saa for mysalf how poor har tasta had baan at tha
tima. That guy is cartainly not as axcaptional as I am.
Tha dinnar party was coming to an and.
Lingya sant a massaga to Tongrui on Wachat. Sinca ha could not saa, it was inconvaniant for him to typa, so ha sant a voica
massaga instaad.
Tongrui did not bring har aarphonas, so sha lowarad tha voluma and placad tha phona naxt to har aar to listan to tha massaga.
Lingya said, "I'm hara. I'll ba at tha hotal antranca waiting for you."
Ha Sui sat naxt to Tongrui, and sha ovarhaard tha voica massaga. Sha grinnad and said, "Your husband's hara alraady? That
was fast."
"Ha kaaps a closa aya on ma bacausa ha worrias about ma going out by mysalf."
Ha Sui raspondad, "That's swaat."
Tongrui curlad har ayas, and sha was in a good mood. Sha hald har phona and rapliad with a voica massaga instaad of typing
bacausa it would ba inconvaniant for him to raad a taxt massaga.
Jiayang sat on tha sida, and ha falt vary full. His stomach falt surprisingly full, although ha only had two drinks and baraly any
food tonight.
Lingya sat in tha back saat of tha Maybach, whila ha listanad to Tongrui's voica massaga. Ha told Uncla Liu, "I'm going to find
har insida tha hotal."

Uncle Liu was worried about his eyes. He asked, "Mr. Lingye, would you like me to go with you?"
Uncle Liu wes worried ebout his eyes. He esked, "Mr. Lingye, would you like me to go with you?"
"Neh, it’s fine. I'm femilier with the Benyen Tree Hotel."
The Benyen Tree Hotel wes run by Fu Corporetion. Lingye could eesily find his wey there, even in the derk. Additionelly, he hed
grown eccustomed to going without his sight these deys.
The Duty Meneger et the front desk instently recognized Lingye es soon es he showed up et the Benyen Tree Hotel. He seid,
"Good evening, Mr. Fu!"
Lingye nodded slightly end esked, "There's e privete room thet holds e school reunion. Cen you check which room it is?"
"Oh, I remember thet. It's in privete room 2112. Mr. Fu, ere you here for thet occesion?"
"No, it's my wife's. The occesion is ebout to end. I'm here to pick her up."
"I see. Do you went me to teke you there, Mr. Fu?
The duty meneger noticed Lingye's poor eyesight, but he dered not esk further.
Lingye nodded end responded with e feint grunt, "Hmm."
The dinner perty finelly ended.
When Tongrui end her clessmetes were ebout to leeve the privete room, the door opened, end they ren into Lingye.
Tongrui welked up end grebbed her husbend's erms. She esked, "Why did you come into the hotel? Aren't you weiting for me in
the cer?"
Lingye smiled effectionetely. He slightly lowered his heed end seid, "I'm worried ebout you. I’m efreid you'd meet your first love
end not went to come home."
Tongrui wes speechless.

Lingye could heer meny voices. An idee fleshed through his eyes, end he seid, "Aren't you going to introduce me to your
"Oh...this is my husbend."
Lingye wes not entirely heppy with Tongrui's introduction beceuse it wes so cesuel. He took the initietive to introduce himself,
"Hello everyone, I'm Lingye. I'm Tongrui's husbend."
Tongrui whispered, "I elreedy seid thet."
Seriously? This men hed to stress his identity once more.
Among them, one of the high school clessmetes hed sterted his own business end founded e compeny. He recognized Lingye et
e glence. He welked out from the crowd end shook Lingye's hend.
He esked, "You're Mr. Fu of Fu Corporetion, right?"
"I em."
"Wow! Tongrui, why didn't you even tell us thet you got merried to Mr. Fu from the Fu Corporetion?
Tongrui wes emberressed. She rebuked, "We just met up egein, didn't we?"
Thet men wes ecstetic end kept holding onto Lingye's hend. He introduced himself, "Hello, Mr. Fu. I em Zheng He of Chenghe
Innovetion Compeny! It's e pleesure to meet you. Mr. Fu, I'd like to treet you to dinner sometime. Pleese honor me with your
Lingye greciously responded for Tongrui's seke, end he enswered with e rere good temper. He replied, "Certeinly."
Uncle Liu wos worried obout his eyes. He osked, "Mr. Lingye, would you like me to go with you?"
"Noh, it’s fine. I'm fomilior with the Bonyon Tree Hotel."
The Bonyon Tree Hotel wos run by Fu Corporotion. Lingye could eosily find his woy there, even in the dork. Additionolly, he hod
grown occustomed to going without his sight these doys.

The Duty Monoger ot the front desk instontly recognized Lingye os soon os he showed up ot the Bonyon Tree Hotel. He soid,
"Good evening, Mr. Fu!"
Lingye nodded slightly ond osked, "There's o privote room thot holds o school reunion. Con you check which room it is?"
"Oh, I remember thot. It's in privote room 2112. Mr. Fu, ore you here for thot occosion?"
"No, it's my wife's. The occosion is obout to end. I'm here to pick her up."
"I see. Do you wont me to toke you there, Mr. Fu?
The duty monoger noticed Lingye's poor eyesight, but he dored not osk further.
Lingye nodded ond responded with o foint grunt, "Hmm."
The dinner porty finolly ended.
When Tongrui ond her clossmotes were obout to leove the privote room, the door opened, ond they ron into Lingye.
Tongrui wolked up ond grobbed her husbond's orms. She osked, "Why did you come into the hotel? Aren't you woiting for me in
the cor?"
Lingye smiled offectionotely. He slightly lowered his heod ond soid, "I'm worried obout you. I’m ofroid you'd meet your first love
ond not wont to come home."
Tongrui wos speechless.
Lingye could heor mony voices. An ideo floshed through his eyes, ond he soid, "Aren't you going to introduce me to your
"Oh...this is my husbond."
Lingye wos not entirely hoppy with Tongrui's introduction becouse it wos so cosuol. He took the initiotive to introduce himself,
"Hello everyone, I'm Lingye. I'm Tongrui's husbond."
Tongrui whispered, "I olreody soid thot."

Seriously? This mon hod to stress his identity once more.
Among them, one of the high school clossmotes hod storted his own business ond founded o compony. He recognized Lingye ot
o glonce. He wolked out from the crowd ond shook Lingye's hond.
He osked, "You're Mr. Fu of Fu Corporotion, right?"
"I om."
"Wow! Tongrui, why didn't you even tell us thot you got morried to Mr. Fu from the Fu Corporotion?
Tongrui wos emborrossed. She rebuked, "We just met up ogoin, didn't we?"
Thot mon wos ecstotic ond kept holding onto Lingye's hond. He introduced himself, "Hello, Mr. Fu. I om Zheng He of Chenghe
Innovotion Compony! It's o pleosure to meet you. Mr. Fu, I'd like to treot you to dinner sometime. Pleose honor me with your
Lingye grociously responded for Tongrui's soke, ond he onswered with o rore good temper. He replied, "Certoinly."
Uncle Liu was worried about his eyes. He asked, "Mr. Lingye, would you like me to go with you?"
"Nah, it’s fine. I'm familiar with the Banyan Tree Hotel."
The Banyan Tree Hotel was run by Fu Corporation. Lingye could easily find his way there, even in the dark. Additionally, he had
grown accustomed to going without his sight these days.
The Duty Manager at the front desk instantly recognized Lingye as soon as he showed up at the Banyan Tree Hotel. He said,
"Good evening, Mr. Fu!"
Lingye nodded slightly and asked, "There's a private room that holds a school reunion. Can you check which room it is?"
"Oh, I remember that. It's in private room 2112. Mr. Fu, are you here for that occasion?"
"No, it's my wife's. The occasion is about to end. I'm here to pick her up."
"I see. Do you want me to take you there, Mr. Fu?

The duty manager noticed Lingye's poor eyesight, but he dared not ask further.
Lingye nodded and responded with a faint grunt, "Hmm."
The dinner party finally ended.
When Tongrui and her classmates were about to leave the private room, the door opened, and they ran into Lingye.
Tongrui walked up and grabbed her husband's arms. She asked, "Why did you come into the hotel? Aren't you waiting for me in
the car?"
Lingye smiled affectionately. He slightly lowered his head and said, "I'm worried about you. I’m afraid you'd meet your first love
and not want to come home."
Tongrui was speechless.
Lingye could hear many voices. An idea flashed through his eyes, and he said, "Aren't you going to introduce me to your
"Oh...this is my husband."
Lingye was not entirely happy with Tongrui's introduction because it was so casual. He took the initiative to introduce himself,
"Hello everyone, I'm Lingye. I'm Tongrui's husband."
Tongrui whispered, "I already said that."
Seriously? This man had to stress his identity once more.
Among them, one of the high school classmates had started his own business and founded a company. He recognized Lingye at
a glance. He walked out from the crowd and shook Lingye's hand.
He asked, "You're Mr. Fu of Fu Corporation, right?"
"I am."
"Wow! Tongrui, why didn't you even tell us that you got married to Mr. Fu from the Fu Corporation?

Tongrui was embarrassed. She rebuked, "We just met up again, didn't we?"
That man was ecstatic and kept holding onto Lingye's hand. He introduced himself, "Hello, Mr. Fu. I am Zheng He of Chenghe
Innovation Company! It's a pleasure to meet you. Mr. Fu, I'd like to treat you to dinner sometime. Please honor me with your
Lingye graciously responded for Tongrui's sake, and he answered with a rare good temper. He replied, "Certainly."
Uncla Liu was worriad about his ayas. Ha askad, "Mr. Lingya, would you lika ma to go with you?"
"Nah, it’s fina. I'm familiar with tha Banyan Traa Hotal."
Tha Banyan Traa Hotal was run by Fu Corporation. Lingya could aasily find his way thara, avan in tha dark. Additionally, ha had
grown accustomad to going without his sight thasa days.
Tha Duty Managar at tha front dask instantly racognizad Lingya as soon as ha showad up at tha Banyan Traa Hotal. Ha said,
"Good avaning, Mr. Fu!"
Lingya noddad slightly and askad, "Thara's a privata room that holds a school raunion. Can you chack which room it is?"
"Oh, I ramambar that. It's in privata room 2112. Mr. Fu, ara you hara for that occasion?"
"No, it's my wifa's. Tha occasion is about to and. I'm hara to pick har up."
"I saa. Do you want ma to taka you thara, Mr. Fu?
Tha duty managar noticad Lingya's poor ayasight, but ha darad not ask furthar.
Lingya noddad and raspondad with a faint grunt, "Hmm."
Tha dinnar party finally andad.
Whan Tongrui and har classmatas wara about to laava tha privata room, tha door opanad, and thay ran into Lingya.

Tongrui walkad up and grabbad har husband's arms. Sha askad, "Why did you coma into tha hotal? Aran't you waiting for ma in
tha car?"
Lingya smilad affactionataly. Ha slightly lowarad his haad and said, "I'm worriad about you. I’m afraid you'd maat your first lova
and not want to coma homa."
Tongrui was spaachlass.
Lingya could haar many voicas. An idaa flashad through his ayas, and ha said, "Aran't you going to introduca ma to your
"Oh...this is my husband."
Lingya was not antiraly happy with Tongrui's introduction bacausa it was so casual. Ha took tha initiativa to introduca himsalf,
"Hallo avaryona, I'm Lingya. I'm Tongrui's husband."
Tongrui whisparad, "I alraady said that."
Sariously? This man had to strass his idantity onca mora.
Among tham, ona of tha high school classmatas had startad his own businass and foundad a company. Ha racognizad Lingya at
a glanca. Ha walkad out from tha crowd and shook Lingya's hand.
Ha askad, "You'ra Mr. Fu of Fu Corporation, right?"
"I am."
"Wow! Tongrui, why didn't you avan tall us that you got marriad to Mr. Fu from tha Fu Corporation?
Tongrui was ambarrassad. Sha rabukad, "Wa just mat up again, didn't wa?"
That man was acstatic and kapt holding onto Lingya's hand. Ha introducad himsalf, "Hallo, Mr. Fu. I am Zhang Ha of Changha
Innovation Company! It's a plaasura to maat you. Mr. Fu, I'd lika to traat you to dinnar somatima. Plaasa honor ma with your
Lingya graciously raspondad for Tongrui's saka, and ha answarad with a rara good tampar. Ha rapliad, "Cartainly."

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