Behind The Alpha Series Book 6 Oliver

Chapter 36

(Chapter song ‘Bad Guy' by the Interrupters)


I stop outside the 4 inch thick, solid steel door, turn around and eye Frankie who’s standing behind me. “You remember?”

“Yes.” He nods sharply. “I’m bad cop and you’re badder cap.” He points between the two of us. His face is completely serious, but looks goofy as fuck. I want to laugh, but I need him to stay in character here.

“Cop.” I land a hand on his shoulder. I raise a finger to his nose. “Don’t try to eat him.”

“I wasn’t.” He shoves me. “He doesn’t need a hand.’

“Frankie, as true as that is, if you eat his body parts he won’t talk.” I glare.

“What about a finger…no…two fingers…” He thinks and holds up his hand. “Five fingers.” He nods.

I wrap my arm around my waist and hold the bridge of my nose as he grins. “Frank. That’s a hand.” I drop my hand to him. “No. You are just to scare him. No eating.”

His mouth goes small. “No eating.”

“No.” I undo the strap of his robe. “Take this off.”

He smiles. “I like red.”

“I know.” I chuckle as I reflect on what my life consists of now. “Shift and look scary.”

“Shift. Look scary.” He scowls in a way that I had to laugh and turn around. I hear him shift and I look over my shoulder.

His long thin muzzle pushes over my shoulder and he pants.

My brows cinch together and I shove him back. “Jesus, Frank. When’s the last time you brushed?”

Frankie growls at my back.

I turn around and grab his nose. “Save it for the room. Don’t growl at me.”

He whines.

“Look tough.”

I swipe the scanner and the heavy metal door opens

The room is 15x15 and dark grey with dark silver metal. There’s only two pieces of metal furniture. A chair and a table off to the side against.

There’s a spot light in the calling over the chair. Sitting in it, chained in gold and sweating it out in white hospital pants and shirt, is my new favorite person.

Cornell’s lip curls as I step into the room. I take one slow step at a time, chew my lip and put my hands behind my back. I raise my chin as Frankie’s Dire squeezes through the door then stops just behind my right side.

He's not directly showing it, but inside, he’s pissing his pants.

Frankie lowers his head and walks around Cornell in a circle. He keeps his cat like yellow eye on him and his long lip lifts showing his rows of sharp, clench teeth. He growls deep and I can tell Cornell feels his energy.

As Frankie comes around to Cornels front, his long tail wraps around Cornell’s neck and the tip smacks him in the face.

Cornell makes an oomph sound and spits out Frank’s stiff shedding fur as he glares at him.

“Alright, Frank. Sit.” I point to an area at the other end of the room and Frankie’s wolf walks slowly to the spot. He spins around three times and sits. He lays down and tucks a paw, holding his head up and narrowing his eyes as he watches me cross the room.

I walk around Cornell, myself, thinking of the best way to approach this. I’m also trying to clear my mind of the images Ezra gave me. I have the guy right here and can destroy him in so many ways, but unfortunately I need his help first.

I stand in front of him. “The manipulation. It’s plateaued. Why?”

He looks at me and smirks. “Don’t know.”

I nod. “OK. What’s in the Croak?”

Again, smart ass is written all over his face. “You already know or I wouldn’t be here. You’re wondering what’s missing.”

I step up to his knees. “What’s missing?”

He ticks his lip. “An ingredient that’s very special. Only I know it and I’m not telling you.”

“OK.” I tick my head, grab his wrist chained to the arm and snap it.

He screams out in pain and his face fills with shock. “KILLING ME WON’T GET YOU THE ANSWER!!”

I grab his hair. “WHAT IS IT?”

“FUCK YOU, YOU TWAT!” His face redden from the agony and defiance.

I fire daggers at him and slam a fist into his cheek. His head is thrown to the side. I walk around and collect myself. “What’s missing?”

“It’s a close guarded secret of my kind. My children will be the only ones to know. You…are not mine.” He winces at his limp, swelling wrist as his arms pull at the chains.

I rush him. “My mate is one of your victims. Tell me!” I lean down to him, grab his hair and stare into his eyes.

“Then bring her to me. You aren’t worthy.” Cornell spits.

Frankie shifts. “He’s worthy. He’s the creator.” He says.

“No, son. I’m your creator. You are my kind.” He says.

I look at Frank then back at Cornell. “Then tell him.” I direct his head. “What do we need to finish the transformation?”

“No. He’s not ready. Ezra is.” He eyes me.

“I’m not bringing her to you.” I say low.

He eyes me back. “Then I’m not talking.” He grits.

I throw a punch into his face and his head bobs. “I should remind you, you’re suppressed so that means you aren’t healing unless I let you heal. It also means I can bring you to the brink of death, heal your ass and do it all over again. I’ve got all the fucking time in the world.”

He studies my face. “Maybe I could negotiate a price.”

“What?” I narrow my eyes.

“I could help you. I could even join you in the fight against the lycans." He starts.

“What do you want?” I ask.

“It’s a tiny thing really.” He shifts in his seat as I stare him down. “Just a dagger.”

“A dagger.” I state suspiciously.

He nods. “A black dagger called The Reaper. The weapon that will end all the wars and save your precious mate.”

I twist my lips and think about it. The Reaper is that blade that Deacons hiding in the library.

“Isn’t that what you want? You’re a man of justice. The reaper is the weapon that will bring the justice to Death and the Shaman. You’re ultimate revenge. For the delivery of the blade, I will not only give you what you need for the army, but I will wield the dagger for you.” He locks eyes with me and his face looks sincere. I still don’t trust it.

“This dagger. Where is it?” I ask.

“If I tell you, will you let me go?” He asks.

“No.” I snap

“Then I don’t tell you.” He says firmly.

I snap my fingers. “Frank.”

Frankie shifts and gets right up in his face, red hot with anger. He opens his jaws and venom pours from his teeth. He licks Cornell’s face with his thin tongue.

“OK! ALRIGHT! GET HIM OFF ME!!” Cornell tried to turn his head away from Frankie.

“Back!” I bark. Frankie backs off. “Where?”

“A vault in the desert. The Shamans vault.” He says.

I nod and turn my head to Frankie. “Link a team. A book store in Upton. There’s a library in it. Do not hurt or kill anyone and do not destroy the place. Full stealth. Get the blade and get out.” I order.

Frankie’s eyes go dark. ‘Done.’ He links.

I turn back to Cornell. “What’s missing?”

“I think ill wait for my dagger before I tell you that.” He says smugly.

“No…Tell me now.” I say.

“I will not.”

I tick my head. “Fine. I’ll just take the dagger, kill you then kill Lefu.”

“You do that, you won’t find out the catalyst to making Ezra right in the head. You touch me with that blade, you’ll never he able to fix her.” He lifts his chin.

“That right.” I crack my knuckles and a look of worry fills his eyes.

I grab his shirt and land a blow to his face so hard, the chair he’s chained to, topples over with him on it. He whines on the floor and I pick him up, righting him again.

“One more time…WHAT’S THE CATALYST?!” I grab his hair and hold my fist in front of him.

His nose pours blood as eyes flick from my bloody knuckles to my eyes.

I look at my knuckles and raise my head to him. A smirk grows on my lips. “Really.” I stand and cross my arms. “I should’ve known.”

Realizing that I’ve figured it out, he panics. “They’ll come for me. They’ll know I’m missing. You won’t stand a chance.”

I lean on his arms on the chair, get close and tilt my head. “You are 200 feet down in a facility no one knows exists. It’s also filled with Dire Wolves that aren’t right in the head. No one’s finding you unless I want them too. You’re not going anywhere.” I look to my knuckles and his bloody nose. “At least not until I’ve bled you dry.” I stand up and wipe my knuckles.

Cornell looks freaked out. I can sense his internal terror that he’s fucked.

“Get comfortable, Gene. You’re mine for a very long time.” I growl. “Frank!”

“You can’t do this! I have rights! This is kidnapping! You'll pay for this!”

I shut the steel door after stepping out to the hallway. Cornell yells and protests until the door no longer let his voice through.

Frankie walks beside me. “Will we allow him to fight?”

“Hell no.” I thumb over my shoulder. “That guy won’t be seeing the light of day again. His blood is the answer and if I want to cure the rogues, then he’s mine to drain.”

Frankie nods. “I like that. Very badder.”

I stop him. “No. That’s justice. He’s lucky he’s alive.”

“Justice.” Frankie nods.

“Let’s go.”

We walk to the elevators and step onto the car. It lifts us from the Labs deep underground floors.

Once at the lab, we walk down the cold halls. Frankie follows behind me as we pass through glass doors. The doors are close and lock.

A man stands in jeans and t shirt at the wall.

I stop. “No one gets down here.”

“Yes, creator.” He nods.

I slap his shoulder and walk on.

“Frankie, we have to go to Falcon Ridge. Now that I have a cure, I have to inform the council.” I say as we walk through two more sets of doors and step into a supply closet.

“Is that smart? Should be a secret like in here.” Frankie asks.

“They don’t have to know where I got it. Just that I cured you guys and you’re mine now. That’s it.” I shrug and we turn to head to the cafeteria.

“What if they don’t like?” He asks.

“You let me handle that.” I smirk as I walk into the large kitchen area and stop. Every seat is filled with people eating and talking. All Dires. All run by me. “Once they see where things stand, they won’t have a choice.”


After telling Ian what the catalyst to the Croak was, Ian pumped out the cure. He spent weeks synthesizing Croak and using Cornell’s fresh blood to make the final bonds. The database in this lab is so large, all the stuff the Shaman used to make was here. In all its glory. So, not only do I control the Dires, I control Croak-R. It will only be a matter of time before I’m the only one that does. As I cure rogues, add them to my pack, the Croak-R will disappear.

With Ian removing the addiction additives, it will make it easier to work with the people to cure them.

He discovered that Cornell's blood had the ability to destroy the Rogue Sickness blockers once the DNA was complete. My army got their thoughts, speech and rational behavior back…to a certain extent. They’re still deadly as fuck, but at least they’re controlled.

So it’s time to tell the council. Mostly for my well being. They need to know there’s new players on the board and I’m not giving them up. I’m also not open to investigation.

Alliance Labs is under my control now. Wherever my dad is, he can have it. This lab. No way I’m walking away.

I walk through the council building halls to the big, double, dark wood doors.

Ezra’s at my side, looking absolutely fantastic in a long sleeveless black dress with the collar up her neck. Her hair is pulled up and the slit in her dress makes her strong legs look so damn sexy. My pride is pouring off me in waves. She’s my Queen and I’ll make damn sure so looks like one.

Frankie, Foster and Cecil are behind me. They're really take this bodyguard thing to the next level. Dressed all in black, they’re on alert and swollen up. Again, my ego might be a little boosted now.

People in the hall stop and stare at us as we walk by. I’m used to the looks, but I can tell they feel the energies coming off the Dires. They look nervous and I’m loving it.

I fix my black suit and adjust the open collar of my white button down as I get to the doors.

I take a look at my entourage. “Stand down. No problems.”

“Yes, Alpha.” They all say. Ezra smiles and I kiss her lips.

I push open the doors and whatever discussions they were having, stops.

“Oliver?” Bastian arches a brow.

I strut into the room. “Shut up.” I raise a brow back and puff my chest. “I need to tell you guys what’s what.”

They eye the boys behind me and Ezra as I stuff my hands in my pockets.

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