Behind The Alpha Book 7 Graham

Chapter 9

(Chapter song ‘American Psycho' by Treble Charger)


Hot damn!

This just got way better. Did you see that?

Legs forever, hot lips and a body that won’t quit. Graham, we have to hit that.

Shirley. She must be the nerdy professors student or something. He’s been hiding her from me, that son of a bitch. He can’t have all the fun.

She seems a little skittish though. Mind you, I’m not up on the dating scene these days. It’s been forever since my last one and it really wasn’t date. More like, get it while you can, type of thing.

If I want to get in this girls panties, I need to figure out how to make her like me. I can’t rely on the dork. He can barely speak to women that aren’t shrinks. No. This is going to take confidence and swagger. The only way I’m going to be able to do this, is to spend more time up front. I need to keep the whiner at bay while I work my charm.

I need to become the host. He shouldn’t argue too much. I’m getting him laid. He should thank me.

As I run through my plans to land the hot Asian girl, my phone rings.

“Yello.” I answer.


“Jake! How the hell are ya?” I stop in the schools courtyard and smile.

“I’m OK. Listen. We need you to come in and take samples from the rogues that we have here. We want to start the cure.”

“Cure?” I cinch my brow.

“Yeah. The one Oliver brought.”

“Oh, right. The big, angry guy. Sure. I can do that.” I agree.

“Great. See you soon.”

“Yep. With bells on.” I chuckle.

I walk back to the school and walk into the building.

Making my way through the halls, I hear my name called.

“Professor Mitchell!”

I stop and turn. “Quinn. How’s my resident hybrid?”

He smiles as he slows down and stops. “I’m good. Busy.”

“Good. So am I.” I clap his shoulder and start to walk.

“Wait, Professor.” He grabs my arm.

“Yes…Quinn.” I stuff my hands in my pockets and raise my chin in annoyance.

“I was going over the lesson plan for the next lecture and I was wondering. Did you really mean to put the lycan gene on the fifth DNA base pair because studies show it’s on the 10th. I’m not insulting you, I only ask because where the location is, according to the mapping, would result in RNA mismatch. Which, as you know, would result in different information transfer and possibly mutate the…”

“Quinn…” I stop him.

“What?” He drops his papers.

“I have a headache.” I grumble.

He laughs. “You’re funny. Yeah, ok. Let’s pretend we can spontaneously become agitated enough to aggravate the pain receptors in the brain without the use of alcohol or violence and completely ignore the fact that rapid healing was designed to counter 99.9998547 percent of all minor and major ailments before the pain is even…”

“Quinn! Just fix it!” I glare.

“Gotcha! See ya later!” He smiles, waves his paper and jogs off.

I shake my head and turn to the Security Unit lobby.

As I walk to the elevators, I’m accosted again. What’s with these people?

“Hey, buddy.” Darcy flashes a smile and taps my arm.

“Hey. What’s up?” I say as I wait for a car.

“Nothing. Headed to the council meeting. You going?”

The door opens. We walk onto the car and I press 2, Darcy hits 3. “No. I’m going to the science labs to do a thing. Something about the rogues.” I say in an annoyed tone as wave my hand at him.

“Ooo. Rogues. Great times.” He chuckles.

The door closes and I wait for the ride up. “Right? Honestly. We’re just waiting our time. These things need to be destroyed before they band together and kill is all.”

“What? You can’t kill people if we can cure them.” He turns to me and crosses his arms.

I lean to him. “Trust me. The cured version. Not much better.”

He looks at me strange as I give him a warning look.

The elevator rises and we watch the number at the top of the door. He glances at me. “Hey. I’m taking the boys on a guys weekend thing this weekend. Kind of an Alpha bonding experience. Want in?”

“What?” I look at him like he’s nuts. “No. I’m not hanging with kids.” I say smugly and stare at the door.

“You love the boys.” He furrows his brows.

“I guess. Anyway, I can’t. If my plan goes right, I’ll be preoccupied this weekend.” I say with a smirk as the elevator dings and the door opens.

“Oh, I know that look. I invented it. Tell me.” He smirks back and crosses his arms.

“After the conquest is done.” I walk off.

He points to me. “I want details.”

I point back. “Done.”

We fist bump and the elevator closes.

I turn and walk to the labs. Stopping in at the biology lab, I put on my passive aggressive front as I enter.

“Roger. How’s the douche who took my job?” I stuff my hands in my pockets and grin.

He laughs. “Hello, Professor. You here for the kit?”

I chuckle top, but in my mind, I’m ripping his limbs off and spreading his blood all over the lab. I was barely cold before this prick swooped in and replaced me. The Nerd is too nice to do anything about it. If I had total control, I’d take care of it my way. Maybe that’ll change now.

I step to the table. “Yeah. The rogues are waiting.”

He walks to a cabinet and pulls out a bag. “Great. I’ll come with.”

“Wonderful.” I grit with a smile.

As we walk down the hallway, I thumb over my shoulder. “How’s it going in there?”

“Oh. Good. I mean, it’s hard to top your performance, of course, but we do a pretty good job, I think.” He says as he calls the elevator.

“It shouldn’t be hard to top me. You should be smarter than a dead guy.” I chuckle.

“If you look at it that way.” He smiles. “We try.”

“Kid, this is a military unit. There’s no trying here. Grow some balls.” I look him over and walk onto the elevator.

“Oh…um…sure.” He walks on behind me.

We get off at basement level 2 and walk down the hallways.

“To be a scientist, you need a certain level of confidence. These guys depend on you for answers and production. If you’re a wishy, washy pussy, who’s ever going to take you seriously? Take myself, for example. I’m here because they know who the expert is. I never let them forget it. It’s the same with women. Tell them you want to spread their legs upfront and they’ll fall into bed. If you present yourself as weak, they’ll treat you weak. It’s all the attitude.” I push open a door and Roger pushes the other one open.

“Interesting perspective. I never thought of it like that.” He says as he approach the check in desk.

The hot blonde behind the counter smiles. “Professor. Doctor. They’re waiting for you in holding.”

“Great. Thanks, Melinda.” Roger smiles.

I nudge Roger to pay attention.

“Hey, Melinda. I can’t help but observe how smoking hot you’re looking today.” I lean on the counter with a smirk.

She giggles and shyly tucks her hair. “Oh…um…Thank you, Professor.”

“So, here’s the deal. Tonight. I’ll pick you up at your place, we’ll eat and talk and finish off at my place for a night cap. I’ll be there by 8.” My eyes find hers and her cheeks flush.

“Um…alright.” She breathes. Her eyes look lost in mine.

I nod and hold my hand out. “Phone number, please.”

She grabs a note paper and writes it down. “Thank you. It sounds like fun.” She smiles as she hands it to me.

I take the paper and place it in my pocket. “Thank me at breakfast. Bye, baby.” I wink and we leave.

“That was amazing!” Roger’s eyes widen. “Dude, you have to teach me that.”

I shrug. “It’s easy. The minute you give them time to think, you lost. Confusion is key.” I wag my finger at him as we enter the holding area.

“Confusion…huh.” He mulls it over as we join Owen and Jake in the hall.

“Graham. How are you?” Owen holds out his hand.

“I’m ok. How’s the Head Alpha?” I take it and shake. “Jake.”

“Hey, Graham. Thanks for coming down.” He hits my arm.

“Who else you gonna call? This idiot? Please.” I scoff as I thumb to Roger.

Roger laughs uncomfortably.

I give him a look that says it wasn’t a joke and he stops, clearing his throat.

Owen arches a brow then shakes his head. “So, these are the rogues we need samples from. We need to find out if they will be candidates for the cure.”

“Great. Lead me to them, Captain.” I grin and he leads us into the halls with the cells.


The sun hit my eyelid and slowly open my eye. It’s a blur, but the light still stings. I also feel like I’ve been up all night.

I groan as I roll to my back, rub my eyes and stretch my arms out.

I freeze when an arm crosses my chest and a head lands on it.

My mouth goes small and my eyes widen to the yellow blur in my vision. I slowly reach for my glasses on the nightstand and put them on.

My eyes focus to a woman laying on me.

“Ah!” I yelp like a girl and push away from her.

“What? What is it?” She jumps out of her skin and jolts off me.

I grab the sheet, pull it to my neck and stare at her with confusion. “Melinda?!”

“What’s wrong?” She looks me over.

“W-Why are you…How…What?” I scrunch my face.

“Graham? Are you alright?” She reaches for me.

“No, I’m not alright! Why are you in my bed?!” I slide to the edge of the bed as I try to find a piece, any piece of last night.

“You invited me!” She scowls.

My jaw drops. “I did no such thing, are you kidding?”

I carefully slide out of bed and find my boxers.

“Excuse me, Mr. Sweet talker. You most certainly did.” She sits up and her body is on full display, but I feel so violated, I can’t appreciate it.

I point to her chest. “No…You need to…” I reach down, pick up her shirt and throw it at her. She scowls after catching it with her face. “Just…Get dressed.”

“Graham. I know we had a thing a long time ago, but you can’t still hate me for it.” She says as she does up her buttons.

I lean to her. “You slept with Darcy.”

“So?” She shrugs.

“Right after you left my place? Get out of my bed, now!” I order.

“Graham. We were never exclusive. It’s just fun.” She finds the rest of her clothes and I throw on some jeans.

“You weren’t, but I was. Now, I’m not sure how…this…” I motion between us and the bed. “…happened, but it’s not happening again. I need you to leave.”

I grab her and practically pull her out the bedroom door.

“Alright! What’s with you?” She clenches as she rips her arm out of my hand.

“I don’t like being used.” I lean to her.

“I never used you!” She barks.

“I don’t mean you!” I growl.

“What?” She looks at me with confusion.

I point to the door. “Goodbye, Melinda.”

She narrows her eyes, whips around and storms out of my apartment.

I walk to the mirror in bathroom, lean on the sink and stare at my reflection.

I suck in my top lip and nod. “You thought that was pretty funny, didn’t you?” Of course, I won’t get answer, but for some reason, this feels better than sitting in my head. “STOP FUCKING WITH MY LIFE!” I yell at him.

I’m shaking and trying to calm my anger when my phone rings in the bedroom.

I look for it and hear it in my pants on the floor.

I pull it out, drop my pants, and look at the screen.

I answer, sit my ass on the bed and rub my head. “Owen.”

“Four rogues are dead, Graham. What did you do?”

“What? What rogues?” I sit up in confusion.

“The rogues in holding. You administered the cure and 4 out 5 are dead. The fifth is catatonic. We’re not sure if he’ll make it. What the fuck did you do?”

“Owen, I have no idea…” I pull my phone away and look at the date. “A day.” I breathe. “Oh no.” I put my phone back and stand. “I’ll be there in 30 minutes.”

I hang up, rush to get dressed and run to catch the bus.

Once at the unit, I rush in and take the stairs to the second floor up to the labs.

Roger greets me at the top and we both speed walk to the biology department. “Professor Mitchell. I haven’t told them anything yet. I was waiting for you. Professor. It was the dosages.”

“What do you mean? The dosages don’t kill.” I cross my arms.

He tilts his head. “You insisted on a more aggressive approach. The theory itself is sound, but we haven’t perfected the compound to trial yet.”

I stop him. “What do you mean, I insisted? I wrote the protocols.”

He shakes his head. “You’re exact words were ‘To hell with protocol'.”

His words sink in and I scrub a hand down my face. “There’s no room for an aggressive approach.” I eye him.

“I know. I told you…I’m sorry.” He apologizes.

My face falls and I stare into his eyes. “I committed murder.”

He holds up a hand. “No. I don’t believe that’s true. I believe you were well intended to make the cure work faster. We'll go over the results and see where the accident went wrong.” He places a hand on my shoulder tries to rationalize the fact that I just outright killed 4 maybe 5 people for whatever reason I can’t fucking remember.

I shake my head. “There’s no other explanation. The protocols are fixed. The dosages can’t be altered or it ends in…” I swallow. “I’m a dead man.” My brows stitch up and I meet his eyes again.

“No, Professor. We’ll clear this up. Just…come with me.” He grabs my arm and pulls me to the biology lab.

We walk in and Owen is in the lab with his arms crossed.

“Owen, I can explain this…I think.” I furrow my brow as I try to remember anything of the past day. The last thing I remember is sitting on the bench with Kita. My heart speeds up and my skin heats. “Oh God.” I mutter.

“What?” Owen asks.

I push that aside and shake my head. “Nothing. I just remembered something. Now, the protocols…”

“Were transcribed wrong.”

I turn to Roger and scrunch my brow. He hands a paper to Owen.

“See the dose? It was transcribed as 63 cc's when it should have been 36 cc's” He points to paper.

“Roger…” I start.

“Don’t worry, Professor, we’re talking with the team and making sure this accident doesn’t happen again.” He turns and meets my eyes.

“A clerical error.” Owen looks at us both.

“Yes, head Alpha.” Roger turns to me and the only thing I can do is chuckle nervously, adjust my glasses and shrug like an idiot.

Owen reads the paper again. “Get this department under control, Roger or I’ll find your replacement. Another rogue dies and you’re out of a job.” He slaps the paper into his chest and leaves the office.

I rush him as soon as Owen is gone. “What are you doing? A cover up?”

He smirks and crosses his arms. “That advice you gave me is worth more than 4 maniac wolves who were dying anyway. Pure gold man. Gotta protect the Master.”

“What are you…” I scrunch my brow.

He leans to me. “I landed this chick last night. Dude, before you, a girl like that wouldn’t give me the time of day. I can’t thank you enough. See ya around.” He backhands my stomach and I make a little Oof sound.

Holding my gut, I can only stare with a gaping mouth as I watch him strut out of the lab.

Did he just cover up a felony for sex? When the hell did I get to the Twilight zone?!! Holy fuck!

No. This isn’t right. I have to come clean and tell the truth to Owen. I have zero clue what that truth is, but I'll just go in there and tell them that it isn’t wasn’t an error. I’ll take full responsibility.

I walk out of the lab and into the hallway. I pass the stairs and head to the elevators.


I stop as the sound of a dove sings my name. I slowly turn around.

Kita stands with her tablet at her hips in her hands. Her hair is pinned at the sides with long strands framing her face. Her delicate lips look so kissable in this light. Damn, she’s hot.

I shake my head. I’m a murderer. I need to remember that.

“Kita.” I slightly nod as I approach her.

She looks me over. “What’s wrong?”

“Who me? Nothing. Nothings wrong.” I place a hand on my chest and chuckle. “Just…work…busy.” I say.

The corner of her lip ticks up. “Then I shall keep this short. I request an extension on my project as I was made aware of an urgent matter that I must take care of.”

I cross my arms and tilt my head. “I’m sorry to hear that. Everything OK?”

“Yes. It’s…um…a personal matter. I need time.” She glances at me.

I scratch my temple. “The project is worth 70 credits.”

“I know. I deeply apologize for the inconvenience. I wish to submit once this is dealt with.”

She looks so innocent. How could I say no?

“Of course. Is there anything I can help with?” I search her face.

“Actually…” She looks around the hall then steps close to me. “Don’t do anything…unwise.” Her eyes lock with mine and I furrow my brow.

She stares a little longer, turns then walks down the stairs.

I stuff my hands in my pockets and chew my lip. “Don’t do anything stupid.” I ponder the weird statement a bit longer before looking back at the elevators.

Maybe I’ll hold off on that confession. At least until I have some concrete answers. I’m not going down for a crime I can’t remember committing. Kita's right. It would be stupid to take the fall for that.

I turn back to the stairs.

The question is does she know? Why would she say that now?

My phone dings and I pull it out. Lecture time.

I stuff it back in my pocket and walk to the school. The whole time I’m thinking something really screwy is going on here. I’m also thinking how terrified I am to find out what that is.

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