Behind The Alpha Book 5 Deacon

Chapter 7

(Chapter song ‘When I Grow Up' by Pussycat Dolls)


I’ve been on cloud 9 ever since I ‘screwed Jenny’s door'. I’m sorry. That still makes me chuckle.

The fact that I am at least in the friendzone makes me happier than a wolf on a full moon. Even if she doesn’t think it. She’s so different, it’s surprising that I even want to look her way. Why do I want to look her way? I don’t know, I’ll figure that out later. The point is I do.

She’s so freaking hot. She’s become a challenge for me. Everything in me tells me I have to find out everything about her. Her likes and dislikes, besides me, of course. Her wants and desires. All of it.

The question is how do I get in?

Sitting in the friendzone is OK to a point, but I need her to really open up to me. I need to bring her out of that shell she’s in.

“How long have you been up?”

I look up from my phone as Alex walks into the dining hall.

I furrow my brow and think. “Four? Yeah. Four cups of coffee.” I go back to my phone.

“OK. Why?” He asks as he sits down.

I shrug. “A lot on my mind, I guess.”

He sips his cup and sets it down. “No. One thing on your mind.” He smirks.

I drop my phone. “OK, you got me. Yes. The sexy librarian kept me up.”

He looks around. “Is she here?”

I shake my head. “No. I meant I’m constantly thinking about her. I don’t even know why. From what I can tell, we have zero in common.”

He sits back. “That’s exactly why.”

“Huh?” I arch a brow.

“She’s like a new race. Exciting, unpredictable. You don’t know how it’s going to end. She interests you because she’s not like every other girl you know.” He runs his fingers through his brown hair.

I lean back. “I was thinking it was something like that, but she’s so…I don’t know…what’s the word you used?”

He chuckles. “Boring?”

I scratch my temple. “Yeah. I’m not sure she’d even like hanging with me. We can get pretty crazy.”

He ticks his head. “True. Maybe she’s not for you. Maybe you’re for her.”

I stitch my brows together. “What?”

“Just go with it and see what happens.” He says.

I lean on the table. “OK. How? I want an in, but she’s blocking me. How do I get to know her?”

He wraps his fingers around his cup and thinks. “I don’t know, dude. She likes her books. Do something with that.”

I slowly nod as I roll it over in my brain. I lift my head to him and smile when a fantastic light bulb went off.

“I know that look. What are you thinking?” He eyes me.

“I got it.” I grin. “It’s fucking perfect.” I hit the table and get up.

“What? What’s perfect?”

I jog out of the hall. “I have phone calls to make!!” I yell as I run out the doors.




Several days of peace and quiet.

I haven’t seen hide nor hair of Deacon and I’m enjoying every peaceful minute. I appreciate the help he gave me on the last of the repairs to the store and helping me set up for the opening on Monday, but his advances and hints are just way too much to handle.

I just wanted to focus on my startup and bring life back to this place.

I posted an announcement on the pack message boards that the store is now officially open, but I think it may have fell on deaf ears. In four days, I’ve had five customers and one was lost. They look around, may ask a question or two about nothing in particular, but then leave just as quick as they came.

I’m pulling everything out of me to get the courage to do this and talk to people, but there’s no people.

At about 3 o’clock, I decided to wrap it up for the day. I came out from the back, headed to lock up when my eyes hit the front window.

My jaw dropped, my steps slowed. My eyes widen as my brain tries to register what I’m seeing outside.

I shake and start to sweat. When I get close, I have to shield my eyes from the strobe like flashes from an army of press cameras outside on the sidewalk.

“Oh, God no…” I plead. “He didn’t…”

I turn to the front door and Deacon is outside standing in front of them talking.

“He did…” I whine as I get to the other side of the door.

He turns and looks at me through the shop window. He waves me out with a big, toothy grin. His face is full of excitement.

I get a scared puppy look on my face. My mouth goes small and I shake my head fast.

He waves more deliberately and again I almost break my neck as my cheeks heat so much you could boil water. My heart slams my chest as I side eye the reporters.

He shakes his head and opens the door. He sticks his head in. “Will you get out here and meet your people?” He tilts his head.

“No…No way.”

“Jenny. Come on.” He smiles sweetly as he steps in.

For one stupid minute, his gorgeous smile distracted me and I didn’t notice him grab my hand. I yelp as he yanks me from the spot I was planted in and pulls me out to the sidewalk.

He beams a bright smile as the cameras go nuts.

I’m freaking out. My body ceases and my brain is scrambled. Oh God, make it stop!

The shutters went off like a whirring nightmare. I struggle to cover my face and hide. I try to duck behind Deacon, but he’s not having it. He’s evil! Freaking evil!

I can only stammer and squeak as the questions fly.

“What made you buy the store?”

“Will you be working with the education system?”

“What do you think about the nation’s current illiteracy statistics?”

My brows stitch up as I lose my voice altogether. All I can do is stare at them all.

Deacon holds up his hand. “Please…One at a time.”

I look at him and think how freaking clueless he is. Unbelievable. I squeeze his hand hard and he grins at me which makes me whine even more.

“ALPHA! WHO’S THE NEW GIRLFRIEND?” Someone yells from the back of the crowd.

“What? No…” I find my voice, but I’m interrupted by Deacons booming, confident voice.

“Jennifer Clark, everyone! Isn’t she beautiful?” He raises my hand fast almost knocking me off balance. I squeak and glare at him. The cameras go off at a thousand frames a second.

More questions are shouted at me.

“Wha…oh…um…” Panic sets in. I’m overwhelmed. I continue to try and hide myself.

“This marks an historic event for Upton. Care to comment, Alpha.”

Finally he let’s go of my hand and I sort of duck to his side without looking like a complete dork in front of everyone.

He tucks his hands in his pockets. The press calms down a bit as Deacon makes his statement. “Yes, it does. This store marks the last of the buildings destroyed by Kay-Os. With the revival of Jenny’s Bookshop, we can now say that Upton has made a full recovery from the monsters attack. With this, I want to send a message to our lost neighboring towns. Come home. It’s safe. It’s safe to rebuild. We miss you.” He smiles and the cameras go off again.

This time they seems be more quiet as I look at the impulsive, loud man who just showed a caring, loving side. The Deacon Riley I saw in the articles. I first thought it was a lie.

He leans to my ear. “Thank you.” He whispers quietly.

I look at him with a soft puppy look this time. “You're welcome.” I mumble as I meet his sparkling, brown eyes.

He smiles. “Smile. They love you.”

I adjust my glasses and manage a tiny smile.

Deacon plants a kiss on my cheek and the press awes and giggles. My eyes bug right out at the feel of his lips on my skin. My middle does flips and I freeze. Help!

“Alpha, Colleen Decker from Channel 6 National News. Sources tell me Upton has seen an increase in Rogue attacks. Is it true?” A woman with short red brown hair, down in front holds out her phone.

Deacon smiles. “Colleen. Aren’t you a sport reporter?”

She smirks. “Answer the question, Alpha.”

He nods. “At this time, I’m not at liberty to say anything in regards to Enforcer cases. I will say a rogue was caught and done away with by our fine, upstanding border wolves. They take their jobs and the protection of our pack seriously. We have not seen any kind of increase. Next question.” He looks past Colleen to the other reporters.

“Alpha. Follow up. The reports of five attacks last night and six two nights ago seem to indicate an increase, are you saying these reports are wrong?” Colleen again sticks out her phone.

Deacon lowers his head and sighs. He raises his head. “No…I’m not saying they’re wrong. I’m saying they’re being investigated. Now, this line of questioning is for another time. I will hold my own press conference when I have more answers. Right now, we’re here for my beautiful friends grand opening. We will be happy to answer any questions pertaining to that.”

He certainly is strong and capable. It’s a side I never expected to see especially after this stunt.

“Now, if there are no more questions…” He leans to me again. “Let’s open your store properly.” He gives a sweet smile and I can’t help but smile back.

He moves me out of the way, opens the door and motions into the store. “Jenny’s Bookshop is now…Open For Business!”

I stand beside him, still quite overwhelmed, but watch as all the reporters and pack members file into the store.

Once the last was in, I look surprised and confused at the ground then up at him. “I-I…”

He places his hands on my arms. “Don’t say anything. Get to work.” He nods.

My smile becomes bigger and I walk into the store.

The place is bustling as people look through my shelves.



A bunch of men walk over to my health and fitness section.

“Cool. Racing! This place has everything.”

I stand in the middle of my floor with my hands laced under my chin. I turn my head to Deacon who’s leaning on my counter with his arms crossed. He nods and I nod back.

“Excuse me.”

I turn to a lady who got my attention. “Yes. Can I help you?”

“I was just going to say. This store is lovely. I used to come here all the time before it shut down. I always thought it could use a Café though.” She says.

I nod. “Oh…I’ll have to keep that in mind.” I glance at Deacon and he gives me a thumbs up with a wink.

This brings a tiny giggle out of me.

A crash came from the back and my smile fades. Some young pack members knocked over a stack of books. “Shit!” One yells.

“Oh…Oh shoot.” I cringe. Deacon looks too.

“Hey! Foods here!” Someone else yells.

I turn and they’re setting up BBQs outside the store.

“Oh good, the caterers are here.” Deacon pushes off the counter and walks to the door.

I rush myself over to him. “C-Caterers?”

He looks at me as he holds the door open. “Yeah. Can’t have a party without food…”


“Look out! Beer coming through…” I almost get bowled over by four big guys with coolers on their shoulders.

I flick my head wildly. “Beer?”

I walk up to Deacon. “This is not a place to party!”

“Sure it is. It’s a grand opening party.” He grins.

“Deacon! A grand opening i-i-is fancy clothes…Sophisticated conversation…Those tiny sandwiches with cucumber! A book store is not a place for a-a-a…Kegger!”

Then someone patched into the intercom system and my ears are blown out by loud dance music.

I slam my hands on my ears as the place hoots and hollers. “DEACON!!”

He leans to my ear. “Just have fun! This is for you!”

“I don’t want it!” I yell back.

People start dancing in the aisles. I see my shelving get bumped and books fall off. Someone spilled a beer on a table full of books.

I’m getting increasingly scared, worried and irritated all at the same time. “DEACON, PLEASE!” I look at him with my brows cinched.

I hear glass break and a bunch holler woos. I start to whine and get upset. They’re ruining everything.

I see Deacon tip a beer back and I can’t take anymore. I snatch his bottle from his lips and hands and slam it on the counter, spilling more. I glare at him and flare my eyes. “GET OUT!!”

He stares at me. “What?”

“You heard me…Get out and take your friends and your party with you!” I feel my blood boil. I don’t normally get angry like this. I don’t know why I let him bring this out.

“But…” He starts.


“Um…Sure…Anything you want.” He makes a motion across his neck to cut the music. “At least let me help…”

“No. You’ve done enough.” I cross my arms and tap my foot on the hardwood.

He nods. “OK, Guys! Take this up to the pack house. We’ll finish there.”

Moans came from the crowd.

“Don’t be mad. Jenny has a lot of work to do and we need to respect that. You can see her tomorrow during regular business hours. Tell your friends! Oh…Don’t forget the beer.” He instructs as the people leave the store.

“You too.” I motion my head to the door.

“I’m going. I’m going…Uh…Congratulations.” He says as he backs out.

“Thank you.” I snap, angrily.

He leaves and shuts the door. I look around at my trashed store. “I need a bubble bath.” I mutter a whine and hang my head.

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