Behind The Alpha Book 2 WES

Chapter 29

(Chapter song ‘Nothings gonna hurt you baby’ by Cigarettes After Sex, ‘Force Of Will’ by Succession Studios)


“Do you see it?” I hug Thea tighter from behind as we sit on the lounger on my balcony.

She looks up at the moon. “Yes, I do.” She sighs. “I’ll have to recharge soon.”

The moons white has a pale blue color to it. Soon, I’ll stand under it with my beautiful flower and she’ll be mine forever.

I lean to her ear. “I’ll be right with you. Nothings going to stop me from making you mine.” I run my lips down her neck with kisses.

“I love you so much.” She whispers.

“I love you.” I gently kiss her temple.

I cuddle into her to share the warmth against the cooler night. “How are your sisters?”

“Aurora and Dieti are ok. The others are angry. They want out.” She plays with her pale green dress.

“I know. It’s just for a little longer. River’s awake and he’ll be debriefing in the morning. Hopefully, he’ll tell us where we can find Artemis.” I give Thea a squeeze and rest my chin on her shoulder. My eyes glance up at the moon.

“I’m sorry I dragged you all into this. If I had stayed hidden, Artemis wouldn’t be here right now.” She slightly turned her head to me.

I reach up, place a fingertip on her chin. “Don’t apologize. If you hid from me, I wouldn’t have found out what an amazing person you are. Thea, your situation doesn’t change how I feel about you. In fact, it makes me want you more. I really feel that I’m suppose to help you. Protect you. Don’t ever feel sorry for that because it’s my absolute honor to be that person that you need.”

A smile slowly grows on her lips. I go in for a soft kiss. She deepens it and spins around in my lap. Holding my cheeks, she shows me how much passion and love she has. I pull her into me and hold the love I’ve craved for so long.

I will never judge Thea or blame her in any way for who she is or what happens in her life. She’s mine to deal with and only mine.

When I mark her in a few days, she’ll know what I’m about and what I will give her. Even if she’s not mine, I don’t care. I can’t trust anyone else to make her happy and keep her safe. My heart says do not let her go and I’m listening.

Just as I was about to lift the bottom of Theas dress, a voice came from my bedroom.


I break the kiss and look to the open French doors. “Out here!”

Grey pops in the open door. “We gotta go. There’s something wrong at the unit?”

“What?” I look at him curiously.

“Oh my god.”

I turn to Thea. “Baby. What is it?”

Her chin quivers and large tears start to form. “There’s so much pain. Wes…it hurts.”

“Thea. What’s wrong?” I lean closer to her.

“My sisters. Something happened.” She chokes.

I pull her to me. “Let’s go.” I say to Grey.

We rush to the Unit as fast as we can.

When we get to the council room, we can hear the wailing from the hall.

“DIETI! AURORA!” Thea runs to her crying sisters on the floor. They both look different. They don’t look as bright and natural as they did before.

“THEA!!” They sob loud. They grab her and all three cry on the floor.

I look to Jake and Owen. “What’s happening?”

Ricky stands with the girls. “It started with Magda. She was screaming in agony. When we checked on her, it was like she couldn’t bare the heat. We pulled her out of her tank. Wes. She was covered in third degree burns. Iris almost froze to death and Faye turn solid.”

My brows furrow as I look around the floor trying to figure this out. “Thea. The anchors. They’re broken, aren’t they?”

She turns to me and nods.

“Fuck. Artemis must of found them. He’s breaking them one by one.” I rush to Theas side and squat down to her. “What’s this mean?” I wipe the tears from her cheeks.

“It means we have no power to defend ourselves. When he comes for us, he’ll use the Reaper to strip our nymphs out of us. Then he’ll have all our power to bring our mother back.”

“That’s not what will happen.”

We turn to the council room door. I meet Jess half way. “Jesse.” I reach out and grab his hand for a bro hug.

“Sweet Pea, do you feel your oak?” He pushes past me to Thea.

She nods. “Yes. He hasn’t gotten it yet.”

Jesse pushes his hat up. “Good. Artemis thinks he’ll get our mama back, but that’s not what will happen. If he takes in the power of these girls, he’ll be the most powerful thing on this planet. The best thing we can do right now, is keep these girls alive and stop him from getting that tree.” He arches a brow to me and I nod back.

“Jesse, were scared.” Aurora weeps.

“I know, beautiful. I know. Don’t worry.” Jesse squats beside her, runs a hand down her hair and kisses her head.

“We must get our anchors back, Jesse. We’re nothing without them.” Dieti says as she wipes her eyes.

“I know they’re important, Dieti. As long as you’re alive, you are not nothing. Remember that.” He gently points in her face. “You’re still shifters.”

“You know that’s not what makes us, Jesse. Don’t pretend that we can just walk away from this.” She scowls through her tears.

He grabs her hand. “Darlin', you’re strong. Titus will still love you. Trust me. If we can’t fix this, that’s all you need, ok. Lean on him and he’ll help you.”

She bites her upper lip and nods, looking to Aurora. Aurora hugs her tight.

Thea stands. “The others. They will need protection from others and themselves. They’ve never practiced their shifters and they might not have control. I also don’t want them to escape.”

Ricky nods. “Certainly. We will offer all the protection we have.” She rubs Theas arms.

I walk up to them and place a hand on Theas back. “We need to get to your tree.”

She looks up at me. “Agreed.”

Ricky flicks her head between the two of us. “I’ll get the chopper ready.”

We loaded up on the chopper with Grey for the 6 hour ride to Falcon Ridge and then the 2 hour drive to Theas tree.

We had to hike through the trees for the last 40 minutes of the trip. Thea was shaking the whole way and understandingly so. She faces the very real possibility of losing the only thing she’s ever known in whole life. That’s huge. I know Jesse said they could move on from it, but he’s got to know, it’s not that easy. All I know is, I’m going to try and fix it and be here for them if they need me to be.

I hope we’re not too late.

We all shifted to our wolves and ran through the trunks on the paths. We were joined by Jesse who traveled alone to be with his sister.

‘I see it!’ Thea says through her neuro link.

‘I do too, baby. It’s safe. I told you.’ I grin in my mind.

Just as I say that, my wolf is grabbed and tossed into a tree trunk.

‘WES!’ Thea skids to a stop beside Grey.

I shift and groan. I roll from my side to my stomach. I’m grabbed by my throat and raised to my feet.

My eyes widen as I stare into a pair of yellow green glowing eyes.

“Hey, Wes. Long time no see.” A sly smirk crosses his lips and his teeth grow into huge canines.


“One and only, buddy.” With a cackling laugh, he throws me across the path and I hit another tree.

Greys wolf jumps on his back, but Michael grabs him around his chest and squeezes. Greys wolf lets out a sickening yelp as bones crack.

“Nice try, Andrews. Just not…good…enough!” He tosses Grey down the path where he lands and stays down.

Jesse and Thea shift to apes and charge. Michael shifts to a lycan and roars. His huge canines drip with venom.

“Thea…no…” I try desperately to get up.

“Artemis! The tree!’ Michael calls out in a lycan demon voice.

I get to my knees and see Michael break Theas arm. Her ape cries out in pain. Jesse jumps him and beats him with his giant Silverback fists. Michael sinks his canines into Jesse’s arm.

I hear a slight whine from the path and see Grey getting to his feet.

‘Grey…Thea…’ I pant in the link as I try to fight the pain in my lungs.

Grey stands. He shakes his fur out, lowers his head and growls. He breaks into a sprint and jumps onto Michael’s back. He bites into his nape and Michael arches back with a demonic cry of pain.

Jesse shifts and lands on the ground with Thea.

‘Thea…tree…’ I order as I use the tree next to me to support myself and get my strength back.

I watch them run off and I snarl at Michael. He’s a friend, but not right now. I’m not sure what’s going on or why he would be involved, but he means to kill us.

I lunge, shift and go for the throat. Grey has his spine and I have his jugular. We’re hanging off him like drooling, growling clamps. He thrashes trying to pull us off, but we’ve locked our jaws, shaking at him violently.

He extends his claws and digs them deep into my waist. My wolf cries and thrashes as he falls to the ground.

Grey growls even louder and shakes so hard, Michael loses his balance. Grey tries to use his weight and strength to rip out his spine, but Michael grows bigger and more powerful. He rips Grey off him and slams him into the ground.

Grey shifts and Michael does too.

I run to Greys side.

Michael ticks his head with a snarling smile. “Lee says hi.” He says evilly and disappears into thin air.

I hear a loud scream come from behind us.

“THEA!” I grab Grey and we bolt up the path. We slide to a stop and see Thea held by the throat by Michael.

“Thea!” I go to help, but Jesse stops me.

“No. Wait.” He motions his head to them.

Thea’s crying, Michael has his fingers buried in her skin. Blood trickles like tiny rivers from every finger hole.

He eyes us. “She’s paralyzed. That’s the first bite. The second rips everything she is from her. The venom in her veins will either kill her or turn her. Which do you want?”

“Let her go, Mike!” I take big steps toward him.

“Artemis! Claim your prize.” He stares into my very soul. I’ve only seen Michael this way once before and he almost killed us all. I never thought I’d see him this evil and full of hate again.

“My pleasure.” Artemis grins and throws a hatcher into the trunk.

“NOOOOO!!” Thea screams.

“STOP!” I run to the tree just as he pulls a glowing orb from it.

He looks at me. “Bye, bye.” He puts the orb in his pocket and pulls out a lighter. He grins as he lights it and throws it to the trees root base. The tree explodes into flame sending me to my ass.

I sit in shock as the flames engulf the tree in mere seconds. It almost squeals in pain in the night air.

A tear rolls down my cheek as I turn to Thea. I can’t hear her, but I see her hysterically crying.

Michael shoots me an evil smirk and disappears, dropping Thea in the grass. Artemis changes to his bird and flies off.

“YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!” Jesse runs across the field and leaps into the air, changing to a bird as well and chases after him.

Grey hits his body off mine as he falls to my side. I'm practically catatonic as I deal with just what happened. “Wes! Wes…Snap out of it.” He pulls my face to meet his.

My chin quivers. “I hear them Grey. I hear them creaming in my head. There’s so much pain…” I choke and slowly turn to the inferno that’s lighting up the whole forest.

Like reality crashed in, I whip my head around the clearing. “Thea. Where’s Thea?”

I push him off and get to my feet. I run to where she fell.

I fall to my knees beside her. She’s crying hysterically. I can see the color drain from her skin.

“NOOO!” She cries out.

I pick her up and hold her head to my chest.

“It’s ok, baby. It’s ok…” I try to hold it together as the tree dies in my mind. All the trees crying for it are in my head. I still can barely hear Theas own wails of pain.

“It’s gonna be ok.” I grit as I hold her tighter, the light from the fire playing off our skin. Knots explode, creating fire sparks off the trunk. They whistle into the burning grass.

Branches crack and fall to the ground. It went up in seconds and burned down just as fast.

Black smoke billows into the air and fills the clearing like a dark, ominous cloud.

I feel Theas pain and torture like it was my own. Like she was feeling it inside me. All of it invaded my mind to the point I couldn’t see, hear or feel anything else.

Theas world was dying and I had front row seats. Her pain was mine and we both are suffering greatly for it.

I hold her paralyzed body as she screams and cries in my arms.

Rage builds inside me. Artemis will pay for this. I don’t care if he kills me, but I promise it’ll be him dying first.

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