Behind The Alpha Book 2 WES

Chapter 24

(Chapter song ‘Suga, Suga’ by Baby Bash, ‘blood//water' by grandson)


With everything that’s been going on, I haven’t really been able to sit down with Thea and talk about us and what this means.

A wood nymph. Like, what? I chuckle to myself as I walk out of the shower. Who would of thought I’d get with someone so cool and scary at the same time.

She’s taken a liking to her shifter form. She says it makes her more like me. I really don’t care, but if she’s more comfortable in her human form, I won’t argue. She’s beautiful either way.

It's funny, I always thought I’d get with another lawyer or a medic or something. Something reasonable.

I should have known the girl for me would drive me to the brink of insanity and almost get me killed.

It must be an Andrews twin thing. I’m mean, God, their names even rhyme. Both are crazy supernatural creatures that are super cool. I was just kidding myself thinking that being Greys twin meant that my life would be the opposite of his.

I get dressed and head downstairs.

“Good. Thanks Bastian.” Grey hung up his phone as I got to the first floor.

“What’s up?” I ask as I toss my black ball cap on backwards.

He tosses his on, too, but front ways. “River’s still out. He was beaten pretty bad. They said the white stuff is like a sedative. It hasn’t worn off yet. They’ll let us know when he wakes up.”

“At least he’s alive and safe.” I say. “You seen Thea?”

“Yeah. She’s out back.” He walked up to me. “I just want to say. I’m glad your giving her a shot. She fucked up, but I feel like it was supposed to happen this way. She’s a good fit to you, man.”

I nod with a smile. “You think so?”

“Yeah. Why not?” He shrugs. “I think it’s been so long for you because it was like a test. To see if you were man enough to realize how cool Thea is and forgive her mistakes. I don’t know. Just seems like if you were to have anyone, she’d be the one.”

I lower my head, then roll my eye to him. “The one?”

A smile pulls at his lips. “I kind of feel it. Don’t you?”

I huff a chuckle. “It crossed my mind a few times.”

“Talk to her about it, little bro. I know there’s something there. Mia loves her. I think she’s awesome. This is it, Wesley. I’m sure of it.”

I feel my face heat as I think that I possibly could have found my fated. I twist my lips trying not to grin. “Don’t…call me Wesley." I say jokingly and shove his shoulder.

He laughs. “K. Enough pussy talk. You ready for a run?”

“I’m just going to check in with Thea first. Meet you out front.” I slap his bare arm and head to the back of the pack house.

The day felt extra bright today. I step out onto the deck and look around. Thea is sitting in the grass next to the flowers.

I tilt my head because she’s singing as she holds the flowers heads in her delicate fingers. I step out into the sun. This song…I’ve heard it before.

“I know you’re good for me…” She sings to garden.

Her dreamy voice brings back some of the calming feelings I had felt when I couldn’t see her. Did she sing this to me?

I walk across the lawn and sit beside her. She turns her beautiful face to me as I smile at her.

I watch the sun play on her caramel skin and on her dark chocolate brown hair. I tuck it behind her ear as she gently sways back and forth. It feels like the music just drifts like clouds around us.

She’s so amazing. I don’t see my life without her. I’m good for her and she’s good for me too.

When her song ends, I thread my hand behind her hair and pull her in for a deep, passionate kiss. I could drown in these lips. I feel all of her when I kiss her like this.

I let her catch her breath. “I mean it, you know.”

“Mean what?” I kiss her nose and cheek.

“You’re good for me, Wes. I’m drawn to you. I get energy from you. You may not feel the same, but I love you. I’ve loved you for a very long time. I just wish I’d found my courage earlier.” She whispers.

“It was messed up, but the more I think about it, I think, for the most part, I loved having you around even though I didn’t know you were there. I want to learn about you, Thea. I want to love you forever. I want to be with you. I want you to be mine.” I lean to her and kiss her lips.

“What are you saying?” She asks.

“Stand with me under the moon next month. Become mine. Only mine.” I hold my breath while I wait.

“I’m not understanding what this means?” She tilts her head to me.

“Well, in simple terms, we stand under the blue moon and it will tell us if we’re meant to be together.” I smile.

The corner of her lip ticks up. “The moons blue light is when my powers must recharge. If I don’t, I lose the trees.”

I lower my head and think. “Ok. So, you do that here?”

“She shakes her head. “No. I must do it at my tree.”

I grin and clap my hands together. She jolts back and looks at me like I’m crazy. “It’s perfect! Some flowers, a little music. Maybe some dancing. Just the two of us. You recharge and we find the fate bond at the same time!” This actually excites me. Way better than a stupid ball.

“What if it doesn’t work that way?” She says.

“I have confidence that it will work. It has to. I feel this Thea. You’re mine and I’m not letting you go.” I place my forehead on hers.

She sits straight and a big grin crosses her face. “I almost forgot. I have something for you.”

I sit back. “What?”

She cups her tiny hands in front of her. “This.”

She blows sparkles into it and they dance around the inside of her palms. I watch as an acorn with a stem and leaf growing out of it materializes out of thin air. I arch a brow. “An acorn?”

“Not just any acorn. The first acorn. You should really clean out your locker at work.” She giggles.

“This…This is the acorn you put in my boot.” I point to it.

She bites her lip. “I rescued it and now it needs a home. Pick a spot.”

“A spot?” I tilt my head.

“Yes. Choose where your acorn will live. It needs to be nice. This one’s special.” She instructs.

“Pick a spot.” Ok. I’ll play along. I look around the yard. There’s an empty spot by the back gardens that seems nice. “Over there.”

We get up and walk to the spot I chose. We fall to our knees beside each other.

She glances at me. “Dig your hole. Not too deep.” She gently wags her finger at me.

“Alright. This is pretty weird.” I chuckle.

“It’s not weird. It’s kind. Dig.” She says.

I dig my hole and she lays the acorn in it. She treats it like a baby. She piles the dirt around the green stem. “Now it needs energy.”

“I thought plants liked water.” I lean to her and whisper in her ear.

“That too.” She giggles. “Give me your hand.”

I do as she says and she hovers my palm over the little tree. Her hand rest on top and I see it change from tanned brown to white green.

I turn my head and she’s in her nymph form.

She sings her songs and I watch her sparkles float around her. They float down her arm and to my hand. They travel up my arm and surround my whole body like hers.

I turn to her. “This…This is amazing. What am I feeling?”

I feel a strong sense of love coming from her.

“Life.” She says quietly. “Watch.”

I turn to the seedling and it twitches. My eyes widen as it starts to slowly grow.

She tilts my hand up as the tree grows past our hands. It’s stem turns to a trunk and its branches spread out. Leafs open up and it’s top reaches for the sun.

My heart skips beats as I flip my head from Thea to the tree.

It stops at about five feet. She drops my hand and smiles. “There. Now it will have its best chance.”

“Why not grow it all the way?”

“There’s no fun in cheating.” She grins.

I arch a brow. “I see.”

I grab her head and kiss her. “I’m going on a run with Grey. You ok here?”


Grey runs out of the house just as we were getting to our feet. He sounds panicked.

“What?! What’s wrong?” I meet half way across the lawn.

“Phoenix just called. Someone showed up in the pool.” He looks between me and Thea.

I cross my arms. “What do you mean?”

“I mean just popped out of the pool like she was living in it.” He says.

“She?” Thea leans forward to him. “It’s a girl.”

“Yeah. Apparently like a mermaid or something.” He looks confused.

“Dieti.” She gasps. She turns to me. “My sister. I must go to her.” She grabs my arm.

Dieti. Titus' shape shifter. She’s like Nala, but also a water nymph. Titus says she kills men. So of course I have to go.

“Ok. I’ll come with you.” I say.

“Are you afraid of flying?” She raises a brow.

“No. I’ve flown before.” I shrug.

She stands back and calls her gold shimmers. She changes to a gigantic dragonfly.

I stand back and point real quick. “No. That’s gross.”

It beats its four wings harshly.

“Thea, I’m not getting on you like that.” I refuse.

She beats its wings even more impatiently.

“Ugh…fine…but only because it’s an emergency.” I jump up onto her thorax and hold on to the hairs on her back.

Greys barely able to contain himself.

“Shut up, Grey!” I scowl at him.

She bends all six of her knees and takes off like a shot.


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