Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 34

Chapter 34 LILY I can't believe it. Here I am, trending again, but this time, I'm not alone. Jake's right there with me in the spotlight. I have no idea how but somehow, the media caught wind of my engagement with Jake, and now, it's all anyone can talk about. They never paid me any mind before. They never showed any curiosity about me, which allowed me to keep my pregnancy secret from Ryan and raise our child away from the prying eyes of the internet. But now, I can't even guarantee that privacy anymore, and it's sending me into a panic. It's only been a week since I brought them home from Becky's place. Just one week of enjoying their presence, just one week of seeing their faces every day for almost a month, and now, I'm freaking out. "You have to calm down, Jake and Becky said simultaneously, their voices merging into one, but I far from being calm. "He isn't going to find out." Becky attempted to reassure me, her efforts falling short. I continued my restless pacing, my mind spinning with worry, Jake rose from his seat and gently grasped my shoulders, halting my frenetic movements. "I need you to calm down, babe," he urged, his voice a soothing balm. "Pacing all over the place isn't going to solve anything." 1 Drawing a deep breath, I attempted to steady my racing heart. I'm calm," I muttered, inhaling deeply once more. Jake guided me to the sofa, easing me into its embrace. He adjusted the camera so that I could see Becky's concerned expression on the screen. The press is closing in on me. It's only a matter of time before the paparazzi discovers them." Becky let out a heavy, exasperated sigh, the weight of her concern written all over her face. "Perhaps it's time to consider telling him before he inadvertently discovers the truth, she suggested, her voice tinged with urgency. The room fell into a hushed stillness as her words settled over us like a heavy blanket. Gradually, I lifted my head, fixing Becky with an intense, searching gaze. "What's with the look?" She challenged, her tone edged with frustration. "You're the one who mentioned how desperate he is for an heir. Can you imagine. his reaction if he uncovers the truth that you've kept them hidden for over six long years?" "And do you honestly believe that revealing the truth will change anything?" Jake interjected, his tone laced with skepticism. 'Let's face it, he's desperate for an heir. He won't just leave the kids with her. He'll fight tooth and nail for custody." A sharp, piercing headache throbbed at my temples, intensifying with each passing moment. "This has nothing to do with you, does it?" I whispered, my voice barely audible, directed at Jake, who stiffened visibly beside me. I mean, ensuring that Ryan knows about our engagement seems well within your capabilities, doesn't it?" "Lily!" Becky's tone carried a blend of admonishment and empathy, her concern evident in the furrow of her brow. “I understand you're feeling anxious and your thoughts are scattered, but try not to address him like that. Do you honestly believe he'd take any action that might endanger the kids? Or jeopardize your happiness?" With a weary sigh, I ran my hands down my face, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling upon my shoulders. Turning towards Jake, I noticed the hurt etched in his expression, a silent reproach for my harsh words. "I'm sorry, I murmured, my voice laced with regret. "I didn't intend for it to come out that way." In response, Jake offered a weak smile, his forgiveness evident despite the lingering sting of my words. Pushing himself up from the sofa, he stared down at me, TII fetch you a cold bottle of water. It might help you unwind a bit. With that, he strode towards the kitchen. Shifting my attention back to Becky. I couldn't help but voice my uncertainty. "Do you truly believe it's the right choice to tell him?" I queried, the confusion swirling in my mind spilling out through my words. Becky's affirmation came with a nod. "He deserves to know, Lily, and those kids deserve to know their father too," The sound of Jake's footsteps reached my ears, and as he approached, Becky continued, I understand he messed up, Lily, but divorces happen. It's not reason enough to keep him away from his own kids." Jake handed me the bottle, taking a seat beside me. "Please tell me you're not seriously considering what Becky is saying," he implored, his concern etched across his face. Becky's response was swift and sharp. "What do you mean by that?" she hissed, her voice tinged with indignation. "How would you feel if the kids you've longed for were being kept from you by your ex-girlfriend?" A heavy silence hung in the air as Jake absorbed her words. "It doesn't feel good, does it?" "Fine," I conceded with a mumble, feeling the weight of their arguments pressing down on me. "I'll talk to him about it when I summon the courage to do so." Running my fingers through my hair, I pondered aloud, "How do I even tell a man that he has six-year-old sons?" 11:40 AM Chapter 34 "I don't know how," Becky responded, her concern etched on her face, "but you'd better act quickly because the paparazzi are relentless. They'll uncover those boys sooner than you can imagine." Feeling utterly drained and emotionally spent, I rose from the sofa with heavy limbs. T'm exhausted, Becky. I need to get some sleep," I muttered wearily, retreating to my bedroom. As the darkness of night enveloped the world, I stirred from my slumber, disoriented by the eerie stillness. With a sense of restlessness gnawing at my core, I slid off the bed and set out in search of Jake. I found him at the back, shrouded in shadows, the glow of his cigarette illuminating his silhouette against the night. Surprised by the sight, I cleared my throat, breaking the silence. "I didn't know you smoked," I confessed as I approached him cautiously. Exhaling a cloud of smoke into the crisp night air, Jake turned to meet my gaze, his expression unreadable in the dim light. I quit a few years ago. he responded quietly. "If you quit, why are you suddenly smoking again?" I questioned. I am the one under pressure, and he is the one smoking. Flattening the cigarette in the ashtray nearby, he turned towards me, but my attention remained fixed on the ashtray, an unfamiliar object that seemed out of place. Jake reached out, grasping my hand gently. "I feel like I'm on the brink of losing you, he confessed, his voice tinged with vulnerability. Furrowing my brow, I met his gaze, puzzled by his sudden apprehension. "Why would you think that?" With a hesitant lick of his lips, he shifted his focus to the engagement ring adorning my finger. "Co-parenting has a way of bringing people together, Lily, he explained, his voice laden with uncertainty. "And I fear you might drift back to him." I recognized the familiar thread of his insecurities resurfacing, clouding his judgment. "Many people co-parent without reconciling," I countered, my tone firm yet understanding. "They move forward separately, without any intention of rekindling what was lost." He shook his head, his expression contorted with evident discomfort. "That only happens when both parties have lost interest in each other," he countered, his words heavy with conviction. "Your situation is different, Lily. Ryan still wants you back, and he'll use any opportunity to win you over again." "Well, I don't want him back," I hissed, my frustration boiling over as I withdrew my hand from his grasp. "Besides, he knows I'm

engaged to you. - "We are engaged," he emphasized, stating the obvious. "But engagement isn't a barrier strong enough to keep a determined man away." I glared at him, my patience wearing thin. "Are you suggesting we rush into marriage before I even tell Ryan about his sons?" I demanded, my voice edged with defiance. He met my gaze with unwavering intensity. "Is that too much to ask?" My gaze narrowed with frustration. “You said you weren't going to pressure me into getting married to you, so what is this?" "You equally told me that you weren't going to tell Ryan about his babies, so what is going on now?" Jake retorted, the tension between us escalating. I could feel my anger intensifying, a storm brewing in the air. "What would you rather have me do? Let him find out on his own and fight for custody?" My fists clenched angrily. "Yes, I may be rich, wealthy enough to secure the best lawyer, but Ryan has the influence to sway the judge in his favor." Taking a deep breath, I attempted to regain control of my emotions. "I need to tell him myself. Maybe then he won't be too angry, and he won't contemplate taking me to court." He sighed once again. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, a note of remorse in his voice. "I really should learn to have faith in your love for me." I nodded in agreement. "You really should."

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