Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 RYAN As any departure from Canada draws near, I find myself in a state of stagnation regarding Lily. It's rather ironic, isn't it, how I'm putting my position as the chairman of the board on the line? Regrets weigh heavily on my mind, as they do on all of us at some point in our lives. For me, my point of regret lies in how I treated Lily as a mere rebound, only to later divorce her. If only I could rewind time, I solemnly swear upon all that is dear to me that I would have showered her with the love and care she truly deserves. Just as Angelo and I were engrossed in our activities, the shrill ring of the doorbell shattered the momentary peace. Catching each other's gaze. I nodded towards the door, silently urging Angelo to see who it was. "Why don't you go and see who it is! I recall placing an order, I remarked, breaking the brief silence between us. Rising with remarkable swiftness, he sprung from his seat and swung the door open to accept the delivery on my behalf. Returning to the comfort of the living room, he extended the bag to me. It wasn't until I extracted the plastic container from the bag that he realized the contents. "Please don't tell me you've ordered shrimps," he groaned disapprovingly as he observed me unpacking the food. Disregarding his protests, I stole a glance at the wall clock, which struck six in the evening. Without delay, I reached for my phone and dialed Lily's number once more, despite her ongoing refusal to unblock me. Angelo, anxiously awaiting a breakthrough, watched me intently, likely praying for the call to connect. As I withdrew the phone and set it on the table, grasping the fork, he lunged towards me in a desperate attempt to intercept the plate. My glare halted him in his tracks. "The moment your hand touches this plate," I warned sternly, "you'll find yourself relieved of your duties." His eyes widened with a mixture of fear and concern, not for the threat of losing his job, but for the potential harm the shrimp could cause me. "Td rather risk my job than watch you endanger yourself, he retorted, making another attempt to reach for the plate. Rising to my feet, my hand curled into a tight fist as I delivered a forceful blow, catching him off guard. Staggering backward, he struggled to regain his balance, clearly taken aback by my unexpected reaction. Before he could steady himself, I defiantly speared a shrimp with my fork and popped it into my mouth, chewing and swallowing with deliberate defiance. You have her number, don't you" I snapped at Angelo, the frustration evident in my voice. "Tell her to unblock my damn number!" "You're acting erratically, almost like a complete psychopath!" Angelo's voice reverberated with frustration and concern. "How do you expect to rekindle things with Lily when you pull off bizarre stunts like this? Do you honestly think she'll leave a guy who showers her with flowers just to return to someone who's willing to risk his life for attention?" As the sensation of my throat constricting began to intensify, I coughed repeatedly, trying to clear it, feeling the effects of the shrimp coursing through me. In a swift response to my distress, Angelo darted off to my room, reemerging moments later with my prescribed medication and a bottle of water tightly grasped in his hand. "Take this, he urged, his tone laced with anger. "I promise you, I'll do whatever it takes to convince her to unblock your number" Despite his earnest plea, I chose to ignore his offer, slumping onto the sofa in exhaustion, my breaths coming in ragged gasps. Yet. amidst the discomfort, an unsettling grin stretched across my face, mirroring the chaos of my thoughts. Perhaps, just perhaps, Angelo's words held a kernel of truth; perhaps I had truly spiraled into madness, losing myself in the pursuit of a love that seemed increasingly unattainable. Unable to remain upright, I surrendered to the overwhelming fatigue and lay down, my breaths ragged and wheezy. Through blurry eyes, I observed Angelo pacing the floor, his movements a blur of urgency. Amidst his frantic pacing, he paused to make a phone call, his words lost in the haze of my struggling consciousness. Though I sensed Angelo's presence near me, his words drifted past me, lost in the fog of my oxygen-deprived mind. Consciousness slipped away like sand through my fingers, yet strangely, I found solace in the embrace of oblivion. The shrill beeping of a nearby machine shattered the silence, jolting me awake from what seemed like an eternity Slowly, the fog lifted, revealing two familiar figures standing by the edge of the bed. As clarity returned, I recognized them as Lily and of unconsciousness. 11:39 AM Chapter 31 Angelo Ignoring their concerned gazes, my fingers fumbled for my phone, a desperate need to confirm if she had finally unblocked me consuming my thoughts. With a sense of urgency, I located it resting on the bedside drawer and clutched it tightly. The movement caught the attention of both figures, prompting them to draw closer, their expressions a mix of apprehension and relief. Ignoring the lingering presence of Lily and Angelo, I extended my trembling hand to dial Lily's number, and to my surprise, the call connected. Lily raised her vibrating phone, her gaze shifting from the device to me with a disdainful scoff. "You really went to such lengths to make me unblock your number?" she remarked, a tone of disbelief in her voice. It was a gamble, a risky move, but the fact that it worked left me void of regret Angelo, sensing the tension, cleared his throat and excused himself to inform the doctor of my awakened state. "I'm sorry if I scared you." Apologizing in a raspy voice, I attempted to sit up, and Lily, with a mix of concern and annoyance, assisted me. However, amid the fragile moment, my gaze fixated on an unusual sight around her finger. "What's that?" I hissed, my curiosity tinged with a hint of agitation. Her frown deepened as she glanced down at her finger. "What do you think it is?" she retorted, taking a step back. Tm getting married, Ryan, so please stop all these tricks. A tight clench seized my jaw as I absorbed her revelation. "Why are you even doing this?" She questioned, the weight of confusion and despair evident in her voice. Gazing at the ring adorning her finger, I let out a heavy sigh. "Do you love him?" I inquired, my eyes searching hers for any hint of hesitation. Without a moment's pause, she responded, "Yes, I do. Taking a gentle approach, she shifted my leg aside and settled down beside me. "That's why I need you to stop this, she implored. I don't want to keep hurting Jake. He may have driven me here, but who would be comfortable with their woman's ex constantly disrupting her life?" I met her eyes, remorse evident in my gaze. I'm sorry if I've caused you any distress, Lily. As I observed the stress etched on her face, a realization dawned on me that perhaps my approach had been flawed. "Even though it pains me that another man is taking you away, 1 guess I have to accept it so you can find happiness." "Why?" Her voice carried a mix of confusion and frustration, her brows knitting together in a furrowed expression. "Why do you suddenly want me back?" she pressed, her tone tinged with skepticism. "Is it because you saw me with another man?" The subde gesture of her tongue moistening her lips betrayed her uncertainty. I shook my head, the sincerity in my gaze unwavering. I've wanted you back since the moment you left, Lily," I confessed, knowing full well the difficulty she might have in believing my words. "Your absence made me realize how much I missed you, how deeply I love you." Her response cut through the air like a blade. "Yet you came to the hospital with the same reason for our divorce," she countered, her words leaving me defenseless, grappling for an adequate response. "Let's not pretend you came to Canada searching for me, because we both know that's not the case. Sighing heavily, I lowered my gaze to my hand, my fingers tracing patterns upon the surface. The glint of her ring caught my eye once more, sparking a twinge of discomfort. Tm trying to have a baby with Stephanie, I admitted, "Not because I want to, but because I feel like I have no other choice. Her eyes snapped up, "What do you mean? Are you dying?" she questioned. I let out a soft chuckle, trying to ease the tension. "No, I'm not, I reassured her, my tone calm and composed. "But I do need an heir, and I need one urgently." Her brow furrowed in confusion. "If you're not facing a life-threatening situation, why the sudden rush to have a child?" she probed, her gaze searching mine for answers I sighed, feeling the weight of her scrutiny. "I need an heir to secure my position as chairman, I explained, the truth laid bare. "Otherwise, I'll be compelled to marry, and I'm not keen on tying the

knot with Stephanie. Opting for a child seems like the more preferable option." Her lips formed a thin line as she absorbed my words. "So, essentially, you want to bring a child into a fractured home just to satisfy your own ambitions?" she summarized, her tone laced with disappointment and reproach. Blanking slowly, I was taken aback by her blunt understanding of the situation. "That's not how everyone sees it, I countered weakly, grappling with the reality of her assessment and the implications of my decisions. 11:39 AM Chapter 31 "That's because you surround yourself with people as selfish as you are, Ryan," she retorted, a touch of exasperation coloring her words. She casually tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, her gaze fixed on mine. "Did you come after me, expecting that I'd run into your arms and fulfill your desire for babies?" A moment of silence lingered before I admitted, "I was hoping for that, followed by marriage." Her expression shifted from disbelief to a mix of disgust and anger. Rising from her seat, she towered over me. "No matter what, you always find a way to remind me that you're an asshole," she spat out. Grabbing her purse, she continued, "It's clear you're living an unhappy life; don't drag me into it." She stomped out of the room and the door closed behind her, leaving me alone to contemplate the consequences of my choices

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