Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 130

Chapter 130


Day two and I kept looking at my phone, hoping for a message despite knowing that Jake clearly said that the message will sent on the third day.

That doesn't make it any better, knowing she is alone. The worst scenarios has been going on in my head. What if she chokes and no one is there to help her, What if she's running a fever and no one is there to help, what if she slips and fall and no one to call an ambulance.

I am slowly losing my sanity and only Lily can revive it. The door opened and Angelo walked in with a food tray.

He paused by the door and sighed deeply. "I don't get why you are starving yourself sir." He mumbled. "I get it that Lily is not here at the moment but getting yourself sick before she gets back is of no use to anyone."

Picking up my phone, I clicked on the screen but nothing, no text, no email.

Angelo walked further into the room. "Sir, this is your lunch, please eat something. If everything should go well, Lily will be home tomorrow."

I moved my gaze to him, my glare hard and intense. "If you have nothing to say to me Angelo, get out."

He took another step forward and dropped the tray beside me. "I'm literally begging you bossman."

"Get out!" I roared at him. "I do not want to do something we both will regret. Get out while I'm being nice."

"How about you stop acting like a child and have something in your system!" He fired back. "What is wrong with you Ryan?! For the past two days you've had nothing to do, You've seen your kids, all you do is stay in your bedroom and stare at your phone!"

The more he spoke, the more furious I became. "You'll not tell me how to deal with Lily's absence!"

"You kids needs you!" He retorted, "they can't be missing both their father and mother! Wake the fuck yup and do what you're suppose to do as a father!"

I glared and he glared harder. "Your mother and father may have been helping to you take care of them, together with the nanny but at the end of the day, the need you."



Chapter 130


He muttered some words under his breath. "Do you even know that Noah cried all night requesting for Lily? Do you know that am has asked your father countless times. his mother is?" Noah cried all night? How come I didn't hear him cry? Running my hands down my face, I sighed.

"We understand the fact that you are grieving, but your children needs you Ryan, and you need to be healthy to be there for them."

Sighing, I reached into the tray and picked up the bottle of water. "Lily is surviving only on liquid and I'm going to take just that."

Angelo scoffed. "I don't think I've seen anyone as stubborn as you are."

Ignoring him, I gulped down the water, dropped the bottle on the floor and rolled off the bed, walking to the window to look out to the busy world outside.

"I'll drop the tray here incase you change your mind."

Angelo mumbled.

I went ahead to ignore him, right until I heard the door close behind him. Leaning my head on the window, I sighed, my shoulders slumping with defeat.

I heard a soft knock on the door and I turned to see my father, Richard, stepping into the room. His face was lined with concern, and I knew what he was going to ask before he even spoke. "Ryan," he began, his voice low and serious, "have you received the email from Jake concerning Lily's location?"

I shook my head, frustration gnawing at me. "Not yet, Dad. I've been checking my inbox every few minutes, but there's still nothing."

Richard sighed, running a hand through his graying hair. "We need that information, son. The sooner we have it, the sooner we can take action and make sure she's safe."

And he think I don't know that? "Did you come in here to make things harder than it already is?" I hissed at him.

Understanding his mistake, he exhaled heavily. "I apologize for sounding insensitive. few minutes ago, it's just that the whole thing is taking a toll on everyone."

Licking my lips, I took a deep breath before turning to face him. However before asking the question in my head, I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves as I refreshed


18:21 Sat, Aug 3 RD

Chapter 130

my email yet again. No new messages. The silence was maddening.

"Dad, any news on Jake?" I asked, unable to mask the tension in

my voice.

"The people we have on the boat with him are giving us regular updates. They're keeping a close eye on Jake and his movements."

That was a small comfort, knowing we had eyes on him. "And the government officials?"

"They're positioned ahead in the sea, ready to intercept him. They'll arrest him and ensure he faces justice for everything he's done," Richard replied.

I felt a flicker of hope. "Good. The sooner they get to him, the sooner we can make sure he's held accountable."

My father nodded, his gaze steady, "We're closing in, Ryan. Jake won't be able to evade much longer. Once he's arrested, he won't be able to hurt anyone else."


I rubbed a hand over my face. "I just want this to be over, Dad. I want Lily back safe and sound."

Richard walked over and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "We all do, son. And we're doing everything in our power to make that happen. Just hold on a little longer."

I nodded, taking some encouragement in his words. "Thanks, Dad. Knowing everyone is on this gives me some peace of mind."

"We're family, Ryan. We stand by each other through everything," he said, his voice. filled with conviction. "Lily is family, too. We'll bring her home."

I smiled. "Thank you."

"How about you come see your kids? I believe they've missed you."

Nodding, I followed him out of the room.

As I stepped outside, I was greeted by the sight of my three boys, Noah, Liam, and Ethan, engaged in a spirited game of basketball. Their faces were flushed with excitement, and for a moment, the worries plaguing my mind faded away.

"Hey, Dad!" Noah called out, waving me over. "Come join us!"

I forced a smile, grateful for their enthusiasm, "Sure thing, buddy."

Sal, Aug 3

Chapter 130


I rolled up my sleeves and took my place on the makeshift court. As the game took off, I found myself caught up in the rhythm of it all-the sound of the ball bouncing, the feel of the cool breeze on my skin, the laughter of my boys ringing in my cars.

Despite my initial reluctance, I soon found myself fully immersed in the game, the worries of the outside world fading into the background. For a brief moment, all that mattered was the here and now-the simple joy of spending time with my sons.

As we played, I couldn't help but marvel at their resilience and strength. Despite everything they had been through, they still found joy in the simplest of things.

Eventually, the game came to an end, and we all collapsed on the grass, panting and laughing. As I looked at my boys, their faces flushed with exertion and happiness, I knew I had to bring their mother home. "Thanks for playing with us, Dad," Liam said, his eyes shining with appreciation.

I ruffled his hair affectionately. "Anytime, buddy. You guys are the best teammates a dad could ask for."

As we lay there, catching our breath after our game of basketball, Noah's curiosity got the better of him.

"Hey, Dad," he began, his brow furrowing slightly. "Where's Mom? I haven't seen her in a while."

I hesitated, unsure of how to respond. The truth was too complicated for a young mind to comprehend, and I didn't want to burden him with worries he didn't need.

"She went on a trip," I said finally, forcing a smile. "She needed some time away to recharge."

Noah nodded, accepting my answer without question. "Oh, okay," he said, his attention. already shifting back to his brothers. "I hope she's having fun."

"Me too, buddy," I replied, pushing aside the guilt gnawing at me. "Me too."

As I watched my boys resume their game, their laughter filling the air once more, I couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for the lie I had told. But in that moment, all I could do was focus on giving them the sense of normalcy and stability they deserved. Lily-would want us to protect them, no matter what it took. And until she was back home where she belonged, that's exactly what I would do.

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