Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 LILY FIVE YEARS LATER Becky recently welcomed another precious baby into the world, and I'm excited to fly down to New York to visit her and the newest member of family. What's even more special is that Becky has chosen me to be the baby's godmother, so naturally, I must be in New York to fulfill this important role It's been five years since I last set foot in New York, and as I prepare for this trip, I find myself contemplating the possibility of running into Ryan my ex-husband. Unlike some divorced individuals who might dread such encounters, I approach the situation with a sense of acceptance. Whatever happens, I believe it's meant to be. However, I am determined to keep my sons away from him during our time in the city When I learned that I was expecting triplets, the scan results revealed the joyful news. While I didn't anticipate that they would all be boys, their gender didn't matter to me. All I ever wished and prayed for were healthy babies, and I am immensely grateful that my prayers were answered. "Mummy" Ethan's sweet voice called out, interrupting my thoughts. Blinking slowly, I redirected my gaze to him and offered a warm smile. He pointed eagerly our the window and pleaded, "Can I have ice cream, please?" "Of course, sweethean, we'll get some later," I assured him, gently cupping his cheek and planting a noisy ki*s on it. Meanwhile, Noah, who had been peacefully sleeping on my thigh, stirred slightly but quickly settled back into his slumber. Liam, the cheeky and occasionally impertinent one, playfully slapped his own head in an exaggerated manner. "Why does he always fall asleep. whenever we're traveling?" he questioned, staring at Noah as if he had committed some preposterous act. Before I could respond, Ethan chimed in with his wisdom, beating me to the explanation. That's because he's tired," he said matter-of-factly, "wh you're tired, you just fall asleep. The simplicity of his explanation drew a chuckle from me Liam shot a sharp look at Ethan. "And you believe none of us are tired?" he retorted, crossing his tiny arms and fixing his gaze firmly on his brothe "Do you see any of us sleeping?" Their bickering was nothing new, it seemed to be a regular occurrence, a reflection of the stubbornness and hot-headedness they inherited from Ryan. Liam and Ethan were certainly cut from the same cloth in that regard. In contrast, Noah remained the calm and collected one, rarely engaging in arguments and preferring the simple pleasures of eating and sleeping over quarrels with his brothers As they continued to argue, I found myself caught between exhaustion and the funility of trying to intervene. Their spirited debates could go on f ages, and trying to divert their attention away from the topic at hand seemed like a Herculean task. So, for now, I decided to

let them hash it out amongst themselves, hoping that perhaps they would tire themselves out before too long. Gently running my fingers through Noah's soft hair, I shifted my gaze to the window, immersing myself in the comforting familiarity of views unseen for years. Despite the potential discontent it might stir in Liam and Noah, I made a deliberate choice to abstain from any sightseeing adventures. The primary motivation was to avoid the possibility of running into Ryan or anyone with connections to him, shielding my sons from inadvertent encounters that could stir up unwelcome emotions. The car car smoothly glided to a halt in front of Becky's residence, and as we disembarked, Ethan's eager footsteps carried him ahead towards the welcoming haven. Meanwhile, Liam chose to stand steadfastly by my side, With the door swinging open, the air was filled with Becky's infectious joy. She greeted us - us with in a warm hug. Mindful of Noah's peaceful slumber on my shoulder, the embrace held a gentle restraint. Heckoning us inside, her staff assisted with an exuberant squeal, rushing forward to envelop me the suitcases. Becky's arms reached out to lift Liam, but he instinctively recoiled, evading her well-intentioned gesture. I couldn't help but chuckle at Becky's puzzled expression. "He really isn't one for all the fuss, I explained, offering a knowing smile. "You might have better luck with Noah and Ethan". "Ah, noted," Becky responded with a smile of understanding. "Come along, let me guide you to where he can rest Following Becky's lead, we made our way to the room designated for the three boys. As I settled onto the bed. Becky excused herself, tending to the needs of her own newbom Seated beside me, Liam emitted a low grumble, barely audible yet enough to capture my attention. I turned to him, prompting him to repeat himself. What did you say, sweetheart!" He met my eyes with a mischievous glint and chuckled, revealing his charming left dimple. "I said ours is better." Perplexed by Liam's assertion, I inched closer to his side, a warm smile playing on my lips as I attempted to decode his cryptic declaration. "Could you help me understand what you mean by "better?" Without a hint of jest, Liam delivered his verdict with deadpan seriousness. "Our house" Suppressing a burgeoning chuckle. I respected i 11:30 AM Chapter 10 of his attempt at a serious conversation, knowing his aversion to laughter during such moments. "David raved about the vastness of this place. leading me to believe it might surpass our own." Cupping his cheek tenderly, I aimed for a reassuring ki*s, yet he tactfully evaded the affectionate gesture. "Size isn't the measure of a home, Liam What truly matters is that, each day, you have a place to sleep and wake up surrounded by your family" His response, characterized by a playful crinkle of the nose, found him sprawled out on the bed. "Ours still holds the title for size, he declared, touch of playful defiance lingering in the air. "Perhaps a bath will help lighten the mood and resolve the house issue' with David, I proposed to Liam, knowing full well his unwavering stance, He nodded in agreement, bounding off the bed and eagerly taking my hand as we made our way to the bathroom. I swiftly gave him a bath, allowing him to change into his nightwear before setting off to find David, Becky's eldest child. After tending to Ethan in a similar fashion, I took a quick bath myself, leaving the door slightly ajar for Noah in case he stirred from his slumber. Satisfied that I was presentable enough to hold a newborn, I ventured in search of Becky and her bundle of joy. Entering the baby's room, I sanitized my hands before gently reaching for the precious infant. "She's absolutely beautiful," I cooed, admiring the delicate features of the newborn. "Aurora suits her perfectly." "I completely agree. Becky remarked, her gaze fixed adoringly on her newborn. “Mason and I feel incredibly blessed to have such a beautiful addition to our family. Amidst the shared moments of cooing and admiration for the newest member of the family, a staff member discreetly interrupted to announce that dinner was ready. Becky, with the grace of a new mother, attended to her baby's needs before joining the rest of the family for the evening meal. While Becky focused on the baby. I retreated to my room to handle some hospital-related calls. Tomorrow's surgery, initially my responsibility. had been entrusted to a skilled doctor from India. My call to verify his check-in at the reserved hotel room reassured me of the seamless arrangements. With the assurance that everything was in order, I descended the stairs, ready to reunite with the rest of the family and share in the joy of a meal together. Upon entering the dining room, I was taken aback to find Mason already seated. "Hey," I greeted warmly, moving in for a hug. "When did you get back! You weren't here when I arrived." "Just a few minutes ago, Mason replied, pulling out a chair for David and then one for Liam and Ethan. "How was your flight here?" "Smooth," I answered, taking my seat. Although Noah didn't seem to enjoy it much, hence why he's still fast asleep. Mason chuckled in understanding as we engaged in light conversation over dinner, spanning topics from politics to business. The evening progressed smoothly until Liam broached a rather unexpected and sensitive question. "Mum," he began, a slight furrow creasing his brow. "Yes, love, what's on your mind?" I responded, attentive to his demeanor. Liam's question hung in the air, laden with a weightiness that belied his tender years. "How come David has a dad and I don't?"

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