
Chapter Becomes 98

Chapter 0098

Serena’s POV

“Thanks for asking, Bill, but I think I’ll handle this one on my own. It’s just something I’m used to doing alone,” I say as I let him down easily. “Don’t you have work today? I don’t want to mess up your schedule.

I can see he’s not ready to drop it just yet. “Really, Serena, I don’t mind coming along. It might be good to get out of the office for a bit,” he insists. “Besides, I already told Sarah what to do in case I couldn’t make it.”

I pause, considering it for a moment. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to have the father of my child come along.

“Okay, you can come, but on one condition,” I say, looking him straight in the eye to make sure he understands I’m serious. “This doesn’t mean you’re coming to every appointment from now on. We’ll see how this one goes first, alright?

Bill’s smile is so wide it’s contagious, and despite my reservations, I feel a bit of relief. “Deal,” he says, full of cheer. “Get dressed. I’ll arrange our ride.”

The ride to Dr. Sanchez’s clinic is quieter than usual. Bill and I sit in the back of the rideshare, each lost in our own thoughts. Every so often, he glan es out the window, then over at me.

As we sit in the waiting room of Dr. Sanchez’s clinic, I find myself tapping my foot nervously on the tiled floor. The room is filled with the faint sound of a daytime talk show playing on a mounted TV, and the occasional rustle of magazines being flipped through by other waiting patients.

Bill is beside me, scrolling through something on his phone, probably work emails. He looks up occasionally, giving me a small, reassuring smile.

Across from us, a couple is whispering to each other, looking both excited and scared. Tremember feeling that way during my first visits. Now, it’s more routine, and yet having Bill here changes the dynamic, and brings back a bit of that initial thrill and anxiety.

Suddenly, the low murmur of conversations and the distant TV are cut through by the clear voice of the secretary. “Serena and Bill,” she calls out from her desk, looking over her glasses with a practiced smile.


We approach her and she greets us warmly and checks us in with a few clicks on her computer. “Dr. Sanchez will see you now. Please follow me,” she says, gesturing towards the hallway that leads deeper into the clinic.

Bill’s hand lightly touches my back as we start walking. The corridor seems longer than usual, each step echoing softly against the pristine floors. Finally, we stop in front of one that simply says, “Dr. L. Sanchez.” The secretary opens the door and we step inside.

“Serena, Bill, it’s good to see you both,” she says, extending her hand for us to shake.” Please, have a seat.”

We take our places on the chairs in front of her desk. Dr. Sanchez sits down across from us, her eyes meeting mine first, then Bill’s. She opens a folder on her desk, her gaze shifting to the papers in front of her.

“So, Serena, how have you been feeling? Any concerns or questions since your last visit?” Dr. Sanchez asks, her tone inviting and attentive.

I start to answer, glancing at Bill who nods encouragingly. I share a few minor concerns, nothing serious, just the usual nerves about the baby’s development and my health. Dr. Sanchez listens intently, jotting down notes occasionally.

Once we’ve covered my health, Dr. Sanchez subtly shifts the conversation. “And Bill, since you’re here today, do you have any questions or is there an thing specific you’d like to understand about what’s coming up? she asks.

Bill clears his throat slightly, adjusting in his seat as he forms his questions. “Yeah, I was wondering what the best ways are to support Serena through the last few months?”

I feel a quiet relief as Bill asks his question. It’s clear he’s trying to be considerate, making sure he’s there for me without overstepping.

Dr. Sanchez gives Bill a reassuring smile. “That’s a great question, Bill. Being supportive can take many forms. It’s important to be present, to listen, and to help with practical things. Serena may experience more fatigue as the months go on, so helping out with daily tasks can be a big relief. Also, being there for her emotionally, understanding that mood swings can be quite common due to hormonal changes, will be crucial.

She reaches for a pamphlet on her desk and hands it to Bill. “Here’s some Information on what you can expect and how you can help.”



Chapter 0096

Bill takes the pamphlet with a nod, his expression grateful. “Thank you, Dr. Sanchez. I’ll definitely read through this and see how I can best be there for Serena. I appreciate the guidance,” he says.

Dr. Sanchez smiles at Bill’s earnestness, then gestures for us to follow her to the next room for the sonogram. “Let’s see how your little one is doing,” she says.

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