
Chapter Becomes 95

Chapter 0095

Serena’s POV

I wake up and the morning light streaming through the window feels too bright, too harsh. I glance at the clock and it’s already 11:00 AM. I can’t believe I slept in this late.

The events of last night start to come back to me, the memories hazy but insistent. I push myself out of bed, feeling a mix of urgency and dread about facing whatever remains of the day – and what might be waiting for me outside the bedroom.

As I sit up, a sudden panic sets in. I’ve completely forgotten about the shop. Who’s been looking after it this morning?

Quickly, I reach for my phone on the nightstand, scrolling through to find Stevie’s number.

My phone rings once, twice, but there’s no answer from Stevie. I wait a few seconds, then hit the call button again, hoping she’ll pick up this time. I need to know everything is okay at the shop.

Stevie finally picks up. “Girl, are you okay?” she asks right away, her voice laced with concern. “I’m at the shop right now. It’s pretty busy.”

“Sorry, I overslept,” I quickly explain. “I’ll come by in the afternoon to help you out,” I say. I feel a bit more grounded knowing she’s got everything under control for now.

“No need, I’ll handle it,” she assures me. “I know you had a long day yesterday. You deserve some rest.

“Are you sure?” I ask.

She chuckles lightly through the phone. “Yes, I’m sure. I can handle one day on my own. Go take care of yourself, Serena.”

“Thanks, Stevie. I really appreciate it,” I say.

“No big deal, we’re in this together,” Stevie replies cheerfully. “And now that our business is really starting to pick up, I’ve got to make sure I’m helping you out too.”

The memory of the fashion show suddenly pops into my head, and I start to feel a bit nervous. “Hey Stevie, have you heard any talk about the fashion show? What are people saying?” Lask.

Stevie’s voice perks up, “The fashion show was a hit, Serena! But the feedback is


Chapter 0095

kind of mixed. You should check TikTok to see for yourself. There’s a lot of buzz around it.”

I feel a bit anxious about checking the feedback from the fashion show online. Knowing the reactions are mixed makes me nervous. But I push those thoughts aside for now. I have more important things to focus on.

“Maybe later,” I tell Stevie. “I have to go see my OB–GYN for a check–up.”

“Of course, see you later then,” Stevie responds.

I nod to myself and end the call. As soon as hang up, my thoughts immediately shift to Bill. I hope he’s not still on the couch. I’m not sure how to face him, especially after our kiss last night.

It was a mistake. Something that wasn’t supposed to happen.


Feeling anxious, I head downstairs to see if Bill is still there. My heart races with each step, unsure of what I’ll say or do.

But when I reach the living room, it’s empty. Bill isn’t there. Relief washes over me, but I can’t help wondering where he’s gone.

Everything from last night feels like a dream as I stand in the empty living room. The details are fuzzy but the conversation, his touch, that unexpected‘ ss – all seem so surreal.

But I’m certain it all really happened. The feelings were too strong, the moments too vivid to be just a figment of my imagination.

In an effort to clear my head, I decide to take a bath. The warm water might help. soothe the whirlwind of thoughts and give me a moment of peace and quiet to sort things out.

I walk into the bathroom, thinking only of a soothing bath, but as I step inside, I’m abruptly stopped in my tracks.

Bill is just coming out of the shower, completely naked.


drips down his toned body, catching the light and making his skin glisten. His hair, wet and slicked back.

The contours of his muscles are on full display, leaving me gasping and distracted.

Chapter 0095


Startled, my eyes inadvertently flicker downward. I catch a glimpse of his dick, flaccid but noticeably long and thick.

Bill’s eyes widen in surprise as he notices me. He quickly covers himself with a towel.

“S–Serena, what are you doing here?” he stammers.

Embarrassed, I quickly turn away, feeling both shocked and a bit flustered. “Sorry, I didn’t know you were here!”

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