
Chapter Becomes 82

Chapter 0082

Serena’s POV

I find myself taking charge with a sense of purpose I hadn’t fully realized I possessed. Surrounded by Calvin’s team of expert jewelers, I quickly lay out the plan. “We need to focus on the most damaged pieces first,” I begin, gesturing toward a collection of necklaces and bracelets on the table. “Would you two mind handling the clasps on these bracelets? They’re really important for the final look.”

I hand a particularly intricate necklace to a jeweler known for her precision. “Could you work on replacing these beads? They must match the originals perfectly.”

As everyone picks up their tasks, I move around, offering a hand where needed and making sure everyone has the right tools.

While the rest of the team and I focus on the jewelry repairs, Stevie and Calvin are taking on crucial roles to support the effort.

Stevie, with her keen eye for detail, is coordinating the logistics. She’s making sure that as soon as pieces are fixed, they’re safely transported to the dressing area, checking them off our list to ensure nothing gets missed in the chaos. She’s also keeping the show organizers updated on our progress and making slight adjustments to the schedule as necessary.

Meanwhile, Calvin is really stepping up to keep the team motivated and focused. He moves from jeweler to jeweler, helping sort out any issues with the jewelry. He’s also keeping a close eye on the time, making sure we stay on track as the showtime draws near.

With just an hour left before the show, we’re on the verge of finishing up. The last few pieces are being carefully inspected and tweaked. Stevie hands me a necklace, its clasp freshly secured, for a final check before it joins the lineup of repaired items ready for the models. The table, once cluttered with tools and spare parts, now holds only a few remaining pieces needing attention.

Calvin quickly reviews the final tasks with the team, making sure everyone knows what they need to do. Everyone is focused as we check each piece of jewelry not only to make sure it works but also to ensure it looks perfect.

Someone knocks on the door, breaking our focused silence. It’s one of the stage directors, looking slightly anxious. “30 minutes before showtime. Are the pieces of


Chapter 0082

jewelry ready?” she asks. “The designers need them for their models.”

“I just need to work on one more piece and we’re done,” I tell the stage director, who nods and quickly exits to continue her rounds.

“Huh? I thought we took care of everything, Stevie says, looking around confused.” What’s the last piece we need to work on?”

“It’s for Marjorie’s collection, the highlight of the show,” I explain as I pick up a particularly intricate piece.

“Ah, the one that’s inspired by the ‘Birth of Venus‘ painting?” Stevie asks. “I thought we were already done with that.”

“Yeah, but I wanted to make some quick improvements,” I respond, my hands already busy with the final adjustments. “I just got inspired by this whole situation. I’m gonna call it ‘Venus Reborn.“”

Stevie’s eyebrows raise in surprise. “Really? That’s a weird timing for inspiration, but do what you gotta do.”

“I’m almost done anyway,” I say, smiling at the piece in my hands. “I must say, I have a feeling this is my greatest work so far.”

I finish the piece, feeling a rush of excitement and nervous energy as I carefully place it in a velvet–lined box. With no time to spare, I quickly make my way to Marjorie.

“Marjorie, I made an improved version of the seashell jewelry collection,” I announce as I approach her, breathless from the urgency.

She looks puzzled and slightly concerned. “I was already pleased with the original design, Serena. Why did you feel the need to create another version so close to showtime?

Without answering, I open the box to reveal the jewelry set and watch Marjorie closely. Initially, her expression is reserved, but it changes quickly as she sees the shimmering pieces. Her eyes widen, and a slow smile spreads across her face. She leans in, captivated by the intricate details and the enhancements I’ve added.

“This is stunning, Serena. Truly, you’ve outdone yourself. It’s absolutely perfect for tonight’s show,” she says.

I breathe a sigh of relief, a smile spreading across my face. “Thank you, Marjorie. I’m glad you like it. I just felt a burst of inspiration and had to run with it. I hope it adds just the right touch to the collection.”

Chapter 0082


“You’re truly an artist, Serena,” Marjorie says, her praise making my heart swell with pride. She carefully takes the box from my hands and hurries over to a model waiting nearby.

She adorns the model with the jewelry set, each piece accentuating the outfit perfectly as if they were always meant to be together.

“That’s a wrap, everyone,” I announce, feeling both relief and satisfaction. “Thanks for all your help today.”

The team claps and then begins to head out of the backstage area with Calvin. “Where are you guys going?” I ask with a hint of curiosity in my voice.

“We’re going to watch the show,” Calvin replies with a smile. “Break a leg.”

As they move toward their seats, the stage director’s voice pierces the backstage buzz. “Places everyone! Three, two, one…” Her countdown concludes sharply, and immediately, the music hits.

Right on cue, the first model strides onto the runway, the show officially underway.

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