
Chapter Becomes 70

Chapter 0070

Bill’s POV


After Serena presented our proposal to potential investors, we left the meeting room. “You were on fire, Serena!” I told her.

She has come a long way from when she first started as my assistant.” That was a great presentation. Those guys will definitely want to sign with us now.”

It was clear from the way the potential investors were nodding and taking notes that they were impressed.

Watching Serena present with such confidence and clarity was a proud moment for me. It showed just how much she had grown in her role.

Serena blushed at my praise. “I’ve learned from the best,” she said modestly. “Let’s hope they sign.”

I turned to Serena, caught for a moment by her soft brown eyes and the freckles on her cheeks that I’d always found endearing.

Placing my hands on her shoulders, I smiled warmly. “You did an amazing job today, Serena. You should be really proud of yourself,” I said.

Serena’s cheeks turned a deeper shade of pink. She glanced down briefly before meeting my eyes again, a shy smile playing at the corners of her mouth..

“Thank you, Bill. That means a lot coming from you,” she managed to say, her voice slightly higher than usual.

As we continued walking, we passed a small flower cart brimming with vibrant blooms.

Serene paused her attention captured by a cluster of pink tulips. “Wow, these are beautiful” she murmured to herself, I can see her eyes lighting up as site leaned closer to admire the delicate petals.

Serena turned to the elderly women tending the cart and asked, “How much for the tulips?”

Fifty dollars a bunch, the woman replied.

Hearing the price, Serena’s face fell slighdy. “Oh Me be next time, then, she said with a hint of disappointment stepping away from the vibrant display

I found myself tom. There was a part of me that wanted to buy the tufics just to see her smile again, but another part weighed the potential


We had a great working relationship, and I didn’t want to risk

complicating that. We were an effective duo, and our synergy was crucial to our success

I looked at the flowers, feeling a surge of clarity. I already knew I liked Serena more than just a colleague or a friend, and seeing her disappointment over not getting the tulips felt like a sign.

It was the perfect moment to take a risk and see if there might be something more between us.

With a deep breath, I pulled out a $100 bill, handed it to the flower seller, and said, “Keep the change.”

With the bunch of pink tulips in hand, I quickly walked in the direction Serena had gone. “Serena, wait!” I called out, breathless

Serena stopped in her tracks and turned around, her expression one of mild surprise. “Yes, Bill?” she asked.

Her eyes widened slightly as she noticed the tulips in my hands, a


flicker of surprise crossing her face. “For me?” she asked.

I nodded and smiled, holding the tulips out to her. “I saw you looking at them a while ago,” I explained. “Well, I thought… Beautiful women

deserve beautiful flowers,” I added.

Serena’s face lit up with a genuine smile as she took the tulips from my hands. “Aw, Bill. You shouldn’t have,” she said softly. “But thanks. These are my favorites.”

Seeing a tear slide down Serena’s cheek, I felt a pang of worry. “Oh no, is something wrong?” I asked, hoping I hadn’t upset her with my gesture..

Serena shook her head and let out a small laugh. “No, these are happy tears,” she said. “This is the first time I’ve ever received flowers.”

“I see,” I said, my smile widening as I looked at her. “Well, you should receive more. You’re an incredible woman, Serena.”

“That’s really sweet of you to say,” she responded. She held the flowers closer to her chest.

Without thinking, I blurt out, “Serena, are you free tonight?”

She looked puzzled for a moment, then asked, “Is this about the monthly evaluation meeting for the Richardson Foundation?”

“Uhm, no,” I said. “I was actually thinking of asking you out to dinner. No work involved, just dinner.”

“Oh,” Serena said, her expression shifting as she realized what I was suggesting.

“Well, do you want to go out with me?” I asked.

Meanwhile, my heart started to beat rapidly, the nervousness becoming almost overwhelming as I awaited her response.

Serena looked me straight in the eyes, her expression brightening. Her

eyes sparkled and said, “Sure, Bill. I’d love to go to dinner with you tonight.”

Flashback End

That was the first and last time I gave Serena flowers… until today.

I glance down at the pink tulips in my lap, noticing that some of the petals have already fallen.

I never knew rejection could feel this shitty. But maybe I deserve this for how I treated Serena all those years, for not protecting her enough, and recently, for stalking her.

I drive away, out of Serena’s sight, just as she wants. I understand she has a lot on her mind right now with the fashion show and everything else.

But deep down, I wish she wouldn’t push me away. After all, I genuinely want to take care of her and our baby.

I get home and check my phone, surprised to find eight missed calls. from Sarah. I hadn’t noticed them earlier. I quickly check my voicemail to see what’s so urgent.

Sarah’s voice comes through the speaker, “Hey Bill. So, listen. I’ve arranged for you to meet Doris in prison this Saturday. She said it’s the only time you can visit, and no other time… Ugh, such a diva even in prison.”

Sarah’s message continues, “Anyway, there’s only one problem. You have an important meeting with shareholders and investors that day. Should I just cancel your prison visit?”

Doris is still playing chess, even from jail. She knows exactly when my important meetings are scheduled her timing is diabolical.

I immediately call Sarah back. “Tell the shareholders and investors !


Chapter 0070

can’t make it,” I instruct her firmly. “Please find someone else to represent me.”

I’ve always put work ahead of everything, even during my marriage to Serena. But now, it’s time to change that.

Right now, I need to step up and get answers from Doris, the evil bitch who tried to kill the woman I

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