
Chapter Becomes 68

Chapter 0068

Serena’s POV

When we were married, Bill never gave me flowers I thought he held a grudge, believing I had tricked him into marrying me.

Bill glances at Stevie and says, “Relax, I just want to give these flowers to Serena.” Then, turning to me, he adds, “Pink tulips, your favorite.”

Seeing the tulips stirs a warm feeling inside me. The fact that Bill remembers my favorite flowers surprises me. I always thought he never paid attention to my likes and dislikes.

I offer Bill a small smile. “Thanks, Bill. They’re beautiful,” I tell him, genuinely touched by the gesture. “You shouldn’t have.”

I notice Stevie giving me a sharp look from the corner of my eye like she’s not happy about this at all. She’s just being protective, knowing all that’s happened between Bill and me.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s a pleasure to give you flowers,” Bill responds.

Looking at Bill, I can’t ignore how his blue eyes seem to catch the light, or how his blonde hair looks perfectly in place. There will always be a part of me that’s attracted to him. But now, seeing him looking so good. is making it hard for me to concentrate. This isn’t a good sign, especially when I’m trying to focus on my pregnancy and the fashion show.

I don’t want to come off as rude to Bill. Before I can figure out how to ask him to leave, Stevie jumps in. “Don’t you have something better to do?” she says to him sharply. “We’re busy here.”

Bill’s face changes, showing he doesn’t like Stevie’s attitude. His eyebrows draw together, and he looks a bit annoyed for a second. Then, he tries to look calm and says, “Tell me, how are you busy if your shop



Chapter 5

is closed?”

Stevie quickly responds, not happy with what Bill said. “Just because we’re closed to customers doesn’t mean we’re not busy. We’ve got plenty to do,” she snaps back.

Bill raises an eyebrow, not convinced. “Oh really… Like what?” he asks, his tone skeptical.

Before things can get any more heated, I decide it’s time to step in.” We’re actually prepping for a fashion show,” I explain. “Marjorie De Luca- Munger’s show. And we’re going to be providing the jewelry for it.”

Bill pauses, mulling over the name I’ve just mentioned. “Timothy Munger’s wife?” he finally asks.

“That’s the one,” I confirm.

Bill’s eyes widen, and a surprised smile quickly replaces his previous annoyance. It’s clear he’s genuinely impressed, perhaps even a bit. stunned, by the news.

“That’s incredible!” Bill exclaims, his excitement evident. “Marjorie Munger is huge in the fashion industry. This is going to be really good. for your shop.”

Seeing the proud look on Bill’s face makes me pause. It’s a look haven’t seen directed at me in a long time, if ever.

Stevie nudges my shoulder, pulling me back to the moment. When I look at her, it’s clear from her expression that she thinks it’s time for Bill

to leave.

“Bill, I think it’s time for you to head out,” I say, trying to keep the mood light. “Stevie and I need to get going. We’ve got a ton of work to do for the fashion show.”

Bill nods, understanding the hint. “Of course, I get it,” he responds, not


Chapter 0068

wanting to overstay his welcome. “Good luck with the fashion show. I’m sure you’ll do great.”

After Bill leaves, I turn to Stevie and ask, “So, where are we heading to plan for the fashion show?”

“How about that cafe near your apartment?” Stevie suggests. “It’s cozy, and we can spread out all our notes there.”

“Perfect. They have those big tables, and it’s quiet enough to think,” I reply.


As we’re driving, I can’t help but notice a car that seems to be keeping pace with us. Stevie glances in the rearview mirror and half–jokes, “I think we might have a stalker.”

Turning to look, my stomach drops a little when I recognize the sleek grey Bugatti. “It’s Bill’s car,” I say, a note of disbelief in my voice. Why would he be following us?

Just when I thought Bill and I could be on good terms, he pulls this type of shit. Unbelievable!

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