
Chapter Becomes 63

Chapter 0063

Serena’s POV

“I don’t think we need to talk about this, Bill,” I say, trying to keep my voice steady and dismissive. “But okay, what’s this about?” I ask, pretending I’m not worried. But the truth is, I’m scared Bill will threaten to take my child away from me. After all, he has all the means to do it.

Bill looks down. It looks as if he’s thinking what to say next. “Where to begin? There’s a lot that happened in the past 24 hours,” he says.

Here we go again. I dread revisiting the events with Doris – it’s all too stressful. “Look Bill, can we avoid discussing yesterday? Just thinking about it is making me anxious.”

Bill gently rubs his hands on my head, his touch tender and careful.” The doctor said stress is bad for you. Okay, we won’t talk about it for

now,” he assures.

Then, locking eyes with me, his look turns serious, “I just have one question, though. Was it Doris who drugged me in Vegas? I figured since she was there, maybe she had something to do with it.

Finally, Bill realizes I wasn’t the one who drugged him. It’s a bit late, but it’s something. I hope this means he won’t see me as the villain. anymore. But then, there’s still the issue with Bill’s mom, Elena. Who knows what she could tell him to twist the story against me?

I nod in response to his question. “Doris admitted she was the one who drugged you before we got divorced.”

Bill sighs. “But why didn’t you tell me that?” he asks. “I could have done something about it.”

I’m suddenly overwhelmed, fed up with always being blamed for everything. “Like what Bill? You never believed me!” I say, louder than I


meant to.

Tears start to form in my eyes, but I’m not sad- I’m angry. “What’s the point of telling you that if you were just going to believe Doris over me?”

I notice Bill getting more worked up. This isn’t new to me; when he feels. backed into a corner or thinks he’s losing, he often gets upset and starts acting out. I’m ready for it, expecting him to drop the nice act he’s been putting on. Deep down, I know this caring side he’s showing isn’t. really him.

Instead of losing his temper as I expect, Bill surprises me. He takes a deep breath, a moment of pause that feels like the calm before a storm. But the storm doesn’t come.

“You’re right. I let Doris fool me. I should’ve listened to you better, Serena,” he admits. His voice carries a weight of regret. “I feel so stupid.

Hearing him acknowledge his mistake catches me off guard. Is this the apology I’ve been waiting for from him? No, not exactly. But seeing him lower his pride and own up to his mistake is something new. I’m not. used to Bill being like this. It feels so weird.

When I agree to talk with Bill, I’m ready for another fight. But it doesn’t happen. This throws me off. Is he planning something? I can’t help but be suspicious, considering everything we’ve been through.

“Are you okay?” Bill asks, noticing my distant gaze. His question pulls. me back from my thoughts.

“I just don’t get you,” I confess. “You’re not like this. Stop pretending. It’s freaking me out.”

“I just want to show you I’m capable of changing.” Bill says, leaning closer. “I can change for you, Serena. I can change for our family.”

Bill’s words catch me completely off guard, stirring a flood of emotions.

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inside me. Quickly, I turn my head away from him, trying to hide the tears that threaten to spill. “Ours? There’s no ‘our family‘, Bill,” I manage to say, though my voice cracks with emotion. “I’m raising my baby alone.

Lying here in bed, I start thinking, what if Doris hadn’t caused so much trouble? Would Bill and I be happier? This idea keeps going around in my head, making me imagine a simpler life without all these problems. Maybe we’d be happily getting ready for the baby, not stuck in this hospital with so much left unsaid.

Thinking about a life without Doris’s drama feels strange but kind of nice. Bill and I might be talking about baby names and our plans, not dealing with all this mess. But I know these thoughts won’t change where we are now.

Still, for a little while, it feels good to imagine a happier time, even if it’s just in my head.

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