
Chapter Becomes 52

Chapter 0052

Serena’s POV <

Serena’s POV

I’m in the middle of the exhibition, surrounded by the most beautiful jewelry I’ve ever seen. Each piece seems to shine brighter than the last, from intricate bracelets to elegant necklaces. I’m drawn to a collection of artisan rings, each with its own unique design.

Looking around at the bustling crowd, I can’t help but comment, “I didn’t realize there were so many jewelry connoisseurs in LA.

Calvin laughs lightly. “Yeah, it’s a pretty passionate crowd when it comes to things like this.”

Calvin is dressed sharply for the occasion, in a crisp, dark blue button- down shirt that complements his jeans perfectly – not too formal but far from casual, paired with sleek, polished boots.

I glance down at my own outfit, a simple floral dress paired with comfortable sandals, and can’t help but feel a bit underdressed standing next to him.

“You look great, Calvin. Sorry if I’m a bit underdressed. I threw this outfit together last minute,” I admit.

Calvin gives me a kind look. “Don’t worry about it. You look fantastic, Serena,” he says.

Calvin offers his arm for me to hold on to, a gentle smile on his face. Shall we?” he asks, ready to guide us through the crowd to the next display.

I smile, then gently loop my arm through Calvin’s. I feel this unexpected flutter, kind of like butterflies as I get closer to him. I catch a hint of

“This is nice, Calvin. Thanks for bringing me here,” I say, grateful for the moment and the company.

Calvin looks down at me, his eyes warm. “I’m glad you’re enjoying it. It’s a lot more fun with you here,” he responds.

We pause in front of a display showcasing a jewelry set by a French designer. The pieces are elegant, with flowing lines that mimic natural forms there are necklaces with pendants like delicate leaves,

bracelets that wind around the wrist like vines, and earrings that dangle. with the grace of dewdrops. The metals are a mix of silver and gold, and they’re complemented by stones in soft hues of green and blue, evoking a garden under the moonlight. It’s breathtaking in its simplicity and intricate detail.

Then, something or rather, someone

catches my eye in the back. It

takes me a second, but I realize it’s Marjorie. You can’t miss her, she’s got this way of standing out with her bright clothes and the way she carries herself.

I decide to go over to her. “Marjorie? So glad to see you here,” I say.

Marjorie turns, her face lighting up when she sees me. “Serena! What a surprise,” she responds, then quickly adds, “Do you have jewelry on display here?”

I shake my head, smiling. “No, I don’t. I’m just here as a jewelry lover, taking it all in,” I explain.

“Oh, I sure hope at the next exhibit, I’ll be seeing some jewelry you’ve made,” she says with a smile.

“Well, that’s the goal,” I reply.

“Hey, there you are,” Calvin says, making his way through the crowd to rejoin me.


“Hi, Calvin, this is the lady I mentioned to you about. This is Marjorie,” I say. “Marjorie, this is Calvin

“Richardson,” Marjorie finishes, cutting me off. “I think my husband has met you before.”

Calvin smiles and reaches out to shake Marjorie’s hand, saying, “I’m happy to finally meet you, Mrs. Munger.”

Marjorie frowns slightly and tells him, “Please, just call me Marjorie.”

“Of course, Marjorie. It’s a pleasure.” Calvin quickly adjusts, his smile unfaltering.

Marjorie looks between Calvin and me, a hint of curiosity in her eyes. So, are you two on a date?”

I laugh, a bit awkwardly, and shake my head. “Oh, no, we’re just friends.”

“That’s too bad,” Marjorie says. “You two look great together.”

Calvin and I catch each other’s eyes for a moment, a silent

acknowledgment passing between us. It’s true, there’s something there, a hint of something that might be more than just friendship. Feeling suddenly self–conscious, I drop my gaze.

Sensing the tension between Calvin and me, Marjorie decides to take her leave. “Well, I probably should get going. My husband will be looking for me,” she says.

“Oh, of course, Marjorie. It was really nice seeing you here,” I reply.

After Marjorie leaves, Calvin and I go back to looking at the jewelry, but things feel a bit weird now. We’re both kind of quiet, not really talking like we were before. It’s like we’re both thinking too much about what just happened. I keep looking over at him, trying to figure out if he’s as mixed up about this as I am.


As the crowd thins out, Calvin turns to me and asks, “So, how do you like the exhibit?”

“It’s been amazing,” I reply. “I feel so inspired looking at all these displays.”

“That’s great,” Calvin says, his eyes lighting up with a new idea. “But I have something else beautiful to show you.”

Curious, I can’t help but ask, “What is it?”

“Just follow me,” Calvin says.



I follow Calvin as we head towards the rooftop. Just before I can open. the door, he gently places his hands over my eyes. I trust Calvin completely, so I let him guide me forward, stepping into the unknown. with him leading the way.

“Are we close?” I find myself asking.

“Here we are,” Calvin responds, and we come to a stop. He carefully removes his hands from my eyes. “On the count of three, I want you to open your eyes,” he instructs softly.

Calvin counts down, “One… two… three.” I open my eyes and am greeted by the most breathtaking sunset.

The sky is a canvas of vibrant oranges, pinks, and purples, blending seamlessly into one another. The sun, a fiery orb, hangs low on the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow that bathes everything in a soft, ethereal light. The city below us stretches out, the buildings and streets. taking on a golden hue, making the whole world seem aglow.

“Wow, this is so beautiful, Calvin,” I say, my voice filled with wonder. “I never knew LA could look this breathtaking.”

“That’s not everything I want to show you” Calvin says Turm around

I do as the asks and find Calvin holding a small Cartier box. My heart skips a Great when I see it he opens to reveal a jade necklace; the very same one the gave me when but was in the hospital believe the is yours,” he says


I’m stummed to see the necklace again I never tagined Bill world menurm it to Calvin 7 don’t understand, Calvin What does this mean??“.

Calon takes a deep breath, his hands fidgeting sighay with the two means i like yok, Serena i always have, and always will be confesses

“And I’d be the happiest man alive if you be my gehiend‘ Calion says, his hazel eyes looking deeply to mode

I’m standing there, mouth slightly open, just staring at Calvin, completely taken by surprise. I can’t find the words; they’re lost in the shock and the quick beats of my heart. I blink a few times, trying to make sense of what he’s just said.

Deep down, part of me guessed he might confess. There were signs, little moments that hinted at it. But knowing it could happen and facing it are two different things. Now that he’s actually said it, I’m frozen, not sure how to respond.

“Why now, Calvin?” I finally managed to get the words out. “You once said you saw me only as your nephew’s wife.”

Calvin pauses, a frown creasing his forehead, clearly not the reaction he was hoping for from me. “I used to tell myself I was only fond of your because you’re family, Serena,” he says. “But I realized I was in denial about my true feelings for you.

Now it’s clear that both Calvin and I were just holding back, scared to let ourselves fall completely. He’s opened up about his feelings, and I thought I’d be happy. Yet, here I am, feeling more stuck than ever.

“This is… complicated. And you know it. Bill will never forgive us if we end up together,” I say.

I turn away from Calvin, needing a moment to gather my thoughts. However, he gently places his hands on my shoulders, turning me back to face him. “Hey, look at me,” he urges softly. “I thought I wanted to keep things simple, not complicate them by pursuing you. But I can’t ignore it anymore- my feelings for you keep growing. You mean more to me than anything else, Serena.”

If Bill had said something like this to me before, I might have dropped


the whole divorce idea and welcomed him back with open arms. I had been waiting to hear words like that from him. But what am I thinking? It’s Calvin standing here in front of me, opening his heart. Not Bill. Why do I keep thinking about my ex–husband?

“Listen to yourself, Calvin,” I say, my brow furrowed with concern. “I shouldn’t come before your family. You’ve already been away from them for so long. I don’t want to be the reason you drift even further apart.”

“Why do you think I’m still here in LA, Serena?” Calvin asks, his tone earnest. “I want to be as close to you as possible. Please let me take care of you, as your man.”

If Calvin had asked me to be his girlfriend at the restaurant, I might have said yes. But everything’s changed since Bill told me he still loves me. This could ruin their family, and I don’t want to be at the center of it all.

“No, Calvin. I–I can’t,” I stammer, feeling a knot tighten in my stomach.” We can’t be together right now.”

“Why not?” Calvin asks, his voice calm, searching my face for an answer.

“Because I’m still in the middle of making a name for myself, Calvin,” I explain. “Plus, I have my baby on the way… It’s all too much. The last thing I want is to get caught up in your family drama.”

Calvin nods. “I understand,” he says softly as he closes the jewelry box. ” I’ll give you more time to think about us, Serena. I’ll wait until you’re ready.”

“Thank you, Calvin,” I say. “I hope we can still be friends.”

Calvin gives me a smile, but I can tell he’s just hiding his hurt. “Of course. I’ll always be here for you, no matter what.”


Calvin offers to drive me home, but I refuse. “I think I need to stay here a bit longer, just to think,” I tell him.

“Okay, if that’s what you need. Just call me if you change your mind or need anything,” Calvin says.

Calvin leaves, and I find myself alone, gazing out at the sprawling

expanse of LA below. The city lights twinkle like a sea of stars. Buildings glow with life, streets stretch out in veins of light, and the distant hum of the city.

Did I make the right decision by turning Calvin down? Don’t get me wrong, he’s amazing. He’s always been so patient and caring with me. He might even be the most gentlemanly person I know.

But then there’s Bill, his nephew and my ex–husband. Right now, our only connection is the baby he doesn’t know about. I know I can’t start a relationship with Calvin if Bill is still in the picture. Unless Bill has completely accepted that we can no longer be together, I don’t want to deal with the complications involving their family.

My thoughts are interrupted by a detestable voice. “Brava, Serena,” taunts a woman from the darkness, her slow clap echoing around me.

I know that voice anywhere, and she’s the last person I want to deal with right now. Doris steps into the light, and yep, it’s her alright.

I let out a sigh. “What do you want, Doris?” I ask, feeling done with her already.

“Oh, I just came to congratulate you,” she says, smirking. “You finally got knocked up by your new sugar daddy!”

She must have been eavesdropping for a while. “You heard everything?” I ask, my voice tight. “And who says Calvin is the father of my child?”

Doris’s smirk fades as she comes to a sudden realization – Bill is the

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Chapter 0053

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