
Chapter Becomes 35

Chapter 0035

Stevie takes the camera from her bag and snaps a photo of the rose quartz necklace. She suggests, “All you need to do is sell these in your store and market them online.”

I frown, feeling overwhelmed. “But I’m not a techie person, Stevie. It’s going to be hard for me, and I have no idea what content to post.”

Stevie reassures me, placing a hand on my shoulder. “Relax, Serena. I’ll help with the marketing. As for content, why not document your DIY process? People love watching those kinds of videos online, like those slime videos.

Her idea sparks hope. “That’s actually a great idea, Stevie!”

Stevie falls silent, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. “Hey, didn’t you and your friend check out Melrose the other day to look for a space?

“Yeah, but Melrose is way out of budget as of now,” I reply,

disappointment evident in my voice. “Too bad, though. We found the perfect place there.”

“I see,” Stevie says. “Hey, maybe after a few years, you can totally get a place in Melrose. Just manifest it.”

I raise an eyebrow, amused. “Wow, you believe in that hoo–hoo stuff?”

Stevie nods, her expression earnest. “Absolutely, that’s how I manifested being a semi–successful photographer.”

I chuckle, impressed by her confidence. “Well, if it worked for you, maybe there’s something to it after all.”

As Stevie and I share a laugh over our conversation, my phone suddenly rings. I glance at the caller ID and see that it’s Calvin calling.


I raise an eyebrow, surprised. “It’s Calvin,” I say to Stevie, before. answering the call. “Hey, Calvin, what’s up?”

Stevie shoots me a curious glance as I listen to Calvin’s voice on the

other end of the line.

“Hey Serena,” Calvin greets. “Listen, I think I might have found a place for your store.”

I’m taken aback, in a good way. “Wow, Stevie and I are just talking about. it. Can you please tell me more?”

“Of course,” Calvin says. “My friend who owns a mall just told me there’s a commercial space up for rent in his mall.”

1 can hardly believe my ears. “Seriously? That’s incredible, Calvin! A mall location could be perfect for my jewelry business.”

“It’s not much and smaller compared to the one we saw in Melrose, but it’s definitely cheaper to rent there,” Calvin says. “Hmm, probably we can see it together if you’d like.”

“Oh, that would be nice. I’d love to see it,” I say with genuine enthusiasm.

“Great, just let me know when you’re free,” Calvin says. “And one more thing.”

“Uh–huh?” I reply.

“Maybe we can talk about business strategy over dinner. Would you like that?” Calvin asks.

“Uhhh,” I mumble, feeling the heat rising to my face. Great. Now Stevie is probably noticing how red I look.

“Serena?” Calvin asks as if checking if I’m still on the line.

“Yes, Calvin. Dinner sounds great. I’ll let you know when I’m free,” I say, trying to regain my composure.

Chapter 0035


Okay, I have to go. See you soon,” Calvin says.

See you soon, Calvin,” I reply before hanging up the phone.

Stevie’s concern doesn’t wane, and she moves closer, peering at me intently. “Are you okay, Serena? You look a little flushed.”

“Yep, never better,” I reply quickly, turning away and covering my face with my hands, hoping she won’t notice my embarrassment.

But Stevie isn’t fooled. “Hold on,” she says, her suspicion evident. She gently removes my hands from my face and takes a closer look. “Holy shit! I know that look!”

“What look?” I say, attempting to feign ignorance.

“You’re red as a tomato!” Stevie exclaims. “You only have that look. when you’ve had a great date with a guy you liked.”

I try to brush off her observation. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Stevie,” I deny, feeling my cheeks grow even hotter.

Stevie giggles like a little girl.” Be honest, do you have a new boyfriend?

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