Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 86

Chapter 86 – Eden

I lay in the bed, seemingly my prison now I was on strict bed rest. It was getting more than a little boring now. Tiresome. Repetitive. If this baby does not come out soon, I am going to start pushing and hope for the best. I don’t care if contractions have started or not. I will force the little b***er right out. I don’t think I could stretch anymore. And as much as I love my mate, he irritates me. Killing me with kindness. Not to mention s**y.

“Aww, does it hurt when the baby does this?” “When the baby pees inside of you, where does it go?” comments like that were. becoming a regular occurrence, and I was running out of patience… though his favorite comment lately had been, “You know they say sex brings on labor…” Oh yeah, because I feel incredibly **y right now! Oozing sex appeal from each and every pore… I am the size of a beached whale! I swear he brings that thing near me again anytime soon, and I will chop it off! It is because of that thing I am in this much discomfort. It is alright for him, he sticks it in, wiggles it around a bit, gets his kicks, and he’s good to go. Me, I am the one struggling for months after…

Okay, I may turn into a pregnant monster. So, unsurprisingly, when Asher, or one of our family or friends calls in to visit me, Caleb takes a break from sitting with me at the hospital, and goes to check in at work or with Matty, our little one, who has been spending time with our parents more in recent days.

So, to see Asher walk in, looking even more moodier than normal, I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted Caleb to leave, but he still took the opportunity, but I guess couldn’t blame him when I



Chapter 86 – Eden

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had just given him a hard time for suggesting a little fun in my hospital suite’s washroom. I swear men think with their bits, not their brain… or my mate certainly does!

“Hey sweetheart.” Asher leaned over to give me a half-hug. He wasn’t keen on personal contact, so I allowed him that much. Besides, I was far too warm and uncomfortable for a proper hug. “I brought you some fruit.” He says with a smile.

“Wonderful, I will add it to the rest my family brought. Will be able to open a shop soon.” I said, realizing a little too late how ungrateful and sarcastic I sounded. Fortunately, I knew Asher wouldn’t care.

He nodded, as he sat himself down on the chair next to my bed. “I expect a cut of the profits then.”

And, I found myself smirking. “You okay Ash? You look even less happy than usual.”

“Wow, cheers Eden, you have such a nice way with words, you know?” he said with a roll of his eyes, telling me he was not open to talking about it. I have known him long enough to know his body language. Something was bothering him, but Asher was like a closed book. He rarely talked about his problems, or the things that worried him. It bothered me, because I think he would find himself so much happier if he just opened up to


“Always happy to help.” I said with a smile. “So, how are things in the pack? Any gossip?” I asked, desperate for something exciting. I was bored as hell sitting here each day with nothing going on. It was as exciting as watching paint dry.

“Not a clue. You know I don’t pay attention to gossip, Eden.”


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Chapter B-Eden

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Asher said with a shrug.

“Jeez, Ash, I need to train you better, you are no good as a messenger.” I rolled my eyes.

“A messenger? So I am a messenger as well as your host now?” he snapped.

I looked at him in surprise. Was he actually angry at me over that? At the end of the day, that was part of his duties as Beta, he knew that. “Asher, what is up? You know that is your job too. Bailey is nice enough. Do you and her not get along?” I urged, and just as he was about to answer, the door to my room opened, only for Caleb to walk back in. He had only just left. Did he

get bored and come back? Or did he get lost? Even I don’t think he is that simple…

“Didn’t you just leave?” I asked him with confusion.

Caleb grinned at me sarcastically. “Aww, and I love you too baby! So lovely to see your bright and beautiful face!” he stuck his tongue out and blew a raspberry at me, the cheeky fucker, before continuing. “However, I found someone on the corridor I thought you might like to see.”

He had my attention now. I know I had asked Bailey to come, so I wonder if it was her, though would she have finished her work by now? Caleb motioned for someone to come into the room, and as he did Bailey walked into the room looking more than a little uncomfortable, bless her. Her eyes fell on me, and she smiled, so I grinned back. “Yay! Bailey!” I greeted her, so she knew I was pleased to see her, and there was no reason to feel uncomfortable.

Bot, then, for some reason, Asher began to move on the chair

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Chapter B-Eden

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next to the bed, and began to clear his throat, just as it looked like Bailey was about to speak “I will get going Eden. Leave you to spend time with Bailey.” He said, appearing to be avoiding everyone’s gaze. What the hell was wrong with him? I had been trying to make Bailey feel less uncomfortable, yet the moment she walks in, Asher acts like this? I swear this man needs classes in how to interact with people… he was never this bad before…

“What?” I asked, unable to hide my surprise. “You just got here Ash, don’t be ridiculous. I can hold a conversation with more than one person at once, you know? I know it may be beyond your abilities, but I can manage it.”

Yet Asher appeared to ignore what I had said and continued to stand. Evidently still planning to leave. “Honestly sweetheart, it is fine, I will let you spend some time with Bailey. I can come back later.”

I couldn’t help but frown. What was his rush to leave? “Sit down you idiot. You only just got here. Don’t be so rude!” I couldn’t help but snap at him, his behavior was downright ignorant. I had already asked him to welcome Bailey to the pack and make her feel like she was welcome, yet this could not be further from that.

Asher fidgeted uncomfortably on the spot, still avoiding the gazes of us all, and now I could see Bailey was looking uncomfortable too. ‘Right f**kface.’ I snapped through the mindlink at Asher. ‘What is going on, because I asked you to welcome the new girl, yet she arrives, and you are wanting to get away as soon as you can. Did you do something you shouldn’t? You better not have had an argument with her already. You and that f**g temper of yours.’


Chapter 86 Eden

‘Oh, back off Eden.’ Asher responded. ‘Mindlinking with her in the room is rude, is it not? Fine, if it bothers you so greatly, I will stay. Don’t expect me to talk much is all I will say.’

Asher dropped himself back down into the seat he had been sitting in, his face sulking like a toddler throwing a tantrum. I swear this man was like an overgrown man-child. A bit like his best friend and Alpha. The pack was being run by two oversized children…

I looked at Bailey, hoping to salvage the situation. I want her to like it here. She could be good for our school. Plus, I genuinely liked her, and thought we could be friends. “How are you? Did you have a good day? Is everything good with you?” she smiled awkwardly, glancing over at Asher as she did… hmmm, something seemed to be going on here. I didn’t know what it was, but I swear I would find out…

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