Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 41

Chapter 41 Bailey

After what had felt like the longest drive in history, though perhaps that was something to do with the Each my Dad had done nothing but rant the whole time since the moment I had mentioned the whole Miles and Morgan situation, we had arrived safely at the gates of Autumn Valley Pack heading toward Zam I felt terrible arriving at that time, wishing we had found a hotel nearby to stay, rather than turning up at the pack now, but my Dad was adamant somebody would be up. Not to mention Luna Eden had said anytime would be fine..

The guard at the gate had greeted us cheerfully considering the ungodly hour, and he had said he had bern expecting me, so at least Luna Eden hadn’t forgotten about my arrival. He allowed me through the gite with no issues, giving me directions to the packhouse, telling me that someone would meet me there. So, I assumed Luna Eden would find me there. She did say she would be giving me a room in the packhouse for the first few weeks possibly, until a home was arranged, but I was fine with that Their packhouse was lovely, from what I recall Their whole pack was

So welcome to your new home. Bailey Dad said to me with a smile as he looked out of the windows at the park we passed despite it being pitch black outside.

“Only while I work here.” I said with a shrug, knowing that because I was not finding a mate, or officially Having my home pack, the Lotus Shadow Pack would always remain my home. Here would remain my temporary home whilst I was working Though, with things as they were back at Lotus Shadow, and the current situation with Miles, I think visits back there would be few and far between. I could only imagine his response when he discovered I had planned my escape without his or his father’s

mission. But, I had no intention of returning. I would beg for refuge here if needed, if Miles came demanding my return.

*Still, you are away from Lotus Shadow, and from Miles. He told me.

“Do you think you will be able to get him dealt with properly?” I can’t help but question, as this doubt is so frequently popping up within my mind.

“I will do all I can to ensure it. Bailey. So will your brother, and Ellis.” He says with a somber smile, as the parkhouse comes into view. Quite the sight, even in the dark. “And I hope your Uncle will be backing that too when he hears everything we tell him.”

I find myself sighing at his words. I wasn’t too hopeful in all honesty at my Uncle’s response. I didn’t have the greatest faith in how he would react nor in how he would deal with it. He had allowed Miles to get away with far too much for far too long, and that worried me, that this would be no different.

“Oh wonderful! My Dad chuckled to himself as we pulled onto the parking area outside the parkhouse, making me look across at him, wondering if he was losing his mind. “It looks like the cheerful one is here.”

I looked at him with serious confusion. “What?”

“Do you not remember from the party?” he said with a smirk, and it was just as I said that my eyes. settled upon the tall, dark-haired man leaning upon the walls of the packhouse. All dressed in black. If

wasn’t for the delicate outdoor lighting and my car lights, I would have missed him. More like a warmpire than a werewolf this one…

Balance 462+00

Chapter 41 Bailey



were that it was him meeting us. I thought it would be Luna Falen. I am beginning to wish more than ever it was anyone but this grumpy b**d…

I stopped the car, and as I did, the moody-vampire-n moved down the packhouse steps to meet me by my car. “You arrived then?” he stated as I stepped from my car, his voice sounding far from welcoming. Nothing like stating the obvious was there

“Looks like it.” I said with a smile, trying hard to be polite,

“You not heard of the daytime hours?” he asked with a hint of sarcasm, though I am unsure if that was an attempt at humor or if he was p**ed off that he was having to meet me at this time of night

My Dad stepped from the car now too. “Sorry Beta Asher, that was my fault, Got held up before we left. Though your lovely Luna did say anytime. Seemed awfully keen to have our Bailey here to work as soon as possible.

I saw the face of the Beta contort in what I can only assume was irritation at my Dad’s words, while I was trying hard not to smirk.

“You brought your father with you too? Not able to travel alone? Or are you still scared of the dark?” he asked with a smirk of his own, making me want to slap the smirk right off his face.

“Beta Asher, I would ask if you got out of the wrong side of your bed, but looking at your face I am not sure whether you have been to bed. So, what is with the attitude?” My Dad demands, making me wish the ground would swallow me up whole…

Beta Asher turned to look at my Dad with a dark stare, evidently not appreciating the fact he had spoken to him that way, though my Dad truly would not care, and the big smile on his face made that


“I do not have an attitude.” Beta Asher says grumpily. Just don’t understand why you chose to arrive at an ungodly hour. And why she chose to bring her Dadily with her.”

I feel Akira rippling beneath my skin now at the attitude of the man in front of us. ‘Bite him. Cheeky f**’ She snarls. Beta or no, he is an a**

Akira leave it, he is our new boss. Along with the Alpha and Luna. I warned her.

“Still, it wouldn’t hurt him to be nicer’ She tells me.

“Well, if there was an issue, perhaps your Luna should have communicated that a little clearer. 1 a mind reader, Beta.” I said to him, giving him a dark stare, and as I did, his big green eyes looked at

me. I saw a glint of humor there, I am sure of it, as he raised his eyebrows at me.

“Hmm” He says, but his eyes are regarding me with curiosity. “Let me take you to your room. Luna Eden las allocated you a room in the packhouse, I am afraid, Miss West. Until a house has been prepared for you at least. That is what happens when you demand a position at such short notice.” He says bluntly, and once again 1 lil myself a little irritiged, but fight back the urge to be rude.

“Thank you”


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12:17 Wed, Jul 31

Chapter 41 Bailey



Donovan” Beta Asher says to my Dad with an almost dirty look in his direction like him being here was such an inconvenience, Evidently, socializing and being welcoming were not this guy’s strong points.

“If it is going to be a problem, I could find a motel.” My Dad said, giving Beta Asher the same dirty look back, Jerz, this was not awkward much….

“And the two of you couldn’t have just done that until a decent hour before coming here?” Beta Asher asked, as he signaled to the nearby staircase.

I rolled my eyes once more at his lack of people skills, “You mean this isn’t a motel?” my Dad said with a sarefistic sanile, and I held back the smirk that was threatening, because right about now Beta Asher looks like he wants to drop-kick my Dad down the stairs, and probably right out of his packhouse wasn’t going too well so far…

“Do you know what day I am due to start at the school?” I asked the Beta, hoping a change in the subject may help the awkward and uncomfortable atmosphere and may improve the situation.

Beta Asher looked across at me as we walked up the stairs. “Did someone tell you I was in charge of you?” he asks coldly. “Because last time I checked I don’t believe I was. Luna Eden employed you. So. I haven’t got a clue.

Wow. I didn’t know what to say or where to look now. Did he realize how rude he came across when he spoke? Did he even care?

Stick your foot out. Akira grumbled within my mind, getting tired now, as I was, ‘He might fall down the stairs. Imagine the fun watching that big lump falling all the way down the stairs. She chuckled to herself, and I couldn’t help but smile to myself at her words.

“Something you find amusing, Miss West?” Beta Asher asked me, looking over at me, with curiosity.

“Well it most certainly isn’t you.” I said sarcastically, and again I saw that slight glint within his eyes, as ! heard my Dad chuckling behind me,

That is it Bailey, you get the f****r told. My Dad mindlinked me, making me smile. Oh, I intended

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