Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 189

Chapter 189 Bailey

Chapter 189 – Bailey

I was never going to take the words of Miles as the truth. He never did speak the truth. I knew that. I saw the hurt upon Asher’s face as I said I wanted to hear what Miles had to say, but, I wanted to hear what he had to say. I wanted to see if he would apologize to me. I felt I deserved an apology after everything over the years. And, I wanted an explanation. Over the years I had tried so hard to work out what it was that made Miles turn on me, and had never been able to fathom it. Hearing him say it was because I had refused to do his school work to help him gain his grades made me see that I had been right all along.

His reasons were not valid. Not in my mind. He said he could change. I knew he couldn’t. Or he would have done as he grew up. He would have seen the error of his ways, and if anything, over time, he had got worse. No. I knew what I needed to do. He just made it harder when he kept mentioning the pack. He was right, we were brought up to be loyal to our pack, and that was what kept me coming back to the pack. So many times during my time away studying I had been tempted to go AWOL. To never return. I had told myself I was sure I wouldn’t be missed, my parents’ focus was always on my brother, with him being the heir to the Beta title. Or my younger sister. I easily faded into the background.

But, no, the commitment to our pack that we had ingrained within us would play upon my mind and always bring me back. That and a loyalty to my family. But this time it was competing

Dad’s with love. Love for Asher. And, I knew now I had my


permission. He had said he was happy for me to be here. But, deep down, I knew even if he hadn’t, I would be leaving. I wanted Asher. I wanted to leave and be here. Autumn Valley Pack was all I wanted the job, the community, and, of course, the mean, mysterious and moody Beta that had etched his place within my heart. I wanted all of that. I needed Asher. He had changed my view of life. Of myself. I couldn’t imagine my life without him now; and I was not ready to let him go.

So when Miles was trying his hardest with his fake-a** pimp voice, that so many of the she-wolves in the pack would swoon over, trying to convince me to imagine us as Alpha and Luna, and adding in the manipulation of thinking of the pack, found my eyes looking at Asher. I could see the fear in his eyes. He was scared of losing me. Akira was telling me that. She and Zion had to be talking, despite her weakness. I knew then what I needed to do. It would end all questions, and hopefully it would send this d**k packing too. I would not risk this anymore…

I felt tears in my eyes, and Asher wrapped his arms around me. winced in pain as he did, but right now, I didn’t care. I knew what I needed to do, whether there were people watching us or not. We could do this again when we were alone. Right now, we needed to do this. Make this official. I rested my mouth next to his ear, and felt him shiver, the way I love when I know I am doing something he likes, before whispered to him so nobody else could hear, “Ash?” I felt him nodding. I couldn’t quite believe I was about to do this. “I know this is out of the blue, and so not how we would have wanted this, but if we do this now, he can do no more. I will be yours. I will belong to you. To your pack…” my voice faltered. What if he didn’t want this yet? But I knew I had to ask. “Will you mark me?”

The smile upon his face told me all I needed to know as I


offered him my neck. The shock of pain as his teeth broke my skin, was soon followed by an exhilarating pleasure running through me as I felt the matebond begin to form. Oh! wow… we were really doing this! I was going to be Asher’s mate! After everything…

Who would have thought when I walked into this place all those, weeks ago I would be finding my mate? My mind was a blur as I smiled up at Asher. He was my mate… Akira purred happily in my mind. This was meant to be.

‘Hey you.’ I couldn’t help but link, with a little wink to test out the mindsink, and Asher smiled, his face full of happiness.

“Well, I think you have your answer, don’t you?” Alpha Caleb said to Miles, and he most certainly did. I hope our actions have shown him exactly where he stands now. I would never have gone back to the pack, and he was never meant for me.

“No. Bailey, you are making a mistake. You know that right?” Miles said coldly, trying to get my attention. I turned to look at him, shaking my head. He had a f**ng nerve. I am making a mistake?

“No. You were the mistake Miles. A mistake from the moon goddess when she fated me to you. Because that never made sense. I would never come back to you. Or that pack.” I told Miles, while squeezing Asher’s hand. I knew where I was meant to be. “This is where I belong.”

The proudness upon Asher’s face told me all I needed to know, while Miles shook his head, with an expression I don’t think I had seen upon his face before. Remorse? Guilt? Pity? I honestly didn’t know. I think he knew he had lost everything. “Clearly you made your choice. I do not want another man’s **py seconds.


Chapter 189-Bailey

288 Vouchers

I will be leaving now.” He began to turn away, and I was more than happy to allow him to go, sol was surprised to hear Alpha Caleb intervene.

“I am afraid that isn’t happening.” Alpha Caleb said, his voice full of authority. “You have said what you came to say, allowed Bailey to gain her closure, and had somewhat of a pathetic attempt at an apology. Now, you will come to the cells. The Council are on their way for you.”

I was shocked by his words. Somebody had finally reported him to the Werewolf Council? I had been tempted so many times, but Miles had made so many threats to me. I had always backed out, knowing I would have no proof or no back up. Now there was back up, and plenty of it…

Miles’s eyes flashed dark, and I knew what that meant, as he roared. “The f**king council?!” He surged forward, his wolf Jet ready to take control, and I knew then we would be in trouble as he was as crazy, if not more so than Miles. But at that instant, Asher, Caleb and Marc were moving. All toward Miles, ready to take him down, and they did. Knocking him to the floor with a sickening thud. Before the doctor who had slipped into the room at some point, leaned over to where Miles was now layed pinned to the floor by the three strong men of my new pack, and stabbed him in the neck with a syringe, I could only guess with what was likely wolfsbane to sedate him and his wolf…

“We shall take him to the cells, and wait for the Council. He is sedated now. Wolfsbane means he won’t be hurting anyone.” Caleb said calmly, like he was discussing the weather, rather than having just taken down an absolute ps**. A man who had been making my life hell for far too long. This man was a hero. They all were.


Chapter 189-Bailey

1288 Vouchers

“You two have some time alone. “Congratulations, though.” he smiled with a wink, and I could see the big beaming smile upon Asher’s face as we watched everyone leave the room, Morgan giving me a sly little wink as she did. Nothing like being indiscreet…

“So, that was unexpected…” Asher looked at me, his eyes filled with so much happiness, I could not help but smile.

“I am sorry for putting you on the spot.” I looked up at him awkwardly, hoping he didn’t mind what had happened.

But that smile upon his face did not falter, not even for a moment. I think this was the happiest I had seen him since I had arrived. This was most definitely a different side to Asher…

‘You think he has been drinking while we were gone?’ Akira asked with a giggle, making me smile again. ‘Or is he just high on looooovvvee?!’ she teased. Yeah, I think my wolf would be just fine…

“You do not have to apologize for anything. I would have marked you that first night we spent together…” Asher exclaimed, then he looked down as he seemed to realize what he had admitted, and I giggled.

“Oh, is that right?” I stroked his hand with mine, loving the touch of his skin under mine. I could not wait to be better, so we could be snuggled up together again. “You kept that to yourself didn’t you?!” I teased.

He smiled. “Well, all I can say is I can’t tell you how good it feels to know you are mine, beautiful.” He reached over and gently stroked my face. “I swear Bailey,I could not stop thinking of you since the moment you arrived here. You turned my world upside


down without even intending to. I have been terrified the whole time you were away wishing I had told you how I felt for you. Seems I was a little slow on the uptake, scared to admit what I was feeling. But, you were everything I needed and I hadn’t even known it. I love you, Bailey.”

My heart fluttered at his words. He had told me he loved me…

‘Let me at him!’ Akira purred, and I felt her push forward, my canines beginning to elongate, I think she had decided it was time to mark her man…



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